229 posts
Izaak got his Master's and PhD degree at the University of Zurich (UZH). Now he works at the CMS experiment in CERN, where he does fundamental research in the field of experimental particle physics, hunting for new particles in proton collisions. He has typeset lecture notes for introductory physics courses at UZH, fully illustrated with TikZ figures. Most figures here are related to work at the CMS detector, or teaching of Physics I and Physics II. You can also find a gallery of Feynman diagrams on Feynm.net.
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105 posts
Physics PhD student at Cambridge University working on machine learning in materials discovery. His blog is janosh.dev.
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98 posts
Currently studying for my M.Sc. in Control and Computing at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. My blog is alextsagkas.com
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49 posts
Lecturer in Mathematics, expert in teaching and learning of elementary mathematics. Occasional programmer, science and knowledge divulgator, writer and designer of educational materials, Monterrey, N.L., México. •
LinkedIn • Amazon author page • Homepage • Courses • Youtube channel • Twitter • Illustrated Glossary of School Mathematics
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17 posts
Jake studied Environmental Engineering in Zurich and did his Master in it. During annotating a lot of plots for his coursework, he gained much experience with gnuplot, pgfplots and TikZ. He is a well-known TikZ contributor on TeX.SE. TeX.SE profile • LaTeX.net article • Plots • I put my codes on TikZ.net with CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.
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8 posts
Amir pursues the Ph.D. degree in power electronics with the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata,” Italy. He uses TikZ and CircuiTikZ to illustrate technical concepts in his field.
● ResearchGate
● Linkedin
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4 posts
I am currently in a Bachelor's Degree, studying Mathematics.
An area of focus for me is making mathematical illustrations, which I enjoy very much.
Besides my academic work, I'm passionate about volunteering.
I've dedicated over 900 hours to various animal rescue organizations.
My volunteer work has included tube-feeding squirrels and birds, as well as caring for owls, skunks, and even a bald eagle.
I also have extensive horse handling experience.
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1 posts
François Fleuret is Full Professor and head of the Machine Learning group in the department of Computer Science at the University of Geneva, Adjunct Professor in the School of Engineering of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, and External Research Fellow at the Idiap research institute. He got a PhD in Mathematics from INRIA and the University of Paris VI in 2000, and an Habilitation degree in Mathematics from the University of Paris XIII in 2006.
He has published more than 80 papers in peer-reviewed international conferences and journals, is Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, serves as Area Chair for NeurIPS, ICML, AAAI, and ICCV, and in the program committees of many top-tier international conferences in machine learning and computer vision. He was or is expert for multiple funding agencies.
He is the inventor of several patents in the field of machine learning, and co-founder of Neural Concept SA, a company specializing in the development and commercialization of deep learning solutions for engineering design.
His main research interest is machine learning, with a particular focus on computational aspects and sample efficiency.
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