Dispersion in a prism due to refraction. Incident white light is converted into a rainbow, as reported by Newton in 1666, or as shown on Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon (1973).
For more related figures, please see the Optics category.
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (June 2020) % Inspiration: % https://www.researchgate.net/figure/a-Refractive-index-and-b-dispersion-of-bulky-soft-glasses-NC21-LLF1-SF6-and-F2-As_fig1_236110630 % https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11082-014-9979-y \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{siunitx} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{intersections} \usetikzlibrary{fadings} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \colorlet{myblue}{blue!80!black} \colorlet{myred}{black!50!red} \colorlet{glasscol}{blue!10} \tikzstyle{glass}=[top color=glasscol!90!black,bottom color=glasscol!90!black,middle color=glasscol,shading angle=40] \begin{document} %% PRISM + REFRACTION %\begin{tikzpicture} % \def\N{6} % \def\L{2.8} % \def\na{1.0} % air % \def\angi{50} % \coordinate (O) at (0,0); % \coordinate (R) at (\L,0); % \coordinate (T) at (60:\L); % \coordinate (I) at (60:0.5*\L); % % % MEDIUM % \draw[line width=0.8,blue] (I)++(150+\angi:0.3*\L) -- (I) --++ (\angi-30:0.007*\L); % \draw[line width=0.6,white] (I)++(150+\angi:0.3*\L) -- (I) --++ (\angi-30:0.007*\L); % \fill[glass] (O) -- (T) -- (R) -- cycle; % \path[name path=side] (T) -- (R); % % % LIGHT BEAMS % % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/230227/creating-a-rainbow-color-macro % \foreach \i [evaluate={ % \ng=1.6-\i*0.2/\N; % \lamb=410+\i*320/\N; % %\len=1.5+\i*0.8/\N; % \angr=asin(\na/\ng*sin(\angi)); % \angR=asin(\ng/\na*sin(60-\angr)); % \dang=-30+\i*60/\N;}] in {0,...,\N}{ % \definecolor{tmpcol}{wave}{\lamb} % \colorlet{mycol}[rgb]{tmpcol} % \path[name path=beam1] (I) --++ (-30+\angr:0.8*\L); % \draw[mycol,name intersections={of=side and beam1,name=f}] %wave={\len} % (I)++(\dang:0.0028*\L) -- (f-1) --++ (30-\angR:0.4*\L); %node[scale=0.3] {\angR}; % } % %\foreach \i in {1,2}{ % % \draw[line width=0.59,white,path fading=east] (I)++(20:0.002*\L) --++ (1:0.08*\L); % % \draw[line width=0.59,white,path fading=east] (I)++(20:0.002*\L) --++ (1:0.03*\L); % %} % \coordinate (IT) at ($(I)+(60:0.006*\L)$); % \fill[white,path fading=east] % (IT) --++ (-120:0.012*\L) --++ (-1.3:0.10*\L) --++ (80:0.018*\L) -- cycle; % \fill[white,path fading=east] % (IT) --++ (-120:0.012*\L) --++ (-1.3:0.06*\L) --++ (80:0.0148*\L) -- cycle; % %\end{tikzpicture} % PRISM + REFRACTION \begin{tikzpicture} \def\N{200} % number of rainbow rays \def\L{2.8} \def\na{1.0} % air \def\angi{50} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (R) at (\L,0); \coordinate (T) at (60:\L); \coordinate (I) at (60:0.5*\L); % MEDIUM \draw[line width=0.8,blue] (I)++(150+\angi:0.3*\L) -- (I) --++ (\angi-30:0.01*\L); \draw[line width=0.6,white] (I)++(150+\angi:0.3*\L) -- (I) --++ (\angi-30:0.01*\L); \fill[glass] (O) -- (T) -- (R) -- cycle; \path[name path=side] (T) -- (R); % LIGHT BEAMS % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/230227/creating-a-rainbow-color-macro \begin{scope} \coordinate (IT) at ($(I)+(60:0.006*\L)$); \clip (O) -- (T) -- (1.08*\L,0.45*\L) to[out=-35,in=20,looseness=1] (1.04*\L,0.2*\L) -- (R) -- cycle; \foreach \i [evaluate={ \f=\i/\N; \ng=1.6-\f*0.2; \lamb=410+\f*320; \angr=asin(\na/\ng*sin(\angi)); \angR=asin(\ng/\na*sin(60-\angr)); \dl=0.0108*(1-\f)*\L;}] in {0,...,\N}{ \definecolor{tmpcol}{wave}{\lamb} \colorlet{mycol}[rgb]{tmpcol} \path[name path=beam1] (I) --++ (-30.1+\angr:0.8*\L); \path[name path=beam2] (I) --++ (-30.0+\angr:0.8*\L); \coordinate (IT2) at ($(I)+(57:0.005*\L)+(-120:\dl)$); \fill[mycol,name intersections={of=side and beam1,name=t}, name intersections={of=side and beam2,name=b}] %wave={\len} (IT2) -- (t-1) -- ($(t-1)+(30.0-\angR:0.4*\L)$) -- ($(b-1)+(30.1-\angR:0.4*\L)$) -- (b-1) -- ($(IT2)+(-120:-0.001*\L)$); %node[scale=0.3] {\angR}; } \end{scope} \fill[white,path fading=east] (IT) --++ (-120:0.012*\L) --++ (-1.3:0.06*\L) --++ (80:0.015*\L) -- cycle; \fill[white,path fading=east] (IT) --++ (-120:0.012*\L) --++ (-1.3:0.10*\L) --++ (80:0.018*\L) -- cycle; \end{tikzpicture} % REFRACTION \begin{tikzpicture} \def\Nx{4} \def\Ny{5} \def\xmax{4.2} \def\ymax{3} \def\nave{0.4*\ymax} \coordinate (L) at (0.05*\xmax,0.65*\ymax); \coordinate (M) at (0.38*\xmax,0.40*\ymax); \coordinate (R) at (1.01*\xmax,0.28*\ymax); \def\tick#1#2{\draw[thick] (#1) ++ (#2:0.03*\ymax) --++ (#2-180:0.06*\ymax)} % AXES \draw[->,thick] (0,0) -- (1.1*\xmax,0) node[right] {$\lambda$ [\si{nm}]}; \draw[->,thick] (0,0) -- (0,1.1*\ymax); \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\i*\xmax/\Nx;\lamd=int(400+\i*200)}] in {0,...,\Nx}{ \tick{\x,0}{90} node[below,scale=0.85] {$\lamd$}; } \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/precision=2} % decimal precision \foreach \i [evaluate={\y=\i*\ymax/\Ny;}] in {0,...,\Ny}{ \pgfmathparse{1.48+\i*0.02} \pgfmathroundtozerofill{\pgfmathresult} \pgfmathsetmacro\n{\pgfmathresult} \tick{0,\y}{0} node[left,scale=0.85] {$\n$}; } % LINE \draw[dashed] (0.05*\xmax,\nave) -- (1.05*\xmax,\nave); \draw[myblue,thick] (L) to[out=-40,in=165,looseness=1] (M) to[out=-15,in=178,looseness=1] (R); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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