Isolation (blue) and signal cone (red) of a hadronically decayed tau, and for comparison an electron, muon and quark/gluon-initiated jet. For more related figures, please see the “jet” tag or the Particle Physics category. The cones are constructed with the tangent methods presented here. The neutrinos from τ decay are invisible to the detector and are not shown in the illustrations below.
A hadronic jet initiated by a τ lepton that decays to a charge pion (“one prong”), and two neutral pions (π0s):
A hadronic jet initiated by a τ lepton that decays to three charge pions (“three prong”) plus one π0:
An isolated electron, that may be misidentified as a τ lepton decay to a single charged pion (“one prong”):
An isolated muon, that may be misidentified as a τ lepton decay to a single charged pion (“one prong”):
A hadronic jet initiated by a quark or gluon, which tend to have more activity in the isolation cone:
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (November 2021) % Description: jet cones for taus & others \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{math} % for \tikzmath \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \colorlet{myblue}{blue!70!black} %\colorlet{mydarkblue}{blue!50!black} \colorlet{mygreen}{green!60!black} \colorlet{myred}{red!75!black} \colorlet{isocol}{blue!70!black} % color isolation cone \colorlet{sigcol}{red!90!black} % color isolation cone \tikzstyle{track}=[->,line width=0.6,myred] \tikzstyle{dashed track}=[->,mygreen,line width=0.6,line cap=round, dash pattern=on 2.3 off 2.0] \newcommand\jetcone[6][sigcol]{{ \pgfmathanglebetweenpoints{\pgfpointanchor{#2}{center}}{\pgfpointanchor{#3}{center}} \pgfmathsetmacro\oang{#4/2} % half-opening angle \edef\e{#5} % ratio a/b \def\tmpL{tmpL-#2-#3} % unique coordinate name \edef\vang{\pgfmathresult} % angle of vector OV \tikzmath{ coordinate \C; \C = (#2)-(#3); \x = veclen(\Cx,\Cy)*\e*sin(\oang)^2; % x coordinate P \y = tan(\oang)*(veclen(\Cx,\Cy)-\x); % y coordinate P \a = veclen(\Cx,\Cy)*sqrt(\e)*sin(\oang); % vertical radius \b = veclen(\Cx,\Cy)*tan(\oang)*sqrt(1-\e*sin(\oang)^2); % horizontal radius \angb = acos(sqrt(\e)*sin(\oang)); % angle of P in ellipse } \coordinate (\tmpL) at ($(#3)-(\vang:\x pt)+(\vang+90:\y pt)$); % tangency \draw[thin,#1!50!black,fill=#1!80!black!50,rotate=\vang] % cone back (\tmpL) arc(180-\angb:180+\angb:{\a pt} and {\b pt}) -- ($(#2)+(0.01,0)$) -- cycle; \draw[thin,#1!50!black,rotate=\vang, % cone inside top color=#1!60!black!60,bottom color=#1!50!black!75,shading angle=\vang] (#3) ellipse({\a pt} and {\b pt}); #6 % extra tracks \draw[thin,#1!50!black,rotate=\vang,fill opacity=0.80, % cone front top color=#1!90!black!20,bottom color=#1!50!black!50,shading angle=\vang] (\tmpL) arc(180-\angb:180+\angb:{\a pt} and {\b pt}) -- ($(#2)+(0.01,0)$) -- cycle; }} \begin{document} % COMMON SETTINGS \small \def\angiso{44} % opening angle of isolation cone \def\angsig{22} % opening angle of isolation cone \def\e{0.11} % a/b ratio of ellipse minor and major radii \foreach \ang [evaluate={\ang; \anang=\ang-90;}] in {90,\angiso/2,0,180}{ % rotate each cone \tikzset{ every picture/.append style={scale=2.4,rotate=\ang-90}, % set scale for all figures every node/.style={inner sep=1,circle} %,draw=black!9,very