The “Clebsh example”, a simple truss structure that A. Clebsh solved by the displacement method.

Clebsh example

\pgfplotsset{/pgf/number format/use comma,compat=1.16}
\usepackage{stanli} % TikZ Library for Structural Analysis by Jurgen Hackl

  %\draw [help lines] (0,0) grid [step=1] (8,9); %useful for construction
  % Coordinates system
  \draw (-2,3) node[below] {O};
  \draw[<->] (-1,3) node[right] {$x$}-|(-2,4) node[left]{$y$};
  %load force
  \notation{1}{A}{A}[below left];
  \notation{1}{B}{B}[above right];
  \notation{1}{B'}{B'}[above right];
  \draw (0.5,2.5) node[left]{$EA$} to [out=0,in=180] (1.5,2);
  \draw (1.75,6.5) node[left]{$EA$} to [out=0,in=150] (2.6,6);
  \draw (5.25,1.75) node[left]{$EA$} to [out=0,in=225] (6,2.2);
  % To-paths are really useful for drawing curved lines. The above
  % to path is equal to:
  % \draw[-latex,thick] (3.2,0.5) node[right]{$\mathsf{S_{1,2}}$}
  %      ..controls +(180:.2cm) and +(up:0.25cm) .. (3,0);
  % Internally the to path is translated to a similar bezier curve,
  % but the to path syntax hides the complexity from the user.

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