Jet cones in production of top pairs (ttbar), as well as associated production with Higgs (ttH), with or without initial (ISR) or final state radiation (FSR).
For more related figures, please see the “jet” tag or the Particle Physics category. The cones are constructed with the tangent methods presented here.
ttbar with semi-leptonic decay:
ttbar with quark/gluon radiation:
Higgs production in association with top quarks (ttH, H →bbar):
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (July 2021) % Description: ttbar & ttH jets % Inspiration: PhD thesis by Korbinian Schweiger \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{physics} \usepackage{xcolor} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{math} % for \tikzmath \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing} % for curly braces \colorlet{myred}{red!70!black} \colorlet{mydarkred}{red!45!black} \colorlet{myblue}{blue!70!black} \colorlet{mydarkblue}{blue!40!black} \colorlet{mygreen}{green!80!black} \colorlet{mydarkgreen}{green!50!black} \colorlet{mypurple}{blue!50!red!80!black} \colorlet{myorange}{orange!70!red!80!black} \colorlet{mydarkorange}{orange!70!red!70!black} \tikzstyle{vector}=[->,very thick,myblue,line cap=round] \tikzstyle{ptmiss}=[->,dashed,thick,myred,line cap=round] \tikzstyle{cone}=[thin,blue!50!black,fill=blue!50!black!30] %,fill opacity=0.8 \tikzstyle{conebase}=[cone,fill=blue!50!black!50] %,fill opacity=0.8 \tikzstyle{loose dashed}=[dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] \newcommand{\qbar}{{\ensuremath{\overline{q}}}} %\xspace \newcommand{\bbar}{{\ensuremath{\overline{\mathrm{b}}}}} %\xspace \newcommand\jetcone[5][blue]{{ \pgfmathanglebetweenpoints{\pgfpointanchor{#2}{center}}{\pgfpointanchor{#3}{center}} \edef\ang{#4/2} \edef\e{#5} \edef\vang{\pgfmathresult} % angle of vector OV \coordinate (tmpO) at ($(#2)+(\vang:0.017)$); \tikzmath{ coordinate \C; \C = (tmpO)-(#3); \x = veclen(\Cx,\Cy)*\e*sin(\ang)^2; % x coordinate P \y = tan(\ang)*(veclen(\Cx,\Cy)-\x); % y coordinate P \a = veclen(\Cx,\Cy)*sqrt(\e)*sin(\ang); % vertical radius \b = veclen(\Cx,\Cy)*tan(\ang)*sqrt(1-\e*sin(\ang)^2); % horizontal radius \angb = acos(sqrt(\e)*sin(\ang)); % angle of P in ellipse } \coordinate (tmpL) at ($(#3)-(\vang:\x pt)+(\vang+90:\y pt)$); % tangency \draw[thin,#1!40!black,rotate=\vang, %,fill=#1!50!black!80 top color=#1!50!black!80,bottom color=#1!40!black!80,shading angle=\vang] (#3) ellipse({\a pt} and {\b pt}); \draw[thin,#1!40!black,rotate=\vang,%fill=#1!80!black!40, top color=#1!90!black!20,bottom color=#1!50!black!50,shading angle=\vang] (tmpL) arc(180-\angb:180+\angb:{\a pt} and {\b pt}) -- (tmpO) -- cycle; }} \begin{document} % TTBAR JETS - no text \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \def\R{1} % scale jet length \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (B1) at ( 30:1.1*\R); % b jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J1) at ( 10:1.0*\R); % q jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J2) at ( -12:1.0*\R); % q jet 2 (top) \coordinate (B2) at (-150:1.1*\R); % b jet 2 (antitop) \coordinate (J3) at ( 185:1.0*\R); % q jet 3 (antitop) \coordinate (J4) at ( 160:1.0*\R); % q jet 4 (antitop) % TOP 1 \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B1}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J1}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J2}{16}{0.10} % TOP 2 \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B2}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J3}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J4}{16}{0.10} \end{tikzpicture} % TTBAR JETS \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \def\R{1} % scale jet length \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (B1) at ( 30:1.1*\R); % b jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J1) at ( 10:1.0*\R); % q jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J2) at ( -12:1.0*\R); % q jet 2 (top) \coordinate (B2) at (-150:1.1*\R); % b jet 2 (antitop) \coordinate (J3) at ( 185:1.0*\R); % q jet 3 (antitop) \coordinate (J4) at ( 160:1.0*\R); % q jet 4 (antitop) % TOP 1 \def\tang{9} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B1}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J1}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J2}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}) node[below] {antitop}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!1.12!(B1)$) {\bbar}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!1.12!(J1)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!1.14!