Refraction of incident light, the explanation with wavelets from the Huygens-Fresnel principle, internal reflection, polarization by reflection.
For more related figures, please see the Optics category.
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (May 2020) % Inspiration: \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,arrows.meta} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.markings} \usetikzlibrary{angles,quotes} % for pic (angle labels) %\usepackage{tkz-euclide} % for \tkzMarkRightAngle %\usetkzobj{all} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \colorlet{myblue}{blue!80!black} \colorlet{mydarkblue}{blue!35!black} \colorlet{myred}{black!50!red} \colorlet{glasscol}{blue!10} \colorlet{Ecol}{orange!90!black} \tikzstyle{myarr}=[-{Latex[length=3,width=2]}] \tikzstyle{Evec}=[Ecol,{Latex[length=2.8,width=2.5]}-{Latex[length=2.8,width=2.5]},line width=0.6] \tikzstyle{glass}=[top color=glasscol!88!black,bottom color=glasscol,shading angle=0] %\tikzstyle{glass}=[top color=glasscol!88!black,bottom color=glasscol,middle color=glasscol!98!black,shading angle=0] \tikzset{ light beam/.style={thick,myblue,decoration={markings, mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{latex}}}, postaction={decorate}}, light beam/.default=0.5} \newcommand\rightAngle[4]{ \pgfmathanglebetweenpoints{\pgfpointanchor{#2}{center}}{\pgfpointanchor{#3}{center}} \coordinate (tmpRA) at ($(#2)+(\pgfmathresult+45:#4)$); \draw[white,line width=0.6] ($(#2)!(tmpRA)!(#1)$) -- (tmpRA) -- ($(#2)!(tmpRA)!(#3)$); \draw[blue!40!black] ($(#2)!(tmpRA)!(#1)$) -- (tmpRA) -- ($(#2)!(tmpRA)!(#3)$); } % WAVEFRONT \def\p{0.03} \def\r{0.25} \tikzset{ wavefront/.pic={ \tikzset{/wavefront/.cd,#1} \fill (0,0) circle (\p); \draw (\wang:\r) arc(\wang:-\wang:\r); } /wavefront/.search also={/tikz}, /wavefront/.cd, ang/.store in=\wang, ang={60}, } \begin{document} % REFLECTION & REFRACTION \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{3.8} % width interface \def\l{2.1} % length ray \def\t{0.5} % depth glass gradient \def\h{2.1} % bisector height \def\f{0.4} % fraction of interface to the left \def\na{1.0} % air \def\ng{1.5} % glass \def\anga{30} % angle of incident ray \def\angg{asin(\na/\ng*sin(\anga))} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); % point of contact \coordinate (I) at (90+\anga:\l); % point incident (top left) \coordinate (M) at (90-\anga:\l); % point reflected (top right) \coordinate (F) at ({-90+\angg}:\l); % point refracted (bottom) \coordinate (L) at (-\f*\L,0); % left point interface \coordinate (R) at ({(1-\f)*\L},0); % right point interface \coordinate (T) at (0,\h); % top middle point (bisector) \coordinate (B) at (0,-1.0*\h); % bottom middle point (bisector) % MEDIUM \fill[glass] (L) rectangle++ (\L,-\t); % glass gradient \fill[glasscol] (-\f*\L,-0.99*\t) rectangle ({1-\f)*\L},-\h); % glass bulk %\fill[glass] (L) rectangle (\L/2,-\h); \node[above left=1] at (R) {$n_1$}; \node[below left=1] at (R) {$n_2>n_1$}; % LINES \draw[dashed] (T) -- (B); % bisector \draw[light beam={0.48}] (I) -- (O); % incoming ray \draw[light beam={0.65},line width=0.4] (O) -- (M); % reflected ray \draw[light beam={0.48},line width=0.6] (O) -- (F); % refracted ray % ANGLES \draw pic["$\theta_1$",draw=black,angle radius=28,angle eccentricity=1.3] {angle = T--O--I}; %\contour{white}{ \draw pic["$\theta_\mathrm{r}$",draw=black,angle radius=25,angle eccentricity=1.3] {angle = M--O--T}; \draw pic["$\theta_2$",draw=black,angle radius=35,angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = B--O--F}; \rightAngle{B}{O}{L}{0.3} \end{tikzpicture} % REFRACTION: Hughens' principle \begin{tikzpicture} \small \def\N{6} % number of wavefronts \def\r{0.4} % wavefront radius \def\w{3.5} % width \def\h{2.3} % height \def\d{1.8} % depth \def\t{0.5} % thickness \def\l{1.78} % length light beam \def\p{0.05} % point size \def\ang{atan(\h/\w)} \def\ymin{-0.15*\w} \def\ymax{ 1.25*\w} \def\na{1.0} % air \def\ng{1.6} % glass \def\anga{20} \def\angg{asin(\na/\ng*\h/sqrt(\h^2+\w^2))} \def\sangg{\na/\ng*\h/sqrt(\h^2+\w^2)} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (WR) at (\w,0); \coordinate (WT) at (\w,\h); \coordinate (L) at (\ymin,0); \coordinate (R) at (\ymax,0); \coordinate (T) at (\w, 1.10*\h); \coordinate (B) at (\w,-\d); \coordinate (BL) at (0,-\d); \coordinate (TL) at (0,0.15*\h); \coordinate (P) at ($(WT)!(WR)!(O)$); \coordinate (F) at ({\w+\l*cos(-90+\angg)},{\l*sin(-90+\angg)}); \coordinate (VT) at ({\w*\sangg*\sangg},{-\w*\sangg*cos(\angg)}); %\coordinate (VI) at ({\w+\l*cos(180+\angg)},{\l*sin(180+\angg)}); % MEDIUM \fill[glass] (L) rectangle (\ymax,-\t); \fill[glasscol] (\ymin,-0.99*\t) rectangle (\ymax,-\d); % ANGLE \rightAngle{WT}{WR}{R}{0.3} \rightAngle{WT}{P}{WR}{0.3} \rightAngle{O}{VT}{WR}{0.3} \rightAngle{L}{O}{TL}{0.3} \draw pic["$\theta_1$",draw=black,angle radius=16,angle eccentricity=1.4] {angle = R--O--WT}; \draw pic["$\theta_1$",draw=black,angle radius=16,angle eccentricity=1.4] {angle = WT--WR--P}; \draw pic["$\theta_2$",draw=black,angle radius=24,angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = B--WR--F}; \draw pic["$\alpha_1$",draw=black,angle radius=10,angle eccentricity=1.4] {angle = O--WT--WR}; \draw pic["$\theta_2$",draw=black,angle radius=22,angle eccentricity=1.3] {angle = L--WR--VT}; \draw pic["$\theta_2$",draw=black,angle radius=25,angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = BL--O--VT}; % LINES \draw[dashed] (TL) -- (BL); \draw[dashed] (T) -- (B); \draw[dashed] (P) -- (WT) --++ ({\ang}:0.3); \draw[light beam={0.65}] (O) -- (VT) node[midway,above=4,right=-1] {$v_2 \Delta t$}; \draw[light beam={0.70}] (VT) --++ ({\angg-90}:0.4*\l); \draw[] (P) -- (WR) -- (F); \draw[light beam={0.50}] (P) -- (WR) node[midway,above=2,below left=-1] {$v_1 \Delta t$}; \draw[light beam={0.92}] (P) -- (WR) -- (F); %\draw[] (WT) -- (WR); \draw[myblue,thick] (O) -- (P); \draw[myblue,thick] (VT) -- (WR); \fill[mydarkblue] (O) circle (\p) node[scale=0.8,below left=-2] {A}; \fill[mydarkblue] (P) circle (\p) node[scale=0.8,left=2,below=1] {A$'$}; \fill[mydarkblue] (VT) circle (\p) node[scale=0.8,below=3,right=0] {B}; \fill[mydarkblue] (WR) circle (\p) node[scale=0.8,right=4,below left=1] {B$'$}; % WAVE FRONTS % \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=-\r*sin(\ang)+\i*\w/(\N+1); % \y=\r*cos(\ang)+\i*\h/(\N+1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ % \pic[myred,rotate=\ang-90] at (\x,\y) {wavefront={ang={55}}}; % } \foreach \i [evaluate={\f=(\i-0.5)/\N;}] in {1,...,\N}{ \pic[myred,rotate=\ang-90] at ($(O)!\f!(P)+({\ang+90}:\r)$) {wavefront={ang={55}}}; } \end{tikzpicture} % INTERNAL REFLECTION: almost \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{4.0} \def\l{2.3} \def\t{0.5} \def\h{2.0} \def\f{0.5} \def\na{1.0} % air \def\ng{1.5} % glass \def\angg{40} % asin(1/1.5)*180/pi \def\anga{asin(\ng/\na*sin(\angg))} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (I) at (-90-\angg:\l); \coordinate (M) at (-90+\angg:\l); \coordinate (F) at ({90-\anga}:0.8*\l); \coordinate (L) at (-\f*\L,0); \coordinate (R) at ({(1-\f)*\L},0); \coordinate (T) at (0,0.7*\h); \coordinate (B) at (0,-\h); % MEDIUM \fill[glass] (L) rectangle++ (\L,-\t); % glass gradient \fill[glasscol] (-\f*\L,-0.99*\t) rectangle ({1-\f)*\L},-\h); %\fill[glass] (L) rectangle (\L/2,-\h); \node[above right=1] at (L) {$n_2$}; \node[below right=1] at (L) {$n_1>n_2$}; % LINES \draw[dashed] (T) -- (B); \draw[light beam={0.48}] (I) -- (O); \draw[light beam={0.65},line width=0.5] (O) -- (M); \draw[light beam={0.60},line width=0.5] (O) -- (F); % ANGLES \draw pic["$\theta_1$",draw=black,angle radius=17,angle eccentricity=1.3] {angle = I--O--B}; %\contour{white}{ \draw pic["$\theta_\mathrm{r}$",draw=black,angle radius=22,angle eccentricity=1.3] {angle = B--O--M}; \draw pic["$\theta_2$",draw=black,angle radius=12,angle eccentricity=1.5] {angle = F--O--T}; \rightAngle{L}{O}{T}{0.3} \end{tikzpicture} % INTERNAL REFLECTION: critical \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{4.0} \def\l{2.3} \def\t{0.5} \def\h{2.0} \def\f{0.5} \def\na{1.0} % air \def\ng{1.5} % glass \def\angg{41.804} % asin(1/1.5)*180/pi \def\anga{asin(\ng/\na*sin(\angg))} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (I) at (-90-\angg:\l); \coordinate (M) at (-90+\angg:\l); \coordinate (F) at ({90-\anga}:0.8*\l); \coordinate (L) at (-\f*\L,0); \coordinate (R) at ({(1-\f)*\L},0); \coordinate (T) at (0,0.7*\h); \coordinate (B) at (0,-\h); % MEDIUM \fill[glass] (L) rectangle++ (\L,-\t); \fill[glasscol] (-\f*\L,-0.99*\t) rectangle ({1-\f)*\L},-\h); %\fill[glass] (L) rectangle (\L/2,-\h); \node[above right=1] at (L) {$n_2$}; \node[below right=1] at (L) {$n_1>n_2$}; % LINES \draw[dashed] (T) -- (B); \draw[light beam={0.48}] (I) -- (O); \draw[light beam={0.65},line width=0.6] (O) -- (M); \draw[light beam={0.60},line width=0.2] (O) -- (F); % ANGLES \draw pic["$\theta_1$",draw=black,angle radius=17,angle