\documentclass[border=3pt]{standalone} %%Fonts %\usepackage{fontspec} %\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman} %\setmonofont[Mapping=tex-text]{JetBrains Mono} %Drawing \usepackage{tikz} %Tikz Library \usetikzlibrary{calc} % Align text in the center of nodes \tikzset{every text node part/.style={align=center}} % Circuits \usepackage{circuitikz} % Colors \usepackage{xcolor} % \definecolor{myblue}{HTML}{4698ED} % \def\muxcolor{orange!40} \def\nonarchcolor{yellow!40} \def\processingcolor{green!70!blue!30!} \def\storagecolor{myblue!50} \def\controlcolor{cyan!80!blue} % Label \tikzset{label_args/.style={ font=\scriptsize\ttfamily, } } % FF size \def\ffsize{2.2} \def\ffwidth{1.3} % CLK above components \tikzset{clk/.pic = { \node[above] at (#1) {\scriptsize{CLK}}; } } % Non-Architectural Flip Flop \tikzset{non_arch_ff/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=\ffsize, Rh=\ffsize, w=\ffwidth, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=1, NR=1, NB=0, NT=1, }, muxdemux label ={ cT1=1, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\nonarchcolor, append after command={ pic{clk=\tikzlastnode.tpin 1} }, }, } % Non-Architectural Flip Flop with We \tikzset{non_arch_ff_we/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=\ffsize, Rh=\ffsize, w=\ffwidth, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=1, NR=1, NB=1, NT=1, }, muxdemux label ={ cT1=1, B1=WE }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\nonarchcolor, append after command={ pic{clk=\tikzlastnode.tpin 1} }, }, } % Architectural Flip Flop with We \tikzset{ff_we/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=\ffsize, Rh=\ffsize, w=\ffwidth, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=1, NR=1, NB=1, NT=1, }, muxdemux label ={ cT1=1, B1=WE, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\storagecolor, append after command={ pic{clk=\tikzlastnode.tpin 1} }, }, } % Instruction Memory \tikzset{instr_mem/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=6, Rh=6, w=5, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=2, NR=2, NB=0, NT=0, }, muxdemux label ={ L1=A, R1=RD, }, draw only left pins={1}, draw only right pins={1}, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\storagecolor, circuitikz/muxdemux/inner label font=\scriptsize, }, } % PC + 4 \tikzset{PC_4/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=3, Rh=1.4, w=1.5, square pins=1, inset Lh=1, inset Rh=0, inset w=0.75, NL=2, NR=1, NB=0, NT=0, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\processingcolor }, } % Register File \tikzset{RF/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=9, Rh=9, w=5, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=5, NR=2, NB=0, NT=5, }, muxdemux label ={ L1=A1, L2=A2, L3=A3, L4=R15, L5=WD3, R1=RD1, R2=RD2, cT2=1, T4=WE3 }, draw only top pins={2,4}, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\storagecolor, circuitikz/muxdemux/inner label font=\scriptsize, append after command={ pic{clk=\tikzlastnode.tpin 2} }, }, } % Extend Unit \tikzset{extend/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=2, Rh=2.5, w=6, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=1, NR=1, NB=0, NT=1, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\processingcolor }, } % MUX\documentclass[border=3pt]{standalone} \tikzset{mux2to1/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=2, Rh=1.5, w=0.8, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=2, NR=1, NB=0, NT=1, }, muxdemux label ={ L1=0, L2=1, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\muxcolor, circuitikz/muxdemux/inner label font=\small, }, } \tikzset{mux2to1_reverse/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=2, Rh=1.5, w=0.8, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=2, NR=1, NB=0, NT=1, }, muxdemux label ={ L1=1, L2=0, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\muxcolor, circuitikz/muxdemux/inner label font=\small, }, } % ALU \tikzset{ALU/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=8, Rh=3.5, w=2.5, square pins=1, inset Lh=2, inset Rh=0, inset w=1.2, NL=2, NR=1, NB=0, NT=3, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\processingcolor, external pins width=1, }, } % Data Memory \tikzset{data_mem/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=8, Rh=8, w=4, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=3, NR=3, NB=0, NT=6, }, muxdemux label ={ L1=A, L3=WD, R3=RD, cT2=1, T5=WE, }, draw only left pins={1,3}, draw only right pins={3}, draw only top pins={2,5}, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\storagecolor, circuitikz/muxdemux/inner label font=\scriptsize, append after command={ pic{clk=\tikzlastnode.tpin 2} }, }, } % MUX 3 to 1 \tikzset{mux3to1/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=2, Rh=2.4, w=0.8, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=1, NR=3, NB=0, NT=1, }, muxdemux label ={ R1=00, R2=01, R3=10, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\muxcolor, circuitikz/muxdemux/inner label font=\scriptsize, }, } % MUX\documentclass[border=3pt]{standalone} \tikzset{mux2to1_leftsided/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=2.4, Rh=3, w=0.8, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=1, NR=2, NB=0, NT=1, }, muxdemux label ={ R1=0, R2=1, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\muxcolor, circuitikz/muxdemux/inner label font=\small, }, } % Control Signal \newcommand{\control}[3]{ \node[#3] at (#2) {\ttfamily\scriptsize\color{\controlcolor}#1}; } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} %%%% Components %%%% % PC \node[ff_we] (PC) at (0,0) {PC}; % Instruction Memory \node[instr_mem, anchor=lpin 1, xshift=0.5cm] (instr_mem) at (PC.rpin 1) {\\[4mm]Instruction\\Memory}; % IR \node[non_arch_ff_we, anchor=lpin 1, xshift=0.5cm] (IR) at (instr_mem.rpin 1) {IR}; % PC + 4 \node[PC_4] (PCPlus4) at ($( + (0,-3.5)$) {+}; % PC p4 \node[non_arch_ff] (PC_p4) at (IR.bpin 1|-PCPlus4) {PC\\p4}; % PC + 8 \node[PC_4, anchor=lpin 2, shift={(2cm,1cm)}] (PCPlus8) at (PC_p4.rpin 1) {+}; % Register File \node[RF, anchor=lpin 4, xshift=4cm] (RF) at (PCPlus8.rpin 1) {Register\\File}; % Extend Unit \node[extend, yshift=-2cm] (Extend) at (RF.bottom) {Extend}; % MUX A1 \node[mux2to1, anchor=brpin 1, xshift=-4.5cm] (mux2to1_A1) at (RF.lpin 1) {}; % MUX A2 \node[mux2to1, anchor=brpin 1, xshift=-3cm] (mux2to1_A2) at (RF.lpin 2) {}; % MUX A3 \node[mux2to1, anchor=brpin 1, xshift=-1.5cm] (mux2to1_A3) at (RF.lpin 3) {}; % MUX WD3 \node[mux2to1_reverse, anchor=blpin 1, xshift=-0.23cm] (mux2to1_WD3) at (PC_p4.brpin 1-|mux2to1_A3) {}; % A \node[non_arch_ff, anchor=rpin 1, xshift=1.5cm] (A) at (RF.rpin 1) {A}; % B \node[non_arch_ff, anchor=rpin 1, xshift=1.5cm] (B) at (RF.rpin 2) {B}; % I \node[non_arch_ff] (I) at (Extend.rpin 1-|A) {I}; % MUX B \node[mux2to1, anchor=blpin 1, xshift=1.5cm] (mux2to1_B) at (B.brpin 1) {}; % ALU \node[ALU, anchor=lpin 2, xshift=0cm] (ALU) at (mux2to1_B.rpin 1) {\rotatebox{90}{ALU}}; % MA \node[non_arch_ff_we, anchor=rpin 1, xshift=1cm] (MA) at (ALU.rpin 1) {MA}; % Status Register \node[ff_we] (SR) at (MA|-ALU.tpin 3) {SR}; % Data Memory \node[data_mem, anchor=lpin 1, xshift=1cm] (data_mem) at (MA.rpin 1) {Data\\Memory}; % WD \node[non_arch_ff, anchor=rpin 1, xshift=-1cm] (WD) at (data_mem.lpin 3) {WD}; % MUX 3 to 1 \node[mux3to1, yshift=-3cm] (mux3to1) at (PCPlus4) {}; % MUX\documentclass[border=3pt]{standalone} \node[mux2to1_leftsided] (mux2to1_leftsided) at (mux3to1.rpin 3-|WD) {}; % S \node[non_arch_ff, anchor=lpin 1, xshift=0.2cm] (S) at (mux2to1_leftsided.rpin 1) {S}; % RD \node[non_arch_ff] (RD) at (mux2to1_leftsided.rpin 2-|data_mem) {RD}; %%%% Connections %%%% % Buses of 32 bits \draw[ultra thick] (PC.brpin 1) -- (instr_mem.blpin 1) % (instr_mem.brpin 1) -- (IR.blpin 1) % (PCPlus4.blpin 1) -| ($(PC.rpin 1)!0.5!(instr_mem.lpin 1)$) (PCPlus4.brpin 1) -- (PC_p4.blpin 1) (PC_p4.brpin 1) -| (PCPlus8.lpin 2) -- (PCPlus8.blpin 2) % (PCPlus8.brpin 1) -- (RF.blpin 4) % (IR.brpin 1) -- +(0.7,0) coordinate (ir_tmp) -- (ir_tmp|-ALU.tpin 1) -- (ir_tmp|-Extend.lpin 1) -- (Extend.blpin 1) % (mux2to1_WD3.brpin 1) -- ++(0.3,0) |- (RF.blpin 5) (mux2to1_WD3.blpin 1) -- (PC_p4.brpin 1) (mux2to1_WD3.blpin 2) -- (mux2to1_WD3.lpin 2) -- (mux2to1_WD3.lpin 2|-mux3to1.rpin 3) % (RF.brpin 1) -- (A.blpin 1) (RF.brpin 2) -- (B.blpin 1) % (Extend.brpin 1) -- (I.blpin 1) % (B.brpin 1) -- (mux2to1_B.blpin 1) (I.brpin 1) -| (mux2to1_B.lpin 2) -- (mux2to1_B.blpin 2) % (ALU.blpin 1) -- (A.brpin 1) (ALU.blpin 2) -- (mux2to1_B.brpin 1) % (ALU.brpin 1) -- (MA.blpin 1) % (MA.brpin 1) -- (data_mem.blpin 1) % (data_mem.blpin 3) -- (WD.brpin 1) (data_mem.brpin 3) -- (data_mem.rpin 3) |- (RD.rpin 1) -- (RD.brpin 1) % (WD.blpin 1) -| ($(B.brpin 1)!0.5!(mux2to1_B.blpin 1)$) % (mux3to1.blpin 1) -| ($(PC.lpin 1)+(-0.4,0)$) -- (PC.blpin 1) (mux3to1.brpin 1) -| ($(PC_p4.brpin 1)+(0.35,0)$) (mux3to1.brpin 2) -| ($(ALU.brpin 1)!0.5!