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\documentclass[borders=2pt]{standalone} % Drawing \usepackage{tikz} % Define Color \definecolor{g1}{rgb}{0.0, 1.0, 0.0} % Tikz Library \usetikzlibrary{angles, quotes, calc, decorations.markings, decorations.pathmorphing, intersections} % Styles \tikzset{every node/.style={align=center}} \tikzset{arrow inside/.style = {postaction=decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position .52 with \arrow{stealth}}}} \tikzset{ray/.style={very thick, red}} \tikzset{line/.style={thick, black}} \tikzset{lined/.style={thick, black, dashed}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % % Grid % \draw[dotted, black!30] (0,0) grid (10,10); % \foreach \i in {0,...,10} % { % \node at (-2ex,\i) {\i}; % \node at (\i,-2ex) {\i}; % } % Coordinates %% Rays \coordinate (A') at (5,9); \coordinate (A'') at (5,1); \coordinate (B) at (4.6,4); \coordinate (B') at (4.6,1); %% Rectangles \coordinate (a) at (2,6); \coordinate (b) at (8,4); %% Comptutated \coordinate (A) at ($(a)+(3,0)$); % Rays \draw[name path=ray1, ray, arrow inside] (A') -- (A); % Rectangles \draw[name path=rect, line] (a) rectangle (b); \draw[name path=rect_rot, line, rotate around = {-40:(A)}] (2,6) rectangle (8,4); % Dashed \draw[name path=dashed1, lined] (A) -- (A''); \draw[lined, rotate around={-40:(A)}] (5,7.5) coordinate (k) -- (5,2.5) coordinate (k'); \draw[name path=dashed2, white] ($(B)+(0,-0.05)$) -- (B'); % white line for B intersection % Intersection For Points D, E, B \path [name intersections={of=dashed1 and rect_rot, by={rrd1, rrd2}}] ; \path [name intersections={of=dashed1 and rect, by={rd1, rd2}}] ; \path [name intersections={of=dashed2 and rect_rot, by={rrd2}}] ; % Refracted Rays \draw[ray, arrow inside] (A) -- (rrd2); \draw[name path = ray2, ray, arrow inside] (rrd2) -- (B'); % Dashed \draw[lined, name path=dashed3] (rrd1) -- +(-1,0) -- +(1,0); % Intersection for Point C \path [name intersections={of=dashed3 and ray2, by={r2d3_1, r2rd3_2}}] ; % Angles \pic[draw, stealth-, line, "$\theta$", angle radius=0.7cm, angle eccentricity=1.4] {angle=k--A--A'}; \pic[draw, -stealth, line, "$\phi$", angle radius=0.7cm, angle eccentricity=1.5] {angle=k'--A--B}; % Arrows \node at (8.5,5) (S) {$d$}; \draw[latex-, thick] (8.5,6) -- (S); \draw[latex-, thick] (8.5,4) -- (S); % Nodes \fill (A) circle (1.5pt) node [shift={(0.2,-0.35)}] {A}; \fill (rrd2) circle (1.5pt) node [left, shift={(0,-0.1)}] {B}; \fill (rrd1) circle (1.5pt) node [right, shift={(0,0.25)}] {D}; \fill (rd1) circle (1.5pt) node[right, above right] {E}; \fill (r2d3_1) circle (1.5pt) node[right, below left] {C}; \node at ($(b)+(-0.2,0.2)$) {$n$}; \node[rotate around={-40:(A)}] at ($(b)+(-0.2,0.2)$) {$n$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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See more on the author page of Alexandros Tsagkaropolulos.