thin} } % TAU JET - ONE PRONG \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (O') at (0,-0.01); % shifted \coordinate (I) at (0,0.92); % isolation cone \coordinate (S) at (0,1.00); % signal cone \coordinate (T) at (0,0.02); % tau vertex \jetcone[isocol]{O'}{I}{\angiso}{\e}{ % isolation cone \jetcone[sigcol]{O}{S}{\angsig}{\e}{ % signal cone \draw[track] (T) to[out=88,in=-70] (93:1.33) node[anchor=-70+\anang,inner sep={2.5*cos(\ang)^2-1.5}] {$\pi^-$}; } } \end{tikzpicture} % TAU JET - ONE PRONG, 2 PI ZEROS \begin{tikzpicture} \jetcone[isocol]{O'}{I}{\angiso}{\e}{ % isolation cone \jetcone[sigcol]{O}{S}{\angsig}{\e}{ % signal cone \draw[dashed track] (T) -- (97:1.18) node[anchor=-40+\anang,inner sep={2*cos(\ang)^2-1.0}] {$\pi^0$}; \draw[dashed track] (T) -- (82:1.20) node[anchor=-110+\anang,inner sep=0.0] {$\pi^0$}; \draw[track] (T) to[out=88,in=-70] (94:1.33) node[anchor=-100+\anang,inner sep={-sin(\ang)^2}] {$\pi^-$}; } } \end{tikzpicture} % TAU JET - THREE PRONG \begin{tikzpicture} \jetcone[isocol]{O'}{I}{\angiso}{\e}{ % isolation cone \jetcone[sigcol]{O}{S}{\angsig}{\e}{ % signal cone \draw[track] (T) to[out=90,in=-55] (103:1.33) node[anchor=-70+\anang,inner sep={2.5*cos(\ang)^2-1.5}] {$\pi^-$}; \draw[track] (T) to[out=90,in=-112] (87:1.29) node[anchor=-110+\anang,inner sep={0.6*sin(\ang)^2}] {$\pi^+$}; \draw[track] (T) to[out=88,in=-117] (82:1.16) node[anchor=-145+\anang,inner sep={0.6*sin(\ang)^2}] {$\pi^+$}; } } \end{tikzpicture} % TAU JET - THREE PRONG, PI ZERO \begin{tikzpicture} \jetcone[isocol]{O'}{I}{\angiso}{\e}{ % isolation cone \jetcone[sigcol]{O}{S}{\angsig}{\e}{ % signal cone \draw[dashed track] (T) -- (92:1.18) node[anchor=-85+\anang,inner sep=0.5] {$\pi^0$}; \draw[track] (T) to[out=90,in=-55] (103:1.33) node[anchor=-70+\anang,inner sep={2.5*cos(\ang)^2-1.5}] {$\pi^-$}; \draw[track] (T) to[out=93,in=-110] (84:1.29) node[anchor=-110+\anang,inner sep={0.6*sin(\ang)^2}] {$\pi^+$}; \draw[track] (T) to[out=88,in=-117] (80:1.16) node[anchor=-145+\anang,inner sep={0.6*sin(\ang)^2}] {$\pi^+$}; } } \end{tikzpicture} % ELECTRON JET \begin{tikzpicture} \jetcone[isocol]{O'}{I}{\angiso}{\e}{ % isolation cone \jetcone[sigcol]{O}{S}{\angsig}{\e}{ % signal cone %\draw[dashed track] (T) to[out=88,in=-70] (96:1.26) % node[right=0,above=-2] {$\mathrm{e}^-$}; \draw[dashed track] (T) to[out=88,in=-70] (96:1.26) node[anchor=-70+\anang,inner sep={2.5*cos(\ang)^2-1.5}] {$\mathrm{e}^-$}; } } \end{tikzpicture} % MUON JET \begin{tikzpicture} \jetcone[isocol]{O'}{I}{\angiso}{\e}{ % isolation cone \jetcone[sigcol]{O}{S}{\angsig}{\e}{ % signal cone \draw[track] (T) to[out=88,in=-70] (93:1.33) node[anchor=-70+\anang,inner sep={2.5*cos(\ang)^2-1.5}] {$\mu^-$}; } } \end{tikzpicture} % QUARK/GLUON JET \begin{tikzpicture} \jetcone[isocol]{O'}{I}{\angiso}{\e}{ % isolation cone \jetcone[sigcol]{O}{S}{\angsig}{\e}{ % signal cone \draw[dashed track] (T) -- (105:1.18); \draw[dashed track] (T) -- (94:1.22); \draw[dashed track] (T) -- (84:1.22); \draw[track] (T) to[out=105,in=-50] (113:1.18); \draw[track] (T) to[out=90,in=-55] (103:1.33); \draw[track] (T) to[out=98,in=-105] (87:1.29); \draw[track] (T) to[out=68,in=-92] (79:1.20); } } \end{tikzpicture} } % end \foreach \end{document}
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