Edit and compile if you like:
\documentclass[border=2pt]{standalone}% Drawing\usepackage{tikz}\usepackage{tikz-3dplot}% Style\tikzset{>=latex}% Define Color\definecolor{amber}{rgb}{1.0, 0.5, 0}\begin{document}% Axis Angles\tdplotsetmaincoords{74}{120}\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, tdplot_main_coords]% Axis\draw[->] (3,0,0) -- (-3,0,0) node[above right]{$y$};\draw[->] (0,-2,0) -- (0,2,0) node[right]{$x$};\draw[->] (0,0,-1.5) -- (0,0,1.5) node[above]{$z$};% Circular Loops\draw[line width = 1.2mm, amber] (0,0,1) circle [radius=1];\draw[line width = 1.2mm, amber] (0,0,-1) circle [radius=1];% Refinements for 3d View\draw (0,0,-1) -- (0,0,0.5);\draw[->] (0,0,0.9) -- (0,0,1.5);% Radius\draw [->] (0,0,1) -- (1,0,1) node [midway, above] {\small$R$} ;\draw [->] (0,0,-1) -- (1,0,-1) node [midway, above] {\small$R$} ;% Center Distance\draw[|<-] (2.2,0,1.54) -- (2.2,0,0.7) node [below] {\small$R$};\draw[->|] (2.2,0,0.41)-- (2.2,0,-0.46) ;% Current Direction\draw [line width = 0.7mm, blue, ->] (1.4,-0.1,1) arc (-20:20:1.1) node [black, midway, below] {$I$};
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See more on the author page of Alexandros Tsagkaropolulos.