\documentclass[border=3pt]{standalone} %Drawing \usepackage{tikz} %Tikz Library \usetikzlibrary{calc} %Notation \usepackage{physics} \begin{document} % All numbers must be in [0,1] to fall in the plane drawn \def\t{0.9} \def\s{0.04} \def\tt{0.3} \def\ss{0.7} \def\ttt{0.5} \def\sss{0.5} \begin{tikzpicture}[x={(1cm,0.4cm)}, y={(8mm, -3mm)}, z={(0cm,1cm)}, line cap=round, line join=round] %Coordinates %Plane Vertex Points \coordinate (x1) at (-2,2,3); \coordinate (x2) at (2,2,5); \coordinate (x3) at (2,-2,5); \coordinate (x4) at (-2,-2,3); %Vectors Parallel to Plane \coordinate (n1) at ($(x2) - (x1)$); \coordinate (n2) at ($(x2) - (x3)$); %Points on Plane \coordinate (x5) at ($(x1) + \s*(n1) - \t*(n2)$); \node[outer sep = 1pt, inner sep = 1pt] (x6) at ($(x1) + \ss*(n1) - \tt*(n2)$) {}; \coordinate (x7) at ($(x1) + \sss*(n1) - \ttt*(n2)$); %Beginning of Axis \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0); %Random Point \node[outer sep = 1pt, inner sep = 1pt] (P) at (2.5,1,5.5) {}; %Axis \draw[-latex] (-2.5,0,0) -- (2.5,0,0) node[pos = 1.05] {$x$}; \draw[-latex] (0,-3.5,0) -- (0,3.5,0) node[pos = 1.05] {$y$}; \draw[-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,7) node[pos = 1.05] {$z$}; \draw[draw=black, fill=black] (O) circle (1pt) node[below] {${O}$}; %Point on Plane \draw[-latex, thick] (O) -- (x6) node[pos=0.45, shift={(0.1,0.3)}] {$\vb{r_o}$}; %Plane \path[draw=black, fill=black!20, thick, opacity = 0.8] (x1) -- (x2) -- (x3) -- (x4) -- (x1); \node[shift={(-0.45,0.6)}] at (x3) {$\Pi$}; %Perpendicular Vector \draw[-latex, thick] (x5) -- ($(x5)!0.07!(-8,0,24)$) node[pos=0.5, shift={(-0.2,-0.1)}] {$\vb{u}$}; %Point on Plane \draw[draw=black, fill=black] (x6) circle (1pt) node[above right] {${P_o}$}; %Z-axis Section \draw[draw=black, fill=black] (x7) circle (0.5pt); \draw (x7) -- (0,0,6.5); % %Random Point % \draw[-latex, thick] (O) -- (P) node[pos=0.45, shift={(0.1,0.3)}] {$\vb{r}$}; % \draw[draw=black, fill=black] (P) circle (1pt) node[above right] {$\mathrm{P}$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}