eccentricity=1.3] {angle = I--O--B}; %\contour{white}{ \draw pic["$\theta_\mathrm{r}$",draw=black,angle radius=22,angle eccentricity=1.3] {angle = B--O--M}; \draw pic["$\theta_2$",draw=black,angle radius=12,angle eccentricity=1.5] {angle = F--O--T}; \rightAngle{L}{O}{T}{0.3} \end{tikzpicture} % BREWSTER/POLARIZATION ANGLE \begin{tikzpicture} \def\A{0.2} \def\L{3.8} \def\l{2.1} \def\t{0.5} \def\h{2.1} \def\f{0.4} \def\na{1.0} % air \def\ng{1.5} % glass \def\anga{56} % atan(1.5)*180/pi \def\angg{asin(\na/\ng*sin(\anga))} \def\N{5} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (I) at (90+\anga:\l); \coordinate (M) at (90-\anga:\l); \coordinate (F) at ({-90+\angg}:\l); \coordinate (L) at (-\f*\L,0); \coordinate (R) at ({(1-\f)*\L},0); \coordinate (T) at (0,\h); \coordinate (B) at (0,-1.0*\h); \def\dot#1{ \fill[Ecol] (#1) circle (0.05); \fill[Ecol!60!black] (#1) circle (0.007); %\draw[Ecol!70!black,line width=0.05] (90+\anga:\t) circle (0.03); } % MEDIUM \fill[glass] (L) rectangle++ (\L,-\t); \fill[glasscol] (-\f*\L,-0.99*\t) rectangle ({1-\f)*\L},-\h); %\fill[glass] (L) rectangle (\L/2,-\h); \node[above left=1] at (R) {$n_1$}; \node[below left=1] at (R) {$n_2>n_1$}; % LINES \draw[dashed] (T) -- (B); \draw[light beam={0.48}] (I) -- (O); \draw[light beam={0.65},line width=0.4] (O) -- (M); \draw[light beam={0.46},line width=0.6] (O) -- (F); % ANGLES \draw pic["$\theta_1$",draw=black,angle radius=16,angle eccentricity=1.45] {angle = T--O--I}; %\contour{white}{ \draw pic["$\theta_\mathrm{r}$",draw=black,angle radius=18,angle eccentricity=1.35] {angle = M--O--T}; \draw pic["$\theta_2$",draw=black,angle radius=19,angle eccentricity=1.35] {angle = B--O--F}; \rightAngle{M}{O}{F}{0.3} % VECTORS \foreach \i [evaluate={\t=\i*\l/(\N+1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ \draw[Evec] (90+\anga:\t)++(\anga+180:\A) --++ (\anga:2*\A); % incident \dot{90+\anga:\t} % incident %\draw[Evec] (90-\anga:\t)++(180-\anga:\A) --++ (-\anga:2*\A); % reflected %\dot{{-90+\angg}:\t} % refracted \draw[Evec] ({-90+\angg}:\t)++({-180+\angg}:\A) --++ ({\angg}:2*\A); % reflected \dot{{90-\anga}:\t} % refracted } \dot{{-90+\angg}:{\l*2/(\N+1)}} % refracted \dot{{-90+\angg}:{\l*4/(\N+1)}} % refracted \end{tikzpicture} % REFLECTION & REFRACTION - Brewster angle \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{4.9} % width interface \def\l{2.1} % length ray \def\t{0.5} % depth glass gradient \def\h{2.1} % bisector height \def\f{0.6} % fraction of interface to the left \def\na{1.0} % air \def\ng{1.5} % glass \def\anga{56} % angle of incident ray \def\angg{asin(\na/\ng*sin(\anga))} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); % point of contact \coordinate (I) at (90+\anga:\l); % point incident (top left) \coordinate (M) at (90-\anga:\l); % point reflected (top right) \coordinate (F) at ({-90+\angg}:\l); % point refracted (bottom) \coordinate (L) at (-\f*\L,0); % left point interface \coordinate (R) at ({(1-\f)*\L},0); % right point interface \coordinate (T) at (0,\h); % top middle point (bisector) \coordinate (B) at (0,-1.0*\h); % bottom middle point (bisector) % MEDIUM \fill[glass] (L) rectangle++ (\L,-\t); % glass gradient \fill[glasscol] (-\f*\L,-0.99*\t) rectangle ({1-\f)*\L},-\h); % glass bulk \node[above right=1,scale=0.8] at (L) {air ($n_1=1$)}; \node[below right=1,scale=0.8] at (L) {glass ($n_2=1.5$)}; % LINES %\draw[dashed] (T) -- (B); % bisector \draw[light beam={0.48}] (I) -- (O); % incoming ray \draw[light beam={0.65},line width=0.4] (O) -- (M); % reflected ray \draw[light beam={0.48},line width=0.6] (O) -- (F); % refracted ray % ANGLES \draw pic["$\gamma$",draw=black,angle radius=16,angle eccentricity=1.30] {angle = M--O--I}; \draw pic["$\delta$",draw=black,angle radius=12,angle eccentricity=1.45] {angle = I--O--F}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
Click to download: optics_refractions.tex • optics_refractions.pdf
Open in Overleaf: optics_refractions.tex
I modified a code I found here to show how an image is formed in a convex lens (see code below). I was wondering if there would be a way to further modify it, so that by changing the position of the object (at 2f, between 2f and f, at f and within f, it would automatically change the rays and image. My skills are not that great yet! hehehe
Thank you,
\usetikzlibrary{calc, decorations.markings}
%%Arrow in the Middle
\tikzset{arrow inside/.style = {postaction=decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.52 with \arrow{stealth}}}}
%%Midline Label
\node (midlabel) at ($ (#1)!.5!(#2) $) {#3};
\draw[] (midlabel) — (#2);
% Define Color
% Grid
% \draw[help lines] (-3,-3) grid (6,6);
% Lens
\path[fill=glass, draw=black, line width = 0.6] (1,-2) .. controls (0.8,0) .. (1,2) .. controls (1.2,0) .. (1,-2);
% Axis
\draw[dashed, black!60] (1,-2) — +(0,4);
\draw[black!60] (-4,0) — (6,0) node[below]{\small Principal Axis};
% Points
\draw[fill=red] (-2,0) circle (0.5pt) node[below] {$2f$};
\draw[fill=red] (-0.5,0) circle (0.5pt) node[below] {$f$};
\draw[fill=magenta] (1,0) circle (0.5pt) node[below] {$C$};
\draw[fill=red] (2.5,0) circle (0.5pt) node[below] {$f$};
\draw[fill=red] (4,0) circle (0.5pt) node[below] {$2f$};
\draw[red, line width = 0.6, arrow inside] (-3.,1.2) — (1,0);
%\draw[red, line width = 0.6] (0.88,0.7) — (1.12,0.67);
\draw[red, line width = 0.6, arrow inside] (1,0) — (5,-1.2);
\draw[red, line width = 0.6, arrow inside] (-3.,1.2) — (0.92,1.2);
\draw[red, line width = 0.6] (0.92,1.2) — (1.09,1.13);
\draw[red, line width = 0.6, arrow inside] (1.09,1.13) — (4.5,-1.6);
\draw[red, line width = 0.6, arrow inside] (-3.,1.2) — (0.875,-0.658);
\draw[red, line width = 0.6] (0.875,-0.658) — (1.11,-0.72);
\draw[red, line width = 0.6, arrow inside] (1.11,-0.72) — (4.5,-0.72);
% Distances
% Dashed
%\draw[dashed] (2,0) — (2,1.18);
%Object and Image
\draw[->, thick, blue] (-3,0) node[below]{\small $Object$} –++ (0,1.2);
\draw[->, thick, cyan] (3.4,0) node[above]{\small $Image$} –++ (0,-0.72);