Cost vs accuracy trade-off for different quantum mechanics approximations. $N$ denotes the system size, usually the number of electrons. Source: Frank Noe
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% Cost vs accuracy trade-off for different quantum mechanics approximations. $N$ denotes the system size, usually the number of electrons. % Source: Frank Noe % \documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \def\range{9} \def\xyRatio{2/3} \def\circSize{1mm} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[->, very thick, align=center, scale=1.25] \draw (0,-0.5) -- (0,\range*\xyRatio) node[below right] {accuracy}; \draw (-0.5,0) -- (\range,0) node[above] {computational\\complexity}; \foreach \n in {1,...,8} \node[below] at (\n,0) {$N^\n$}; \draw[dashed, gray, shorten <=5] (0,0) -- (\range,\range*\xyRatio); \foreach \n/\name/\abbr in {2/semi-empirical/SE, 4/Hartree-Fock/HF, 5/Moller-Plesset 2nd order (MP2)/MP2, 6/Configuration Interaction (CISD)/CISD, 7/Coupled Cluster (CCSD(T))/CCSD(T)} \fill[blue!60!black] (\n,\xyRatio*\n) circle (\circSize) node[right=1ex, black] (\abbr) {\name}; \draw[red, thick] (HF) -- (SE); \fill[blue!60!black] (3,5*\xyRatio) circle (\circSize) node[left=1ex, black] {DFT}; \fill[blue!60!black] (4.5,6.5*\xyRatio) circle (\circSize) node[left=1ex, black] {Deep QMC}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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