Study of helicity (handedness) and spin correlations in pion decay, and parity violation.
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (March 2020) \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} % for \dfrac \usepackage{mathabx} % for \Earth \usepackage{bm} % \bm \usepackage{physics} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \usepackage{xcolor} \colorlet{vcol}{red!50!black} \colorlet{veccol}{green!50!black} \colorlet{Icol}{blue!70!black} \colorlet{wcol}{orange!90!black} \colorlet{Scol}{green!60!black} \tikzstyle{current}=[->,Icol] %thick, \tikzstyle{force}=[->,very thick,BFcol] \tikzstyle{velocity}=[->,thick,vcol] \tikzstyle{spin}=[->,very thick,Scol] \tikzstyle{charge+}=[very thin,draw=black,top color=red!50,bottom color=red!90!black,shading angle=20,circle,inner sep=0.2] \tikzstyle{charge-}=[very thin,draw=black,top color=blue!50,bottom color=blue!80,shading angle=20,circle,inner sep=0.2] \tikzstyle{charge0}=[very thin,draw=black,top color=green!60!black!40,bottom color=green!60!black!80,shading angle=20,circle,inner sep=0.2] \tikzstyle{vector}=[->,thick,veccol] \tikzset{ pics/spin/.style={ code={ \def\L{0.38} \draw[-{Latex[length=3,width=2.5]},pic actions,rotate=#1,line width=0.9,Scol] (-\L/2,0) --++ (\L,0); \draw[pic actions,rotate=#1,thin,white] (-0.15*\L,0)++(170:{0.16*\L} and {0.22*\L}) arc (170:190:{0.16*\L} and {0.22*\L}); \draw[-{Latex[length=1.2,width=1]},pic actions,rotate=#1,very thin] (-0.15*\L,0)++(25:{0.16*\L} and {0.22*\L}) arc (25:305:{0.16*\L} and {0.22*\L}) --++ (50:0.09*\L); }}, pics/spin/.default=90, } \begin{document} % PION DECAY \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{1.0} \def\v{0.9*\L} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (L) at (-0.85*\L,0); \coordinate (R) at (\L,0); \coordinate (LS) at ($(L)+(-0.45*\v,0.15*\L)$); \coordinate (RS) at ($(R)+( 0.50*\v,0.15*\L)$); % VECTORS \draw[->,velocity] (R)++(0.1*\L,0) --++ (\v,0); \draw[->,velocity] (L) --++ (-\v,0); \pic at (RS) {spin={180}}; \pic at (LS) {spin={ 0}}; %\node[vcol,above=5,scale=0.8] at (O) {$S_\pi = 0$}; % PARTICLES \draw[charge0] (L) circle (0.07*\L); \node[charge+,scale=1.00] at (O) {$+$}; \node[charge+,scale=0.78] at (R) {$+$}; \node at ($(L)+(0,-0.45*\L)$) {\strut$\nu_\mu$}; \node at ($(O)+(0,-0.45*\L)$) {\strut$\pi^+$}; \node[right=-8] at ($(R)+(0,-0.45*\L)$) {\strut$\mu^+$}; \end{tikzpicture} % MU DECAY - maximal positron energy \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{0.8} \def\v{1.2*\L} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (LT) at (-\L, 0.18*\L); \coordinate (LB) at (-\L,-0.18*\L); \coordinate (R) at (\L,0); \coordinate (T) at (0,0.42*\L); \coordinate (LTS) at ($(LT)+(-0.3*\v, 0.18*\L)$); \coordinate (LBS) at ($(LB)+(-0.3*\v,-0.18*\L)$); \coordinate (RS) at ($(R)+( 0.50*\v,0.18*\L)$); % VECTORS \draw[->,velocity] (R)++(0.05*\L,0) --++ (\v,0); \draw[->,velocity] (LT) --++ (-0.7*\v,0) node[black,above=2,left=-2] {\strut$\nu_\mathrm{e}$}; \draw[->,velocity] (LB) --++ (-0.7*\v,0) node[black,below=3,left=-3] {\strut$\overline{\nu}_\mu$}; \pic at (RS) {spin={ 0}}; \pic at (LTS) {spin={ 0}}; \pic at (LBS) {spin={180}}; \pic at (T) {spin={ 0}}; % PARTICLES \draw[charge0] (LT) circle (0.07*\L); \draw[charge0] (LB) circle (0.07*\L); \node[charge+,scale=1.00] at (O) {$+$}; \node[charge+,scale=0.60] at (R) {$+$}; \node at ($(O)+(0,-0.56*\L)$) {\strut$\mu^+$}; \node[right=-7] at ($(R)+(0,-0.56*\L)$) {\strut$\mathrm{e}^+$}; \end{tikzpicture} % MU DECAY - minimal positron energy \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{0.8} \def\v{1.2*\L} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (LT) at (-\L, 0.18*\L); \coordinate (LB) at (-\L,-0.18*\L); \coordinate (R) at (\L,0); \coordinate (T) at (0,0.42*\L); \coordinate (LTS) at ($(LT)+(-0.4*\v, 0.18*\L)$); \coordinate (LBS) at ($(LB)+(-0.3*\v,-0.18*\L)$); \coordinate (RS) at ($(R)+( 0.4*\v,0.18*\L)$); % VECTORS \draw[->,velocity] (R)++(0.05*\L,0) --++ (0.9*\v,0) node[black,right=-1] {\strut$\overline{\nu}_\mu$}; \draw[->,velocity] (LT) --++ (-0.9*\v,0) node[black,above=2,left=-2] {\strut$\nu_\mathrm{e}$}; \draw[->,velocity] (LB) --++ (-0.6*\v,0) node[black,below=3,left=-3] {\strut$\mathrm{e}^+$}; \pic at (RS) {spin={ 0}}; \pic at (LTS) {spin={ 0}}; \pic at (LBS) {spin={180}}; \pic at (T) {spin={ 0}}; % PARTICLES \draw[charge0] (LT) circle (0.07*\L); \draw[charge0] (R) circle (0.07*\L); \node[charge+,scale=1.00] at (O) {$+$}; \node[charge+,scale=0.60] at (LB) {$+$}; \node at ($(O)+(0,-0.56*\L)$) {\strut$\mu^+$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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