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\documentclass[border=3pt]{standalone} % Drawing \usepackage{tikz} %Notation \usepackage{amsmath} % Tikz Library \usetikzlibrary{angles, quotes, shapes, decorations.markings, calc, arrows.meta} % Styles %% Node Style in Order Text to Get Center Alignment \tikzset{every text node part/.style={align=center}} %% Main Ray Style \tikzset{ray/.style = {postaction=decorate,decoration={markings, mark=at position .49 with \arrow{stealth}, mark=between positions 0.1 and 0.4 step 0.5cm with with{ \draw[fill=red, draw = red] circle[radius=1pt]; \draw[red, {Latex[length=1.3mm, width=1.5mm]}-{Latex[length=1.3mm, width=1.5mm]}] (0,-7pt) -- (0,7pt);}, mark=between positions 0.6 and 0.9 step 0.5cm with with{ \draw[fill=red, draw = red] circle[radius=1pt]; \draw[red, {Latex[length=1.3mm, width=1.5mm]}-{Latex[length=1.3mm, width=1.5mm]}] (0,-7pt) -- (0,7pt);} } } } %% Bottom Ray Inside Box \tikzset{rayE1/.style = {postaction=decorate,decoration={markings, mark=at position .52 with \arrow{stealth}, mark=between positions 0.65 and 0.9 step 0.7cm with with{ \draw[red, {Latex[length=1.3mm, width=1.5mm]}-{Latex[length=1.3mm, width=1.5mm]}] (0,-7pt) -- (0,7pt); \draw[fill=black!10, draw = black!10] circle[radius=1pt];} } } } %% Bottom Ray Outside Box \tikzset{rayE2/.style = {postaction=decorate,decoration={markings, mark=at position .52 with \arrow{stealth}, mark=between positions 0.1 and 0.4 step 0.54cm with with{ \draw[red, {Latex[length=1.3mm, width=1.5mm]}-{Latex[length=1.3mm, width=1.5mm]}] (0,-7pt) -- (0,7pt); \draw[fill=white, draw = white] circle[radius=1pt];}, mark=between positions 0.6 and 0.9 step 0.5cm with with{ \draw[red, {Latex[length=1.3mm, width=1.5mm]}-{Latex[length=1.3mm, width=1.5mm]}] (0,-7pt) -- (0,7pt); \draw[fill=white, draw = white] circle[radius=1pt];} } } } %% Upper Ray Inside Box \tikzset{rayT1/.style = {postaction=decorate,decoration={markings, mark=at position .52 with \arrow{stealth}, mark=between positions 0.65 and 0.9 step 0.7cm with with{ \draw[fill=red, draw = red] circle[radius=1pt];} } } } %% Upper Ray Outside Box \tikzset{rayT2/.style = {postaction=decorate,decoration={markings, mark=at position .52 with \arrow{stealth}, mark=between positions 0.1 and 0.4 step 0.54cm with with{ \draw[fill=red, draw = red] circle[radius=1pt];}, mark=between positions 0.6 and 0.9 step 0.5cm with with{ \draw[fill=red, draw = red] circle[radius=1pt];} } } } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round, line join=round] % Grid % \draw[dotted, black!20] (0,0) grid (8,8); % % \node at (-2ex,-2ex) {$0$}; % \foreach \i in {1,...,8} % { % \node at (-2ex,\i) {$\i$}; % \node at (\i,-2ex) {$\i$}; % } % Coordinates \coordinate (A) at (0,2); \coordinate (B) at (2.5,2); % \coordinate (B') at (5.5,2); \coordinate (B'') at (5.5,1); \coordinate (C') at (8,2); \coordinate (C'') at (8,1); %Rectangle \draw[thick, fill=black!10] (2.5,0) rectangle (5.5,3); % Rays \draw[very thick, ray] (A) -- (B); %% Upper Ray \draw[very thick, rayT1] (B) -- (B'); \draw[very thick, rayE1] (B) -- (B''); %% Bottom Ray \draw[very thick, rayT2] (B') -- (C'); \draw[very thick, rayE2] (B'') -- (C''); % Nodes \node at (1,3) {\small Unpolarized\\[-0.5mm]\small Light}; \node at (6.8,2.5) {\small $\mathrm{O}$ Ray}; \node at (6.8,0.4) {\small $\mathrm{E}$ Ray}; \node at (4,3.5) (node) {\small Birefringent Material}; % Dashed Axis \draw[dashed, thick] (4,-0.5) -- (4,0) node[pos=0, below] {\small{Optical}\\[-0.5mm]\small{Axis}}; \draw[dashed, thick] (4,3) -- (node) -- (4,4); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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See more on the author page of Alexandros Tsagkaropolulos.