Inspiration from Wikipedia.
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (March 2019) % Inspiration: \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \colorlet{mylightblue}{blue!10} \colorlet{mydarkblue}{blue!30!black} \tikzstyle{arrow}=[->,line width=2,mydarkblue] \tikzstyle{vector}=[->,line width=2,green!50!black] \tikzstyle{gas}=[top color=red!30,bottom color=blue!20,shading angle=-45] \tikzstyle{cold gas}=[blue!20] \tikzstyle{hot gas}=[red!30] \tikzstyle{knob}=[line width=2,mydarkblue,fill=blue!20!black!70] \tikzstyle{arm1}=[very thick,mydarkblue,top color=blue!20!black!25,bottom color=blue!20!black!50] \tikzstyle{arm2}=[very thick,mydarkblue,top color=blue!20!black!50,bottom color=blue!20!black!60] \tikzstyle{piston1}=[very thick,mydarkblue,top color=blue!20!black!40,bottom color=blue!20!black!50,middle color=blue!20!black!40,shading angle=90] \tikzstyle{piston2}=[very thick,mydarkblue,top color=blue!20!black!50,bottom color=blue!20!black!60,middle color=blue!20!black!40,shading angle=0] % ANGLE \newcommand{\getangle}[3]{% \pgfmathanglebetweenpoints{\pgfpointanchor{#2}{center}} {\pgfpointanchor{#3}{center}} \global\let#1\pgfmathresult } % ENGINE \def\engine#1{ \def\R{2} % flywheel \def\Ra{1.8} % arm attachment on flywheel \def\l{5.0} % arm length \def\w{0.2} % arm width \def\wa{0.3} % piston rod width \def\ha{1.5} % piston rod length \def\wp{3.8} % piston width \def\hp{2.0} % piston height \def\wt{1.0} % tube width \def\W{4.0} % wall width \def\H{8.4} % wall height \def\T{2.5} % wall thickness \def\cl{1.3} % cooling length \def\ct{.25} % cooling thickness \def\rb{0.1} % bolt \def\d{.4*\R} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (R) at (#1:\Ra); \coordinate (Pc) at (0,{\Ra*sin(#1)-sqrt(\l^2-(\Ra*cos(#1))^2)}); \coordinate (Ph) at ({\Ra*cos(#1)+sqrt(\l^2-(\Ra*sin(#1))^2)},0); \getangle{\ac}{Pc}{R} \getangle{\ah}{Ph}{R} % GAS \fill[gas] (\W/2-\wt,-\R-\d-\H) \pipeoutside --++ (0,-\wt) |-++ (-\H,-\H-\d); \fill[cold gas] (Pc) ++ (-\W/2,-\ha-.2*\hp) rectangle (\W/2,-\R-\d-\H-.01); \fill[hot gas] (Ph) ++ (\ha+.2*\hp,-\W/2) rectangle (\R+\d+\H+.01,\W/2); % FLYWHEEL \draw[very thick,mydarkblue,top color=blue!20!black!40,bottom color=blue!20!black!50,shading angle=0] (O) circle (\R); \draw[knob] (O) circle (.25*\R); % PISTON 1 (COLD) \draw[arm1,shading angle=\ac-90] (Pc) ++ (\ac-90:\w) arc (\ac-90:\ac-270:\w) -- ($(R)+(\ac-270:\w)$) arc (\ac+90:\ac-90:\w) -- cycle; \draw[piston1] (Pc) ++ (180:\wa) arc (180:0:\wa) --++ (0,-\ha) --++ (\wp/2-\wa,0) --++ (0,-\hp) coordinate[midway] (L) --++ (-\wp,0) --++ (0,\hp) --++ (\wp/2-\wa,0) -- cycle; \draw[knob] (R) circle (\rb); \draw[knob] (Pc) circle (\rb); % PISTON 2 (HOT) \draw[arm2,shading angle=\ah-90] (Ph) ++ (\ah-90:\w) arc (\ah-90:\ah-270:\w) -- ($(R)+(\ah-270:\w)$) arc (\ah+90:\ah-90:\w) -- cycle; \draw[piston2] (Ph) ++ (270:\wa) arc (270:90:\wa) --++ (\ha,0) --++ (0,\wp/2-\wa) --++ (\hp,0) --++ (0,-\wp) --++ (-\hp,0) --++ (0,\wp/2-\wa) -- cycle; \draw[knob] (R) circle (\rb); \draw[knob] (Ph) circle (\rb); % COOLER \foreach \x in {-1,1}{ \draw[mydarkblue,line width=2,fill=blue!80,xscale=\x] (\W/2,-\R-\d-.9*\H) --++ (\ct,0) |-++ (\cl,\ct) |-++ (-\cl,\ct) |-++ (\cl,\ct) |-++ (-\cl,\ct) |-++ (\cl,\ct) |-++ (-\cl,\ct) |-++ (\cl,\ct) |-++ (-\cl,\ct) |-++ (\cl,\ct) |-++ (-\cl,\ct) |-++ (\cl,\ct) coordinate (C\x) |-++ (-\cl,\ct) |-++ (-\ct,\ct); \draw[mydarkblue,line width=1.5,fill=red!80,yscale=\x] (\R+\d+.9*\H,\W/2) to[out=90,in=0]++ (-2*\ct,2*\ct) --++ (-.3*\H,0) coordinate (H\x) to[out=180,in=90]++ (-2*\ct,-2*\ct); } % WALL \draw[line width=1.7,mydarkblue,double=blue!20!black!60,double distance=\T,line cap=rect] (-\W/2,-\R-\d) |-++ (\W-\wt,-\H) \pipeoutside --++ (0,\W-\wt) --++ (-\H,0) ( \W/2,-\R-\d) |-++ (\H+\d,-\H) |-++ (-\H,\H+\d); } \def\pipeoutside{ to[out=-90,in=180]++ (\wt,-\wt) --++ (\H+\d,0) to[out=0,in=-90]++ (\wt,\wt) --++ (0,\H+\d) to[out=90,in=0]++ (-\wt, \wt) } \def\pipeinside{ to[out=-90,in=180]++ (\wt,-\wt) --++ (\H+\d,0) to[out=0,in=-90]++ (\wt,\wt) --++ (0,\H+\d) to[out=90,in=0]++ (-\wt, \wt) } \begin{document} % 1 \begin{tikzpicture} %\def\d{-10} \engine{110}; %\draw[vector] (\d:.6*\R) arc (\d:\d-80:.55*\R); \node[below right=3,align=left,scale=2.5] at (C1) {cold\\[-.5mm]end}; \node[left=13,below right=-1,scale=2.5] at (H-1) {hot end}; % \node[right=2,align=left,scale=2.5] at (20:1.1*\R) {fly\\[-.5mm]wheel}; % \draw[arrow] (L) ++ (-.6,-.1) --++ (10:2) % node[right=-2,align=right,scale=2.4] {loosely\\[-.5mm]fitting\\[-.5mm]piston}; \end{tikzpicture} % 2 \begin{tikzpicture} \engine{25}; \end{tikzpicture} % 3 \begin{tikzpicture} \engine{-70}; \end{tikzpicture} % 4 \begin{tikzpicture} \engine{-170}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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