Black body model

Model of an ideal black body; a cavity with a hole (see Wikipedia).
Find other black body diagrams via the “black body” tag: black body color gradient, plots, Plank oscillators.

% Author: Izaak Neutelings (March 2019)
% Inspiration:
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing,decorations.markings,calc} % for random steps & snake
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size
\tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head
\tikzstyle{radiation}=[-{Latex[length=2,width=1.5]},red!95!black!50,opacity=0.7,very thin,decorate,
                       decoration={snake,amplitude=0.7,segment length=2,post length=2}]


  \shade[top color=black!60,bottom color=black!80,shading angle=10] % background
    (7:1) arc (7:355:1);
  \fill[thick,black,postaction=decorate, % rough inner surface
    decoration={markings,mark=between positions 0.55 and 1 step 0.03 with {
                  \node[transform shape,inner sep=1pt]
                  (hit\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}) {};
    (7:1) arc (7:353:1) --++ (-7:-0.18)
    decorate[decoration={random steps,segment length=2,amplitude=1pt}]
        {arc (-7:-353:0.82)} -- cycle;
  \draw[yellow] % connect light ray to random points
    (8:1.5) -- ( -- ( -- ( -- ( --
    ( -- ( -- ( -- ( -- ( --
    ( -- ( -- (;
  \foreach \ang in {-35,-5,35}{
    \draw[radiation] (1,0)++(\ang:0.1 and 0.2) --++ (\ang:0.35);


% BLACK BODY - without infalling light
  \shade[top color=black!60,bottom color=black!80,shading angle=10] % background
    (7:1) arc (7:355:1);
  \fill[thick,black,postaction=decorate, % rough inner surface
    decoration={markings,mark=between positions 0.55 and 1 step 0.03 with {
                  \node[transform shape,inner sep=1pt]
                  (hit\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}) {};
    (7:1) arc (7:353:1) --++ (-7:-0.18)
    decorate[decoration={random steps,segment length=2,amplitude=1pt}]
        {arc (-7:-353:0.82)} -- cycle;
  \foreach \ang [evaluate={\angin=\ang-180+10*rand; \r=0.76+0.05*rand; \l=0.4+0.02*rand}] in {10,45,100,140,190,240,290,330}{
    \draw[radiation] (\ang:\r) --++ (\angin:\l);
  \foreach \ang in {-30,0,30}{
    \draw[radiation] (1,0)++(\ang:0.05 and 0.16) --++ (\ang:0.35);



Click to download: blackbody.texblackbody.pdf
Open in Overleaf: blackbody.tex

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