(MA.blpin 1)$) coordinate (ALU_tmp) (mux3to1.brpin 3) -- (mux2to1_leftsided.blpin 1) % (mux2to1_leftsided.brpin 1) -- (S.blpin 1) (mux2to1_leftsided.brpin 2) -- (RD.blpin 1) % (S.brpin 1) -- (S.rpin 1) -- ++(0,1.4cm) coordinate (S_tmp) -- (S_tmp-|ALU_tmp) % (ALU.btpin 1) -- (ALU.tpin 1) |- (ALU.tpin 1-|ir_tmp) -- (ir_tmp); % Smaller Buses \draw[thick] (mux2to1_A1.brpin 1) -- (RF.blpin 1) (mux2to1_A1.blpin 1) -- (mux2to1_A1.blpin 1-|ir_tmp) % (mux2to1_A3.brpin 1) -- (RF.blpin 3) (mux2to1_A3.blpin 1) -- (mux2to1_A3.blpin 1-|ir_tmp) % (mux2to1_A2.brpin 1) -- (RF.blpin 2) (mux2to1_A2.blpin 1) -- (mux2to1_A2.blpin 1-|ir_tmp) (mux2to1_A2.blpin 2) -| (mux2to1_A2.lpin 1|-mux2to1_A3.blpin 1) % (ALU.btpin 3) -- (ALU.tpin 3) -- (SR.blpin 1) [-stealth] (SR.brpin 1) -- (SR.rpin 1) -- +(0,1.2) node[right,pos=0.45] {\rotatebox{-90}{\small{Flags}}}; %%%% Control %%%% \control{PCWrite}{PC.bpin 1}{below}; % \control{IRWrite}{IR.bpin 1}{below}; % \control{ImmSrc[1:0]}{Extend.tpin 1}{above}; % \control{RegSrc[0]}{mux2to1_A1.tpin 1}{above}; % \draw (mux2to1_A2.tpin 1) -- (mux2to1_A2.tpin 1|-mux2to1_A1.tpin 1) coordinate (control_mux2to1_A1); \control{RegSrc[1]}{control_mux2to1_A1}{above}; % \draw (mux2to1_A3.tpin 1) -- (mux2to1_A3.tpin 1|-mux2to1_A1.tpin 1) coordinate (control_mux2to1_A3); \control{RegSrc[2]}{control_mux2to1_A3}{above}; % \draw (mux2to1_WD3.tpin 1) -- (mux2to1_A3.bottom); % \control{RegWrite}{RF.tpin 4}{above}; % \control{ALUSrc}{mux2to1_B.tpin 1}{above}; % \control{ALUControl[2:0]}{ALU.tpin 2}{above}; % \control{FlagsWrite}{SR.bpin 1}{below}; % \control{MAWrite}{MA.bpin 1}{below}; % \control{MemWrite}{data_mem.tpin 5}{above}; % \control{PCSrc[1:0]}{mux3to1.tpin 1}{above}; % \control{MemtoReg}{mux2to1_leftsided.tpin 1}{above}; %%%% Inputs %%%% \node[left] at (PCPlus4.lpin 2) {\ttfamily4}; % \node[left] at (PCPlus8.lpin 1) {\ttfamily4}; % \node[left] at (mux2to1_A1.lpin 2) {\ttfamily15}; % \node[left] at (mux2to1_A3.lpin 2) {\ttfamily14}; %%%% Instruction Bits %%%% \node[above] at ($(mux2to1_A1.blpin 1-|ir_tmp)!0.24!(mux2to1_A1.blpin 1)$) {\scriptsize\ttfamily19:16}; % \node[above] at ($(mux2to1_A2.blpin 1-|ir_tmp)!0.1!(mux2to1_A2.blpin 1)$) {\scriptsize\ttfamily3:0}; % \node[above] at ($(mux2to1_A3.blpin 1-|ir_tmp)!0.09!(mux2to1_A3.blpin 1)$) {\scriptsize\ttfamily15:12}; % \node[above] at ($(Extend.blpin 1-|ir_tmp)!0.06!(Extend.blpin 1)$) {\scriptsize\ttfamily23:0}; % \node[above] at ($(ALU.tpin 1-|ir_tmp)!0.024!(ALU.tpin 1)$) {\scriptsize\ttfamily11:5}; %%%% Labels %%%% \node[label_args, above, xshift=-1.5pt] at (PC.lpin 1) {PC'}; \node[label_args, above] at ($(PC.rpin 1)!0.5!(instr_mem.lpin 1)$) {PC}; \node[label_args, above] at ($(instr_mem.rpin 1)!0.5!(IR.lpin 1)$) {Instr}; \node[label_args, above] at ($(PCPlus4.rpin 1)!0.5!(PC_p4.lpin 1)$) {PCPlus4}; \node[label_args, below, xshift=0.6cm] at (I.rpin 1) {ExtImm}; \node[label_args, above] (SrcB) at ($(mux2to1_B.brpin 1)!0.5!