Equidistant energy levels of Plank oscillators.
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (March 2019) \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{ifthen} \usepackage{siunitx} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \begin{document} % ENERGY LEVELS \begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=2.8,yscale=0.8] \foreach \n in {0,...,4}{ \ifthenelse{\n>1}{ \draw[thick] (0,\n) --++ (1,0) node[right=1pt] {$E_{\n}=\n h\nu$}; }{\ifthenelse{\n>0}{ \draw[thick] (0,\n) --++ (1,0) node[right=1pt] {$E_{\n}=h\nu$}; }{ \draw[thick] (0,\n) --++ (1,0) node[right=1pt] {$E_{\n}=0$}; }} \ifthenelse{\n<4}{ \draw[<->,thick,blue!60!black] (0.22,\n) --++ (0,1) node[left,midway,scale=0.8] {$h\nu$}; } } \draw[->,thick] (-0.1,-0.2) --++ (0,5) node[left] {$E$}; \draw[<->,thick,blue!60!black] (0.44,1) --++ (0,2) node[above=10pt,right,midway,scale=0.8] {$2h\nu$}; \draw[<->,thick,blue!60!black] (0.75,1) --++ (0,3) node[right,midway,scale=0.8] {$3h\nu$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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