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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (November, 2018) % page 8 https://archive.org/details/StaticAndDynamicElectricity % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/56353/extract-x-y-coordinate-of-an-arbitrary-point-on-curve-in-tikz % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/412899/tikz-calculate-and-store-the-euclidian-distance-between-two-coordinates \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} % for \dfrac \usepackage{physics} \usepackage{tikz,pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{angles,quotes} % for pic (angle labels) \usetikzlibrary{decorations.markings} \usetikzlibrary{positioning,calc} \usetikzlibrary{shapes,intersections} % for path name \pgfplotsset{compat=1.13} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \usepackage{xcolor} \colorlet{Ecol}{orange!90!black} \colorlet{EcolFL}{orange!80!black} \colorlet{veccol}{green!45!black} \colorlet{EFcol}{red!60!black} \colorlet{pluscol}{red!60!black} \colorlet{minuscol}{blue!60!black} \tikzstyle{charged}=[top color=blue!20,bottom color=blue!40,middle color=blue!30,shading angle=10] \tikzstyle{darkcharged}=[very thin,top color=blue!60,bottom color=blue!80,shading angle=10] \tikzstyle{gauss surf}=[blue!90!black,top color=blue!2,bottom color=blue!80!black!70,shading angle=5,fill opacity=0.1] \tikzstyle{gauss line}=[blue!90!black] \tikzstyle{vector}=[->,thick,veccol] \tikzstyle{EField}=[->,thick,Ecol] \tikzset{ EFieldLine/.style={thick,EcolFL,decoration={markings, mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{latex}}}, postaction={decorate}}, EFieldLine/.default=0.5} \tikzstyle{measure}=[fill=white,midway,outer sep=2] \tikzstyle{metal}=[top color=black!10,bottom color=black!20,middle color=black!5,shading angle=35] \def\L{2.2} \def\H{2.2} \def\offset{2.0} \def\W{0.30} \def\Nx{5} \def\Ny{5} \begin{document} % BODY charge distribution \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8] %[x={(1,0)},y={(0.5,1)}]%,z={(0.73cm,0.73cm)} \def\H{3} \def\W{5.8} \def\h{0.35} \def\w{0.42} \coordinate (O) at (-1.1,-0.4); \coordinate (P) at ( 0.7, 4.6); \coordinate (Q) at ( 2.1, 1.12); \coordinate (B) at ( 4.1,-0.2); \coordinate (L) at ( 0.0, 1.9); \coordinate (TL) at ( 1.1, 3.5); \coordinate (TM) at ( 3.1, 3.4); \coordinate (T) at ( 6.1, 5.5); \coordinate (R) at ( 7.8, 3.5); \coordinate (SL) at ( 4.5, 3.7); \coordinate (SR) at ( 6.7, 3.3); % BODY \draw[charged,shading angle=20] (B) to[out= 10,in=-90] (R) to[out= 90,in= 0] (T) to[out=180,in= 60] (TM) to[out=162,in= 20] (TL) to[out=200,in=90] (L) to[out=-90,in=190] cycle; \draw[line width=0.4] (TM) to[out=162-180,in=144] ++(0.3,-0.15); \draw[line width=0.4] % "smiley" (SL) to[out=-50,in=-150,looseness=1.1] (SR); % CHARGE SIGNS \def\Nx{7} \def\xmin{0.5} \def\xmax{7.4} \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=0.18+0.12*(\x-3.4)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; } \def\Nx{8} \def\xmin{0.5} \def\xmax{8.1} \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=1.2+0.10*(\x-3.5)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; } \def\Nx{7} \def\xmin{1.0} \def\xmax{8.2} \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=2.1+0.09*(\x-3.6)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; } \def\Nx{6} \def\xmin{4.0} \def\xmax{8.1} \begin{scope}[rotate around={-6:(6.0,5.1)}] \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=5.1-0.41*(\x-6.0)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; } \end{scope} \def\Nx{3} \def\xmin{5.1} \def\xmax{7.3} \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=4.4-0.90*(\x-5.8)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; } %\node at (0.5,1.8) {$+$}; \node at (1.8,3.2) {$+$}; \node at (2.7,2.9) {$+$}; \node at (3.7,2.8) {$+$}; \node at (4.6,2.9) {$+$}; \node at (5.8,3.5) {$+$}; \node at (6.9,1.9) {$+$}; % AXES \draw[->,thick] (O) --++ (-1.0,-1.0) node[below left] {$x$}; \draw[->,thick] (O) --++ ( 2.0, 0.0) node[right] {$y$}; \draw[->,thick] (O) --++ ( 0.0, 2.0) node[above] {$z$}; % VECTOR dq \draw[vector] (O) -- (Q) node[midway,above=0.1,anchor=0] {$\vb{r}$}; \draw[darkcharged] (Q) |-++ (0.4,0.4) |- cycle; \draw[darkcharged] (Q) ++ (0,0.4) --++ (0.21,0.15) --++ (0.4,0) --++ (-0.21,-0.15) -- cycle; \draw[darkcharged] (Q) ++ (0.4,0) --++ (0.21,0.15) --++ (0,0.4) node[midway,below=0.25,anchor=140] {$\dd{q}=\rho\dd{V}$} --++ (-0.21,-0.15) -- cycle; \node[above right=-0.12] at (Q) {$+$}; % VECTORS \draw[EField] (P) --++ (125:0.6) node[above left=-0.1] {$\dd{\vb{E}}$}; \node[fill=blue!30!black,circle,inner sep=0.9] (P') at (P) {}; \draw[vector] (Q) -- (P') node[below right=0.2,anchor=170] {$\vb{r}'=\vb{R}-\vb{r}$}; \draw[vector] (O) -- (P') node[midway,above left=0.2,anchor=-80] {$\vb{R}$}; % DEBUG %\node at (B) {B}; %\node at (L) {L}; \end{tikzpicture} % BODY \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8] %[x={(1,0)},y={(0.5,1)}]%,z={(0.73cm,0.73cm)} \def\H{3} \def\W{5.8} \def\h{0.35} \def\w{0.42} \coordinate (O) at (-1.1,-0.4); \coordinate (P) at ( 0.7, 4.6); \coordinate (Q) at ( 2.29, 1.34); \coordinate (B) at ( 4.1,-0.2); \coordinate (L) at ( 0.0, 1.9); \coordinate (TL) at ( 1.1, 3.5); \coordinate (TM) at ( 3.1, 3.4); \coordinate (T) at ( 6.1, 5.5); \coordinate (R) at ( 7.8, 3.5); \coordinate (SL) at ( 4.5, 3.7); \coordinate (SR) at ( 6.7, 3.3); % BODY \draw[metal,shading angle=20] (B) to[out= 10,in=-90] (R) to[out= 90,in= 0] (T) to[out=180,in= 60] (TM) to[out=162,in= 20] (TL) to[out=200,in=90] (L) to[out=-90,in=190] cycle; \draw[line width=0.4] (TM) to[out=162-180,in=144] ++(0.3,-0.15); \draw[line width=0.4] % "smiley" (SL) to[out=-50,in=-150,looseness=1.1] (SR); % CHARGE SIGNS \def\Nx{7} \def\xmin{0.5} \def\xmax{7.4} \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=0.18+0.12*(\x-3.4)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; } \def\Nx{8} \def\xmin{0.5} \def\xmax{8.1} \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=1.2+0.10*(\x-3.5)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; } \def\Nx{7} \def\xmin{1.0} \def\xmax{8.2} \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=2.1+0.09*(\x-3.6)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; } \def\Nx{6} \def\xmin{4.0} \def\xmax{8.1} \begin{scope}[rotate