(J2)$) {$\qbar'$}; % TOP 2 \def\tang{185} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B2}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J3}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J4}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}) node[pos=0,below] {top}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!1.12!(B2)$) {b}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!1.12!(J3)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!1.14!(J4)$) {$\qbar'$}; \end{tikzpicture} % TTBAR JETS \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \def\R{1} % scale jet length \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (B1) at ( 30:1.1*\R); % b jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J1) at ( 10:1.0*\R); % q jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J2) at ( -12:1.0*\R); % q jet 2 (top) \coordinate (B2) at (-150:1.1*\R); % b jet 2 (antitop) \coordinate (J3) at ( 185:1.0*\R); % q jet 3 (antitop) \coordinate (J4) at ( 160:1.0*\R); % q jet 4 (antitop) % TOP 1 \def\tang{9} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B1}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J1}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J2}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}) node[below] {antitop}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.88!(B1)$) {\bbar}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.88!(J1)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.86!(J2)$) {$\qbar'$}; % TOP 2 \def\tang{185} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B2}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J3}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J4}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}) node[pos=0,below] {top}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.86!(B2)$) {b}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.88!(J3)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.86!(J4)$) {$\qbar'$}; \end{tikzpicture} % TTBAR JETS - semileptonic \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \def\R{1} % scale jet length \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (B1) at ( 30:1.1*\R); % b jet 1 (top) \coordinate (M1) at ( 8:1.5*\R); % muon (top) \coordinate (N1) at ( -17:1.4*\R); % neutrino (top) \coordinate (B2) at (-150:1.1*\R); % b jet 2 (antitop) \coordinate (J3) at ( 185:1.0*\R); % q jet 3 (antitop) \coordinate (J4) at ( 160:1.0*\R); % q jet 4 (antitop) % TOP 1 \def\tang{9} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B1}{14}{0.10} %\jetcone[myred!50!white]{O}{M1}{6}{0.08} \draw[loose dashed,thick,myred!80,line cap=round] (O) -- (N1); \draw[myred,thick,line cap=round] (O) to[out=-4,in=-160] (M1); \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}) node[below] {antitop}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!1.12!(B1)$) {\bbar}; \node[myred] at ($(O)!1.06!(M1)$) {$\mu$}; \node[myred] at ($(O)!1.07!(N1)$) {$\nu_\mu$}; % TOP 2 \def\tang{185} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B2}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J3}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J4}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}) node[pos=0,below] {top}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!1.12!(B2)$) {b}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!1.12!(J3)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!1.14!(J4)$) {$\qbar'$}; \end{tikzpicture} % TTBAR JETS - recoiling 1 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \def\R{1} % scale jet length \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (B1) at ( 80:1.1*\R); % b jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J1) at ( 60:1.0*\R); % q jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J2) at ( 40:1.0*\R); % q jet 2 (top) \coordinate (B2) at (-66:1.1*\R); % b jet 2 (antitop) \coordinate (J3) at (-40:1.0*\R); % q jet 3 (antitop) \coordinate (J4) at (-17:1.0*\R); % q jet 4 (antitop) \coordinate (G1) at (170:0.8*\R); % gluon (ISR/FSR) % TOP 1 \def\tang{59} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B1}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J1}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J2}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}) node[pos=0,above left=0] {top}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.88!(B1)$) {b}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.88!(J1)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.86!