Basics of electric charge: a silk piece of cloth and a glass rod; and inducing charge in a metal conductor with a ground.
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (July 2018) \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \usepackage{xcolor} \colorlet{charge+}{red!90!white} \colorlet{charge-}{blue!80!white} %\colorlet{metal}{black!5} %\colorlet{silk}{blue!40!red!10} %\colorlet{plastic}{yellow!70!red!20} %\colorlet{glas}{blue!4} %\usetikzlibrary{positioning,calc} \tikzstyle{rod}=[top color=white,bottom color=black!20,shading angle=5] \tikzstyle{glas}=[top color=blue!4,bottom color=blue!15,shading angle=120] \tikzstyle{silk}=[top color=blue!40!red!10,bottom color=blue!40!red!30,shading angle=30] \tikzstyle{metal}=[top color=black!5,bottom color=black!15,shading angle=30] \def\L{4.5} \def\W{0.5} \def\N{8} \def\angle{45} \def\chargedRod{ \draw[glas,shading angle=45,rotate=\angle] (0,0) rectangle ++(\L,\W); \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\i*\L/(\N+1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ \path[rotate=\angle] (0,\W/2) --++(\x,0) node[charge+] {+}; } } \def\ground{ \foreach \i [evaluate={\y=-0.12*(\i-1); \w=1.1-0.25*\i); \x=-\w/2;}] in {1,...,4}{ \draw[thick] (G) ++ (\x,\y) --++ (\w,0); } } \begin{document} \Large % CHARGED INSULATORS BY RUBBING B \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.4] \def\angle{120} \def\L{12} \def\W{1.6} \def\N{7} %\draw[very thin,color=gray] (-2,-2) grid (10,10); \coordinate (SW) at ( 0, 0 ); % SOUTH WEST \coordinate (WC1) at ( 1, 2 ); \coordinate (W1) at ( 1, 4 ); \coordinate (WC2) at ( 1, 6 ); \coordinate (W2) at ( 2, 7 ); \coordinate (WC3) at ( 3, 8 ); \coordinate (NW) at ( 4, 10 ); % NORTH WEST \coordinate (NC1) at ( 5.4, 10 ); \coordinate (N1) at ( 6, 9 ); \coordinate (NC2) at ( 6.6, 8 ); \coordinate (N2) at ( 7, 8 ); \coordinate (NC3) at ( 8, 8 ); \coordinate (NE) at ( 9, 7 ); % NORTH EAST \coordinate (EC1) at ( 8, 5 ); \coordinate (E1) at ( 8, 4 ); \coordinate (EC2) at ( 8.2, 2 ); \coordinate (E2) at ( 7, -0.5 ); \coordinate (EC3) at ( 6.8, -1.1 ); \coordinate (SE) at ( 6, -1 ); % SOUTH EAST \coordinate (SC1) at ( 5, -0.8 ); \coordinate (S1) at ( 4, -1 ); \coordinate (SC2) at ( 2.7, -1.1 ); \coordinate (S2) at ( 2, -0.5 ); \coordinate (SC3) at ( 1.3, 0 ); % SILK \draw[silk] (SW) .. controls (WC1) .. (W1) % SOUTH WEST .. controls (WC2) .. (W2) .. controls (WC3) .. (NW) % NORTH WEST .. controls (NC1) .. (N1) .. controls (NC2) .. (N2) .. controls (NC3) .. (NE) % NORTH EAST .. controls (EC1) .. (E1) .. controls (EC2) .. (E2) .. controls (EC3) .. (SE) % SOUTH EAST .. controls (SC1) .. (S1) .. controls (SC2) .. (S2) .. controls (SC3) .. cycle; % ROD \coordinate (O) at (15,0); \draw[glas,rotate around={\angle:(O)}] (O) rectangle ++(\L,\W); % \draw[dashed,very thin] % (SW) -- (WC1) -- (W1) -- (WC2) -- (W2) -- (WC3) -- % (NW) -- (NC1) -- (N1) -- (NC2) -- (N2) -- (NC3) -- % (NE) -- (EC1) -- (E1) -- (EC2) -- (E2) -- (EC3) -- % (SE) -- (SC1) -- (S1) -- (SC2) -- (S2) -- (SC3) -- cycle; % % \foreach \p in {(SW), (WC1), (W1), (WC2), (W2), (WC3), % (NW), (NC1), (N1), (NC2), (N2), (NC3), % (NE), (EC1), (E1), (EC2), (E2), (EC3), % (SE), (SC1), (S1), (SC2), (S2), (SC3)}{ % \fill \p circle (2pt) node[above,scale=0.3] {\p}; % } \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGED INSULATORS BY RUBBING B \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.4] \def\angle{120} \def\L{12} \def\W{1.6} \def\N{7} \coordinate (SW) at ( 0, 0 ); % SOUTH WEST \coordinate (WC1) at ( 1, 2 ); \coordinate (W1) at ( 1, 4 ); \coordinate (WC2) at ( 1, 6 ); \coordinate (W2) at ( 2, 7 ); \coordinate (WC3) at ( 3, 8 ); \coordinate (NW) at ( 4, 10 ); % NORTH WEST \coordinate (NC1) at ( 5.4, 10 ); \coordinate (N1) at ( 6, 9 ); \coordinate (NC2) at ( 6.6, 8 ); \coordinate (N2) at ( 7, 8 ); \coordinate (NC3) at ( 8, 8 ); \coordinate (NE) at ( 9, 7 ); % NORTH EAST \coordinate (EC1) at ( 8, 5 ); \coordinate (E1) at ( 8, 4 ); \coordinate (EC2) at ( 8.2, 2 ); \coordinate (E2) at ( 7, -0.5 ); \coordinate (EC3) at ( 6.8, -1.1 ); \coordinate (SE) at ( 6, -1 ); % SOUTH EAST \coordinate (SC1) at ( 5, -0.8 ); \coordinate (S1) at ( 4, -1 ); \coordinate (SC2) at ( 2.7, -1.1 ); \coordinate (S2) at ( 2, -0.5 ); \coordinate (SC3) at ( 1.3, 0 ); % SILK \draw[silk] (SW) .. controls (WC1) .. (W1) % SOUTH WEST .. controls (WC2) .. (W2) .. controls (WC3) .. (NW) % NORTH WEST .. controls (NC1) .. (N1) .. controls (NC2) .. (N2) .. controls (NC3) .. (NE) % NORTH EAST .. controls (EC1) .. (E1) .. controls (EC2) .. (E2) .. controls (EC3) .. (SE) % SOUTH EAST .. controls (SC1) .. (S1) .. controls (SC2) .. (S2) .. controls (SC3) .. cycle; \foreach \p in {(4.7,8.4), (6.6,6.8), (4.1,6.6), (5.8,4.8), (2.8,5.0), (4.2,3.2), (6.3,2.2), (2.2,2.6), (3.4,1.0), (5.7,0.0)}{ \node[charge-] at \p {$-$}; } % ROD \coordinate (O) at (17,0); \draw[glas,rotate around={\angle:(O)}] (O) rectangle ++(\L,\W); \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\i*\L/(\N+1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ \path[rotate around={\angle:(O)}] (O) ++ (0,\W/2) --++(\x,0) node[charge+] {+}; } \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY CONDUCTION A \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[rod] (0,0) rectangle ++(\L,\W) node[charge+,midway] {$+\,+\,+\,+\,+\,+\,+\,\,+$}; \draw[rod] (\L+4,0) rectangle ++(\L,\W); \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY CONDUCTION B \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[rod] (0,0) rectangle ++(\L,\W) node[charge+,midway] {$+\quad\, +\quad\, +\quad\,\, +$}; \draw[rod] (\L,0) rectangle ++(\L,\W) node[charge+,midway] {$+\quad\, +\quad\, +\quad\,\, +$}; \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY CONDUCTION C \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[rod] (0,0) rectangle ++(\L,\W) node[charge+,midway] {$+\quad\, +\quad\, +\quad\,\, +$}; \draw[rod] (\L+4,0) rectangle ++(\L,\W) node[charge+,midway] {$+\quad\, +\quad\, +\quad\,\, +$}; \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY INDUCTION A \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{0.3*\L} \coordinate (A) at (0,0); \coordinate (B) at (2*\R,0); \draw[metal] (A) circle (\R); \draw[metal] (B) circle (\R); \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY INDUCTION B \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{0.3*\L} \def\N{6} \coordinate (A) at ({1.01*\R+\L*cos(\angle)},{0.6*\L*sin(\angle)}); \coordinate (B) at ({3.01*\R+\L*cos(\angle)},{0.6*\L*sin(\angle)}); \chargedRod \draw[metal] (A) circle (\R); \draw[metal] (B) circle (\R); \foreach \i [evaluate={\a=170-30*(\N-1)/2+30*(\i-1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ \path (A) --++ (\a:0.8*\R) node[charge-] {$-$}; \path (B) --++ (\a-180:0.8*\R) node[charge+] {$+$}; } \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY INDUCTION C \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{0.3*\L} \def\N{6} \coordinate (A) at ({1.01*\R+\L*cos(\angle)},{0.6*\L*sin(\angle)}); \coordinate (B) at ({3.21*\R+\L*cos(\angle)},{0.6*\L*sin(\angle)}); \chargedRod \draw[metal] (A) circle (\R); \draw[metal] (B) circle (\R); \foreach \i [evaluate={\a=170-30*(\N-1)/2+30*(\i-1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ \path (A) --++ (\a:0.8*\R) node[charge-] {$-$}; \path (B) --++ (\a-180:0.8*\R) node[charge+] {$+$}; } \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY INDUCTION B \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{0.3*\L} \def\N{6} \coordinate (A) at (0,0); \coordinate (B) at (3.0*\R,0); \draw[metal] (A) circle (\R); \draw[metal] (B) circle (\R); \foreach \i [evaluate={\a=-10+360*\i/\N;}] in {1,...,\N}{ \path (A) --++ (\a:0.75*\R) node[charge-] {$-$}; \path (B) --++ (\a:0.75*\R) node[charge+] {$+$}; } \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY INDUCTION & GROUNDING A \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{0.35*\L} \draw[metal] (0,0) circle (\R); \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY INDUCTION & GROUNDING B \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{0.35*\L} \def\N{6} \def\h{0.6*\L*sin(\angle)} \coordinate (O) at ({1.01*\R+\L*cos(\angle)},{\h}); \chargedRod \draw[metal] (O) circle (\R); \foreach \i [evaluate={\a=170-30*(\N-1)/2+30*(\i-1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ \path (O) --++ (\a:0.8*\R) node[charge-] {$-$}; \path (O) --++ (\a-180:0.8*\R) node[charge+] {$+$}; } \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY INDUCTION & GROUNDING C \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{0.35*\L} \def\N{6} \def\h{0.6*\L*sin(\angle)} \coordinate (O) at ({1.01*\R+\L*cos(\angle)},{\h}); % ROD & SPHERE \chargedRod \draw[metal] (O) circle (\R); \foreach \i [evaluate={\a=170-30*(\N-1)/2+30*(\i-1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ \path (O) --++ (\a:0.8*\R) node[charge-] {$-$}; \path (O) --++ (\a-180:0.8*\R) node[charge+] {$+$}; } % GROUND \draw[thick] (O) ++ (\R,0) --++ (0.2*\R,0) coordinate (P) --++ (0,{-\h}) coordinate (G); \node[below=2,right=15] at (G) {ground}; \ground % ELECTRONS \draw[->,thick] (P) ++ (0.1*\R,-0.45*\R) .. controls ++(0.01*\R,0.61*\R) .. ++(-0.2*\R,0.6*\R) node[charge-,right=4,above] {$-$}; \node[charge-,below=4,right=8,align=center] at (P) {$-$\\$-$\\$-$}; \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY INDUCTION & GROUNDING D \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{0.35*\L} \def\N{6} \def\h{0.6*\L*sin(\angle)} \coordinate (O) at ({1.01*\R+\L*cos(\angle)},{\h}); % ROD & SPHERE \chargedRod \draw[metal] (O) circle (\R); \foreach \i [evaluate={\a=170-30*(\N-1)/2+30*(\i-1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ \path (O) --++ (\a:0.8*\R) node[charge-] {$-$}; } % GROUND \draw[thick] (O) ++ (\R,0) --++ (0.2*\R,0) --++ (0,{-\h}) coordinate (G); \node[below=2,right=15] at (G) {ground}; \ground \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY INDUCTION & GROUNDING E \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{0.35*\L} \def\N{6} \def\h{0.6*\L*sin(\angle)} \coordinate (O) at ({1.01*\R+\L*cos(\angle)},{\h}); % ROD & SPHERE \chargedRod \draw[metal] (O) circle (\R); \foreach \i [evaluate={\a=170-30*(\N-1)/2+30*(\i-1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ \path (O) --++ (\a:0.8*\R) node[charge-] {$-$}; } % GROUND \draw[thick] (O) ++ (1.2*\R,0) --++ (0,{-\h}) coordinate (G); \node[below=2,right=15] at (G) {ground}; \ground \end{tikzpicture} % CHARGE BY INDUCTION & GROUNDING F \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{0.35*\L} \def\N{6} \def\h{0.6*\L*sin(\angle)} \coordinate (O) at ({1.01*\R+\L*cos(\angle)},{\h}); % ROD & SPHERE \draw[metal] (O) circle (\R); \foreach \i [evaluate={\a=-10+360*\i/\N;}] in {1,...,\N}{ \path (O) --++ (\a:0.75*\R) node[charge-] {$-$}; } \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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