around={-6:(6.0,5.1)}] \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=5.1-0.41*(\x-6.0)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; } \end{scope} \def\Nx{3} \def\xmin{5.1} \def\xmax{7.3} \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=4.4-0.90*(\x-5.8)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; } %\node at (0.5,1.8) {$+$}; \node at (1.8,3.2) {$+$}; \node at (2.7,2.9) {$+$}; \node at (3.7,2.8) {$+$}; \node at (4.6,2.9) {$+$}; \node at (5.8,3.5) {$+$}; \node at (6.9,1.9) {$+$}; \end{tikzpicture} % BODY \begin{tikzpicture} \def\C{3.4} \def\Ra{0.6} \def\Rb{2.0} \def\q{0.1} \def\E{1.2} \def\anga{80} \def\angb{110} \def\Na{3} \def\Nb{2} \def\Nc{4} \coordinate (C1) at (0,0); \coordinate (C2) at (\C,0); \coordinate (T) at ({\C+\Rb*cos(\angb)},{\Rb*sin(\angb)}); % BODY \draw[metal,shading angle=20,red!70!black,name path=body] (-\anga:\Ra) arc(-\anga:-360+\anga:\Ra) to[out=\anga-90,in=\angb+90] (T) arc( \angb:-\angb:\Rb) to[out=-\angb-90,in=90-\anga] cycle; \draw[dashed,line width=0.2] (C1) circle (\Ra); \draw[dashed,line width=0.2] (C2) circle (\Rb); \draw[->] (C1) --++ (35:\Ra) node[midway,right=0.1,below] {$r_a$}; \draw[->] (C2) --++ (25:\Rb) node[midway,left=0.2,above] {$r_b$}; % % CHARGE SIGNS % \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\xmin+(\i-1)*(\xmax-\xmin)/\Nx; \y=0.18+0.12*(\x-3.4)^2;}] in {1,...,\Nx}{ % \node at (\x,\y) {$+$}; % } % ELECTRIC FIELD \foreach \i [evaluate={\ang=(\i-0.5)*80/\Na;}] in {1,...,\Na}{ \draw[EFieldLine={0.6}] (C1)++( 180-\ang:\Ra) --++ ( 180-\ang:\E); \draw[EFieldLine={0.6}] (C1)++(-180+\ang:\Ra) --++ (-180+\ang:\E); \node[pluscol,scale=0.6] at ( 180-\ang:\Ra-\q) {$+$}; \node[pluscol,scale=0.6] at (-180+\ang:\Ra-\q) {$+$}; } \foreach \i [evaluate={\ang=(\i-0.5)*75/\Nb;}] in {1,...,\Nb}{ \draw[EFieldLine={0.6}] (C2)++( \ang:\Rb) --++ ( \ang:\E); \draw[EFieldLine={0.6}] (C2)++(-\ang:\Rb) --++ (-\ang:\E); \node[pluscol,scale=0.6] at ($(C2)+( \ang:\Rb-\q)$) {$+$}; \node[pluscol,scale=0.6] at ($(C2)+(-\ang:\Rb-\q)$) {$+$}; } \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=0.08*\Ra+(\i-1)*(\C-0.08*\Ra)/(\Nc-1);}] in {1,...,\Nc}{ % intersections \path[name path global/.expanded=ETline\i] (\x,0) --++ (90:1.1*\Rb); \path[name path global/.expanded=EBline\i] (\x,0) --++ (-90:1.1*\Rb); } \foreach \i/\ang/\in in {1/82/-90,2/120/-80,3/120/-80,4/90/-90}{ \draw[EFieldLine={0.6},name intersections={of=body and ETline\i,name=ET\i}] (ET\i-1) to[out=\ang,in=\in]++ ({90+0.6*(\ang-90)}:\E); \draw[EFieldLine={0.6},name intersections={of=body and EBline\i,name=EB\i}] (EB\i-1) to[out=-\ang,in=-\in]++ ({-90-0.6*(\ang-90)}:\E); \node[pluscol,scale=0.6] at ($(ET\i-1)+( \ang+180:\q)$) {$+$}; \node[pluscol,scale=0.6] at ($(EB\i-1)+(-\ang-180:\q)$) {$+$}; } \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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