Cartoon of the AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy (HEA) with body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice. HEAs also come in face-centered cubic (FCC) and (less frequently) hexagonal close packing (HCP). BCC HEAs typically have high yield strength and low ductility, vice versa for FCC HEAs.
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% Cartoon of the AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy (HEA) with body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice. HEAs also come in face-centered cubic (FCC) and (less frequently) hexagonal close packing (HCP). BCC HEAs typically have high yield strength and low ductility, vice versa for FCC HEAs.%\documentclass[tikz]{standalone}\pgfmathdeclarerandomlist{colors}{{red!80}{teal}{blue!80}{orange}{blue!20}}\begin{document}\begin{tikzpicture}\foreach \i in {1,...,12} {\foreach \j in {1,...,4} {\foreach \k in {1,...,4} {\pgfmathrandomitem{\randColor}{colors}\shade[ball color=\randColor] (-\i+0.3*\j, -0.2*\j+1.2*\k) circle(0.3);}\foreach \k in {1,...,3} {\pgfmathrandomitem{\randColor}{colors}\shade[ball color=\randColor] (-\i+0.5+0.3*\j, -0.2*\j+1.2*\k+0.6) circle(0.3);}}}\foreach \el/\color [count=\n] in {Al/red!80, Co/blue!80, Cr/teal, Fe/orange, Ni/blue!20} {\shade[ball color=\color] (2, 5.5-\n) circle(0.3) node[right=1em] {\el};}\end{tikzpicture}\end{document}
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See more on the author page of Janosh Riebesell..
Please can you repeat this but this time, consider the compositon. For example; Al5Co23Cr26Fe2