(ALU.blpin 2)$) {SrcB}; \node[label_args, above] at (A-|SrcB) {SrcA}; \node[label_args, above] at (WD.lpin 1-|ALU.blpin 2) {WriteData}; \node[label_args, above, xshift=-0.9cm] at (S_tmp) {ALUResult}; \node[label_args, above] at (mux2to1_leftsided-|mux2to1_WD3) {Result}; \node[label_args, above] (WA) at ($(mux2to1_A3.rpin 1)!0.5!(RF.lpin 3)$) {WA}; \node[label_args, above] at (WA|-mux2to1_A1) {RA1}; \node[label_args, above] at (WA|-mux2to1_A2) {RA2}; \node[label_args, above] at (WA|-PCPlus8) {PCPlus8}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
Control Unit
\documentclass[border=3pt]{standalone} %%Fonts %\usepackage{fontspec} %\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman} %\setmonofont[Mapping=tex-text]{JetBrains Mono} %Drawing \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc, positioning} % Circuits \usepackage{circuitikz} % Lengths \def\instrdeclen{7} \def\fsmlen{10} \def\condlogiclen{4} \def\width{10.5} % Node specifics \def\fillcolor{cyan!60} \def\innderlabelfont{\scriptsize} % Connections \def\outlen{1.5cm} \tikzset{ every node/.style={rounded corners=0.5cm}, % Instruction Decoder instr_dec/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=\instrdeclen, Rh=\instrdeclen, w=\width, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=2, NR=5, NB=2, NT=0, }, muxdemux label ={ L1=op, L2=funct, R1=RegSrc, R2=ALUSrc, R3=MemtoReg, R4=ALUControl, R5=ImmSrc, B1=NoWrite\_in, B2=BL\_in, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\fillcolor, circuitikz/muxdemux/inner label font=\innderlabelfont, }, % FSM fsm/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=\fsmlen, Rh=\fsmlen, w=\width, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=3, NR=7, NB=0, NT=0, }, muxdemux label ={ L1=op, L2=S/L, L3=R\_d, R1=IRWrite, R2=RegWrite, R3=MAWrite, R4=MemWrite, R5=FlagsWrite, R6=PCSrc, R7=PCWrite, B1=NoWrite\_in, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\fillcolor, circuitikz/muxdemux/inner label font=\innderlabelfont, }, % Conditional Logic cond_logic/.style={ muxdemux, muxdemux def={ Lh=\condlogiclen, Rh=\condlogiclen, w=\width, square pins=1, inset Lh=0, inset Rh=0, inset w=0, NL=2, NR=0, NB=0, NT=1, }, muxdemux label ={ L1=cond, L2=flags, T1=CondEx\_in, }, circuitikz/muxdemuxes/fill=\fillcolor, circuitikz/muxdemux/inner label font=\innderlabelfont, }, % Label label/.style={ font=\large\bfseries, align=center, }, % Connection connection/.style={ thin, }, % Input input/.style={ font=\scriptsize\ttfamily, above, xshift=-0.2cm, }, % Output output/.style={ font=\ttfamily, right, }, } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 1cm] % Components \node[instr_dec, label] (instr_dec) {Instruction\\Decoder}; \node[fsm, label, anchor = north, below=of instr_dec.south] (fsm) {FSM}; \node[cond_logic, label, anchor = north, below=of fsm.south] (cond_logic) {Conditional\\Logic}; % Connections % Instruction Decoder Output \draw[connection] (instr_dec.brpin 1) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {RegSrc}; \draw[connection] (instr_dec.brpin 2) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {ALUSrc}; \draw[connection] (instr_dec.brpin 3) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {MemtoReg}; \draw[connection] (instr_dec.brpin 4) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {ALUControl}; \draw[connection] (instr_dec.brpin 5) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {ImmSrc}; % \draw[connection] (instr_dec.blpin 1) -- ++(-\outlen,0) node[input, pos=0.4] {27:26}; \draw[connection] (instr_dec.blpin 2) -- ++(-\outlen,0) node[input, pos=0.4] {25:20}; % FSM Input \draw[connection, -stealth] ( -- (fsm.bottom); \draw[connection, -stealth] (instr_dec.bbpin 1) -- (instr_dec.bbpin 1|; \draw[connection, -stealth] (instr_dec.bbpin 2) -- (instr_dec.bbpin 2|; % \draw[connection] (fsm.blpin 1) -- ++(-\outlen,0) node[input, pos=0.4] {27:26}; \draw[connection] (fsm.blpin 2) -- ++(-\outlen,0) node[input, pos=0.4] {20}; \draw[connection] (fsm.blpin 3) -- ++(-\outlen,0) node[input, pos=0.4] {15:12}; % FSM Output \draw[connection] (fsm.brpin 1) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {IRWrite}; \draw[connection] (fsm.brpin 2) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {RegWrite}; \draw[connection] (fsm.brpin 3) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {MAWrite}; \draw[connection] (fsm.brpin 4) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {MemWrite}; \draw[connection] (fsm.brpin 5) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {FlagsWrite}; \draw[connection] (fsm.brpin 6) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {PCSrc}; \draw[connection] (fsm.brpin 7) -- ++(\outlen,0) node[output] {PCWrite}; % Conditional Logic Input \draw[connection] (cond_logic.blpin 1) -- ++(-\outlen,0) node[input, pos=0.4] {31:28}; \draw[connection] (cond_logic.blpin 2) -- ++(-\outlen,0) coordinate (in); % Input to Control Unit \draw[very thick] ($(fsm.left)!0.5!(cond_logic.left) + (-3cm,0)$) node[output, left] (IR) {IR} -- (IR-|in) -- ($(in|-instr_dec.lpin 1) + (0,0.3)$) -- ($(in|-cond_logic.lpin 1) + (0,-0.3)$); \draw[very thick] (cond_logic.blpin 2) -- ++(-3cm,0) node[output, left] {SR}; \node[ draw, ultra thick, cyan, fill=cyan, fill opacity=0.2, rectangle, minimum height=16cm, minimum width=9cm, yshift=1.5cm, xshift=-0.8cm] (control) at (fsm) {}; \node[yshift=-0.5cm] at (control.north) {\LARGE\bfseries Control}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
FSM Schematic
\documentclass[border=3pt]{standalone} %%Fonts %\usepackage{fontspec} %\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{JetBrains Mono} % Tikz \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc, positioning} \tikzset{ node distance = 1.5cm and 1.5cm, state/.style={ draw, very thick, shape=circle, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=2pt, text width=25pt, align=center, fill=gray!30, }, S0/.style={ draw=gray!100, fill=gray!20, }, S1/.style={ draw=green!70!black, fill=green!20, }, S2/.style={ draw=magenta!100, fill=magenta!20, }, S3/.style={ draw=cyan!100, fill=cyan!20, }, S4/.style={ draw=orange!100, fill=orange!20, }, connection/.style={ -stealth, }, label/.style={ font=\tiny\ttfamily, align=center, } } % Notation \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % State 0 \node[state, S0] (S0) {S0}; % State 1 \node[state, below = of S0, S1] (S1) {S1}; % State 2 \node[state, below = of S1, S2] (S2a) {S2a}; \node[state, right = of S2a, S2] (S2b) {S2b}; % State 3 \node[state, below = of S2a, S3] (S3) {S3}; % State 4 \node[state, below = of S3, S4] (S4a) {S4a}; %% Right \node[state, right = of S4a, S4] (S4b) {S4b}; \node[state, right = of S4b, S4] (S4e) {S4e}; \node[state, right = of S4e, S4] (S4f) {S4f}; \node[state, right = of S4f, S4] (S4g) {S4g}; %% Left \node[state, left = of S4a, S4] (S4d) {S4d}; \node[state, left = of S4d, S4] (S4c) {S4c}; \node[state, left = of S4c, S4] (S4h) {S4h}; \node[state, left = of S4h, S4] (S4i) {S4i}; % Connections % Reset \draw[connection] (-1,0) -- (S0) node[pos=-1.5] {\texttt Reset}; % S0 -> \draw[connection] (S0) -- (S1); % S1 -> \draw[connection] (S1) -- (S2a) node[label, pos = 0.5, xshift=-10] {op=01\\cEx=1}; \draw[connection] (S1) -- (S2b) node[label, pos = 0.5, anchor=35] {op=00\\cEx=1\\NoW=0}; \draw[connection] (S1) -- (S4g.120) node[label, pos = 0.5, anchor=south west] {op=00\\cEx=1\\NoW=1}; \draw[connection] (S1) -- (S4c) node[label, pos = 0.65, anchor=base east] {cEx=0}; \draw[connection] (S1) -- (S4h) node[label, pos = 0.65, anchor=base east] {op=10\\cEx=1\\BL\_in=0}; \draw[connection] (S1) -- (S4i) node[label, pos = 0.65, anchor=base east] {op=10\\cEx=1\\BL\_in=1}; % S2a -> \draw[connection] (S2a) -- (S3) node[label, pos = 0.5, right] {L=1}; \draw[connection] (S2a) -- (S4d) node[label, pos = 0.5, left] {L=0}; % S2b -> \draw[connection] (S2b) -- (S4a) node[label, pos = 0.5, right] {S=0\\Rd!=15}; \draw[connection] (S2b) -- (S4b) node[label, pos = 0.5, right] {S=0\\Rd=15}; \draw[connection] (S2b) -- (S4e) node[label, pos = 0.58, above right] {S=1\\Rd!=15}; \draw[connection] (S2b) -- (S4f) node[label, pos = 0.58, above right] {S=1\\Rd=15}; % S3 -> \draw[connection] (S3) -- (S4a) node[label, pos = 0.5, left] {Rd!=15}; \draw[connection] (S3) -- (S4b) node[label, pos = 0.45, anchor=base west] {Rd=15}; % S4g -> \draw[connection] (S4g) -- ++(0,-1) -| ++(1,0) coordinate (S4g_temp) -- (S0-|S4g_temp) coordinate (S4g_temp) -- (S0); % S4f -> \draw[connection] (S4f) -- ++(0,-1) -| (S4g_temp) -- (S0); % S4e -> \draw[connection] (S4e) -- ++(0,-1) -| (S4g_temp) -- (S0); % S4b -> \draw[connection] (S4b) -- ++(0,-1) -| (S4g_temp) -- (S0); % S4a -> \draw[connection] (S4a) -- ++(0,-1) -| (S4g_temp) -- (S0); % S4d -> \draw[connection] (S4d) -- ++(0,-1) -| (S4g_temp) -- (S0); % S4c -> \draw[connection] (S4c) -- ++(0,-1) -| (S4g_temp) -- (S0); % S4h -> \draw[connection] (S4h) -- ++(0,-1) -| (S4g_temp) -- (S0); % S4i -> \draw[connection] (S4i) -- ++(0,-1) -| (S4g_temp) -- (S0); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}