How to count to 25 cents with coins of 5, 10 and 25 cents. The circuit is constructed using FFs and OR, AND gates.
\documentclass[border=3mm]{standalone} % Tikz \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,shapes.gates.logic.US,shapes.gates.logic.IEC,calc} % Notation \usepackage{amsmath, siunitx} % Tikz Library \usetikzlibrary{calc} \tikzset{every picture/.style={line width=0.3mm}} % Circuitikz \usepackage[european,straightvoltages,americanresistor]{circuitikz} \ctikzset{logic ports=ieee} % Custom \tikzset{sr-ff/.style={flipflop, flipflop def={t1=S, t3=R, t6=Q}}} \begin{document} \tikzstyle{branch}=[fill, shape=circle, minimum size=3pt, inner sep=0pt] \begin{circuitikz}[line cap=round, line join =round] % First State \node[sr-ff] (q0) at (0,0) {}; % Cents \node[circle, draw, shift={(0,10)}] (5cents) at (q0) {5 cents}; \draw[red] (5cents) -- ++(0,-7.8) coordinate (5cents_line) to[short,-*] +(44.7,0); \node[circle, draw, shift={(2,0)}] (10cents) at (5cents) {10 cents}; \draw[blue] (10cents) -- ++(0,-5.2) coordinate (10cents_line) to[short,-*] +(42.7,0); \node[circle, draw, shift={(2,0)}] (25cents) at (10cents) {25 cents}; \draw[orange] (25cents) -- ++(0,-3.6) coordinate (25cents_line) to[short,-*] +(40.7,0); % Q0 State \draw ( 1) -- +(-1,0) node [left] {\texttt{1}} ( 6) -- ++(1,0) node[and port, anchor=in 2] (and_q0) {} ($( 1|-5cents_line)$) to[short, *-] ( 1); \node[or port, rotate=180, number inputs=3, shift={(0,10)}] (or_q0_reset) at (q0) {}; \draw (or_q0_reset.out) -- ($( 3|-or_q0_reset.out)$) -- ( 3); % Q1 State \draw (and_q0.out) -- ($(and_q0.out| 1)$) -- ++(1,0) node[sr-ff, anchor=pin 1] (q1) {} ( 6) to[short] ($( 6| 3)$) to[short, *-] ( 3); \draw ( 6) -- ++(1,0) node[and port, anchor=in 2] (and_q1_5) {} ($( 1|-5cents_line)$) to[short] ( 1) % ( 6) to[short, *-] ($(5cents_line-| 6) + (0,0.5)$) coordinate (q0_line) to[short,*-] ($( 1|-q0_line)$) node[and port, anchor=in 2] (and_q1_10) {} % ($( 1|-10cents_line)$) to[short, *-] ( 1) (and_q1_5.out) -- ++(1,0) node[or port, anchor=in 2] (or_q1) {} (and_q1_10.out) -| ( 1); \node[or port, rotate=180, shift={(0,8)}] (or_q1_reset) at (q1) {}; \draw (or_q1_reset.out) -- ($( 3|-or_q1_reset.out)$) -- ( 3); % Q2 State \draw (or_q1.out) -- ($(or_q1.out| 1)$) -- ++(1,0) node[sr-ff, anchor=pin 1] (q2) {} ( 6) to[short, *-] ($( 6| 2)$) to[short, *-] ( 2) ( 6) |- ( 2); \draw ( 6) -- ++(1,0) node[and port, anchor=in 2] (and_q2_5) {} ($( 1|-5cents_line)$) to[short, *-] ( 1) % ( 6) to[short, *-] ($(5cents_line-| 6) + (0,1.5)$) coordinate (q0_line) to ($( 1|-q0_line)$) node[and port, anchor=in 2] (and_q2_10) {} % ($( 1|-10cents_line)$) to[short, *-] ( 1) (and_q2_5.out) -- ++(1,0) node[or port, anchor=in 2] (or_q2) {} (and_q2_10.out) -| ( 1); \node[or port, rotate=180, shift={(0,6)}] (or_q2_reset) at (q2) {}; \draw (or_q2_reset.out) -- ($( 3|-or_q2_reset.out)$) -- ( 3); % Q3 State \draw (or_q2.out) -- ($(or_q2.out| 1)$) -- ++(1,0) node[sr-ff, anchor=pin 1] (q3) {} ( 6) to[short, *-] ($( 6| 2)$) to[short, *-] ( 2) ( 6) |- ( 1); \draw ( 6) -- ++(1,0) node[and port, anchor=in 2] (and_q3_5) {} ($( 1|-5cents_line)$) to[short, *-] ( 1) % ( 6) to[short, *-] ($(5cents_line-| 6) + (0,0.5)$) coordinate (q0_line) to ($( 1|-q0_line)$) node[and port, anchor=in 2] (and_q3_10) {} % ($( 1|-10cents_line)$) to[short, *-] ( 1) (and_q3_5.out) -- ++(1,0) node[or port, anchor=in 2] (or_q3) {} (and_q3_10.out) -| ( 1); \node[or port, rotate=180, shift={(0,4)}] (or_q3_reset) at (q3) {}; \draw (or_q3_reset.out) -- ($( 3|-or_q3_reset.out)$) -- ( 3); % Q4 State \draw (or_q3.out) -- ($(or_q3.out| 1)$) -- ++(1,0) node[sr-ff, anchor=pin 1] (q4) {} ( 6) to[short, *-] ($( 6| 2)$) to[short, *-] ( 2) ( 6) |- ( 1); \draw ( 6) -- ++(1,0) node[and port, anchor=in 2] (and_q4_5) {} ($( 1|-5cents_line)$) to[short, *-] ( 1) % ( 6) to[short, *-] ($(5cents_line-| 6) + (0,1.5)$) coordinate (q0_line) to ($( 1|-q0_line)$) node[and port, anchor=in 2] (and_q4_10) {} ($( 1|-10cents_line)$) to[short, *-] ( 1) % ( 6) to[short, *-] ($(10cents_line-| 6) + (0,0.5)$) coordinate (q1_line) to ($( 1|-q1_line)$) node[and port, anchor=in 2] (and_q4_25) {} ($( 1|-25cents_line)$) to[short, *-] ( 1) % (and_q4_5.out) -- ++(1,0) node[or port, anchor=in 3, number inputs=3] (or_q4) {} (and_q4_10.out) -- ($(and_q4_10.out| 2)$) -- ( 2) (and_q4_25.out) -- ++(0.6,0) coordinate (and_q4_25_line) -- ($(and_q4_25_line| 1)$) -- ( 1); % Q5 State \draw (or_q4.out) -- ($(or_q4.out| 1)$) -- ++(1,0) node[sr-ff, anchor=pin 1] (q5) {} ( 6) to[short, -*] ($( 6| 2) + (0,1.5)$) -| ( 3) ( 6) to[short, -*] ($( 6| 1)$) -| ( 1) ( 6) -- ($( 6| 1)$) to[short] ( 1) ( 3) -- +(0,-0.4) node[ground] {} ( 6) to[short] +(1,0); % Nodes \node[circle, draw, fill=black!20] at (q0) {q0}; \node[circle, draw, fill=black!20] at (q1) {q1}; \node[circle, draw, fill=black!20] at (q2) {q2}; \node[circle, draw, fill=black!20] at (q3) {q3}; \node[circle, draw, fill=black!20] at (q4) {q4}; \node[circle, draw, fill=black!20] at (q5) {q5}; \end{circuitikz} \end{document}