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\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[thick] % Dot grid \def\xrange{3} \def\yrange{3} \def\ratio{3/4} \foreach \x in {-\xrange,...,\xrange} {\foreach \y in {-\yrange,...,\yrange} {\fill (\x,\ratio*\y) circle[radius=2pt];}} % Axes \draw[->] (-\xrange-1/2,0) -- (\xrange+1/2,0) node[above left] {$k_x$}; \draw[->] (0,-\ratio*\yrange-1/2) -- (0,\ratio*\yrange+1/2) node[below right] {$k_y$}; % Lattice spacing \draw[<->,shorten >=3,shorten <=3] (\xrange-1,-\ratio*\yrange) -- (\xrange,-\ratio*\yrange) node[midway,below] {$\frac{2 \pi}{L_x}$}; \draw[<->,shorten >=3,shorten <=3] (\xrange,-\ratio*\yrange) -- (\xrange,-\ratio*\yrange+\ratio) node[midway,right] {$\frac{2 \pi}{L_y}$}; % Circle \draw[blue,fill=blue,fill opacity=0.1] (0,0) circle (2/3*\yrange); \node[blue] at (130:2.4) {$N(k)$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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See more on the author page of Janosh Riebesell..