(J2)$) {$\qbar'$}; % TOP 2 \def\tang{-40} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B2}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J3}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J4}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}) node[left=2] {antitop}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.86!(B2)$) {\bbar}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.88!(J3)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.86!(J4)$) {$\qbar'$}; % GLUON \jetcone[myorange]{O}{G1}{19}{0.10} \node[mydarkorange] at ($(O)!0.86!(G1)$) {$g$}; \end{tikzpicture} % TTBAR JETS - recoiling 2 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \def\R{1} % scale jet length \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (B1) at ( 80:1.1*\R); % b jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J1) at ( 60:1.0*\R); % q jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J2) at ( 40:1.0*\R); % q jet 2 (top) \coordinate (B2) at (-66:1.1*\R); % b jet 2 (antitop) \coordinate (J3) at (-40:1.0*\R); % q jet 3 (antitop) \coordinate (J4) at (-17:1.0*\R); % q jet 4 (antitop) \coordinate (G1) at (158:0.80*\R); % gluon 1 (ISR/FSR) \coordinate (G2) at (196:0.82*\R); % gluon 2 (ISR/FSR) % TOP 1 \def\tang{59} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B1}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J1}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J2}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}) node[pos=0,above left=0] {top}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.88!(B1)$) {b}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.88!(J1)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.86!(J2)$) {$\qbar'$}; % TOP 2 \def\tang{-40} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B2}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J3}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J4}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}) node[left=2] {antitop}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.86!(B2)$) {\bbar}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.88!(J3)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.86!(J4)$) {$\qbar'$}; % GLUON \jetcone[myorange]{O}{G1}{21}{0.10} \jetcone[myorange]{O}{G2}{19}{0.10} \node[mydarkorange] at ($(O)!0.86!(G1)$) {$g$}; \node[mydarkorange] at ($(O)!0.86!(G2)$) {$g$}; \end{tikzpicture} % TTBAR JETS - recoiling 3 (no text) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \def\R{1} % scale jet length \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (B1) at ( 100:1.1*\R); % b jet 1 \coordinate (J1) at ( 130:1.0*\R); % q jet 1 \coordinate (J2) at ( 150:1.0*\R); % q jet 2 \coordinate (B2) at (-100:1.1*\R); % b jet 2 \coordinate (J3) at (-120:1.0*\R); % q jet 3 \coordinate (J4) at (-145:1.0*\R); % q jet 4 \coordinate (R1) at ( 20:0.75*\R); % recoil jet 1 \coordinate (R2) at ( -20:0.75*\R); % recoil jet 2 % TOP 1 \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B1}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J1}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J2}{16}{0.10} % TOP 2 \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B2}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J3}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J4}{16}{0.10} % RECOIL \jetcone[myorange]{O}{R1}{17}{0.08} \jetcone[myorange]{O}{R2}{17}{0.12} \end{tikzpicture} % ttH JETS - no text \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \def\R{1} % scale jet length \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (B1) at ( 120:1.1*\R); % b jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J1) at ( 140:1.0*\R); % q jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J2) at ( 160:1.0*\R); % q jet 2 (top) \coordinate (B2) at (-110:1.1*\R); % b jet 2 (antitop) \coordinate (J3) at (-131:1.0*\R); % q jet 3 (antitop) \coordinate (J4) at (-150:1.0*\R); % q jet 4 (antitop) \coordinate (H1) at ( 22:1.2*\R); % b jet 3 (Higgs) \coordinate (H2) at ( -16:1.2*\R); % b jet 4 (Higgs) % TOP 1 \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B1}{14}{0.14} \jetcone{O}{J1}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J2}{16}{0.10} % TOP 2 \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B2}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J3}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J4}{16}{0.10} % HIGGS \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{H1}{15}{0.08} \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{H2}{15}{0.13} \end{tikzpicture} % ttH JETS \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \def\R{1} % scale jet length \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (B1) at ( 120:1.1*\R); % b jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J1) at ( 140:1.0*\R); % q jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J2) at ( 160:1.0*\R); % q jet 2 (top) \coordinate (B2) at (-110:1.1*\R); % b jet 2 (antitop) \coordinate (J3) at (-131:1.0*\R); % q jet 3 (antitop) \coordinate (J4) at (-150:1.0*\R); % q jet 4 (antitop) \coordinate (H1) at ( 22:1.2*\R); % b jet 3 (Higgs) \coordinate (H2) at ( -16:1.2*\R); % b jet 4 (Higgs) % TOP 1 \def\tang{142} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B1}{14}{0.14} \jetcone{O}{J1}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J2}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}) node[right=2] {top}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.88!(B1)$) {b}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.88!(J1)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.86!(J2)$) {$\qbar'$}; % TOP 2 \def\tang{-130} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B2}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J3}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J4}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}) node[pos=0,right=2] {antitop}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.86!(B2)$) {\bbar}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.88!(J3)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.85!(J4)$) {$\qbar'$}; % HIGGS \def\tang{2} \draw[dashed,mydarkorange,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.96*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.18*\R} and {0.6*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{H1}{15}{0.08} \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{H2}{15}{0.13} \draw[dashed,mydarkorange,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.96*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.18*\R} and {0.6*\R}) node[below=1] {Higgs}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.87!(H1)$) {$b$}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.85!(H2)$) {$\bbar$}; \end{tikzpicture} % ttH JETS - recoil \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.5] \def\R{1} % scale jet length \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (B1) at ( 120:1.1*\R); % b jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J1) at ( 140:1.0*\R); % q jet 1 (top) \coordinate (J2) at ( 160:1.0*\R); % q jet 2 (top) \coordinate (B2) at (-110:1.1*\R); % b jet 2 (antitop) \coordinate (J3) at (-131:1.0*\R); % q jet 3 (antitop) \coordinate (J4) at (-150:1.0*\R); % q jet 4 (antitop) \coordinate (H1) at ( 12:1.2*\R); % b jet 3 (Higgs) \coordinate (H2) at ( -24:1.2*\R); % b jet 4 (Higgs) \coordinate (G1) at ( 59:0.88*\R); % gluon % TOP 1 \def\tang{142} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B1}{14}{0.14} \jetcone{O}{J1}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J2}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.82*\R,0.58*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.58*\R}) node[right=2] {top}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.88!(B1)$) {b}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.88!(J1)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.85!(J2)$) {$\qbar'$}; % TOP 2 \def\tang{-130} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{B2}{14}{0.10} \jetcone{O}{J3}{16}{0.08} \jetcone{O}{J4}{16}{0.10} \draw[dashed,mypurple,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.8*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.2*\R} and {0.6*\R}) node[pos=0,right=2] {antitop}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.86!(B2)$) {\bbar}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.88!(J3)$) {$q$}; \node[myblue] at ($(O)!0.85!(J4)$) {$\qbar'$}; % HIGGS \def\tang{-5} \draw[dashed,mydarkorange,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.96*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:-90:{0.18*\R} and {0.6*\R}); \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{H1}{15}{0.08} \jetcone[mygreen]{O}{H2}{15}{0.13} \draw[dashed,mydarkorange,rotate=\tang] ($(O)+(0.96*\R,0.6*\R)$) arc(90:270:{0.18*\R} and {0.6*\R}) node[below=1] {Higgs}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.87!(H1)$) {$b$}; \node[mydarkgreen] at ($(O)!0.86!(H2)$) {$\bbar$}; % RECOIL \jetcone[myorange]{O}{G1}{15}{0.08} \node[mydarkorange] at ($(O)!0.86!(G1)$) {$g$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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