The state of the 4 Vs of data as they apply to materials science. Inspired by fig. 1 in
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% The state of the 4 Vs of data as they apply to materials science. % Inspired by fig. 1 in \documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \def\rA{3cm} \def\rB{1.1 * \rA} \def\s{1mm} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ thick, every path/.style={rounded corners=0.1}, direction/.style={->,shorten >=2mm,shorten <=2mm}, ] \begin{scope}[shift={(\s,\s)}] \draw [fill=orange!20] (0:\rA) arc(0:90:\rA) |- cycle; \draw [fill=orange!40] (0:\rA) arc(0:60:\rA) -- (0,0) -- cycle; \node at (25:0.6*\rA) {Veracity}; \draw[direction] (0:\rB) arc(0:90:\rB) node[pos=0.05, above right] {high variance} node[pos=0.95, above right] {reference data}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[shift={(-\s,\s)}] \draw [fill=blue!20] (90:\rA) arc(90:180:\rA) -| cycle; \draw [fill=blue!40] (90:\rA) arc(90:100:\rA) -- (0,0) -- cycle; \node at (150:0.6*\rA) {Volume}; \draw[direction] (90:\rB) arc(90:180:\rB) node[pos=0.05, above left] {kilobytes} node[pos=0.95, above left] {terabytes}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[shift={(-\s,-\s)}] \draw [fill=green!20] (180:\rA) arc(180:270:\rA) |- cycle; \draw [fill=green!40] (180:\rA) arc(180:190:\rA) -- (0,0) -- cycle; \node at (230:0.6*\rA) {Velocity}; \draw[direction] (180:\rB) arc(-180:-90:\rB) node[pos=0.05, below left] {static} node[pos=0.95, below left] {dynamic}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[shift={(\s,-\s)}] \draw [fill=yellow!20] (270:\rA) arc(270:360:\rA) -| cycle; \draw [fill=yellow!40] (270:\rA) arc(270:290:\rA) -- (0,0) -- cycle; \node at (330:0.6*\rA) {Variety}; \draw[direction] (270:\rB) arc(-90:0:\rB) node[pos=0.05, below right] {clustered} node[pos=0.95, below right] {heterogeneous}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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