This is an example of a block diagram of a radiofrequency front-end (RF-FE).
\documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots} % loads tikz which loads pgf \usepackage[american,siunitx]{circuitikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,calc,positioning,fit} \pgfplotsset{ compat=1.15, within block/.style={ scale only axis, scale=0.423, anchor=center, axis x line=middle, axis y line=none, enlargelimits=0.1, width=2cm, height=15mm, xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty, domain=0:85, samples=15, tickwidth=0, clip mode=individual, every axis plot/.append style={ smooth, mark options={ draw=black, fill=black, mark size=1pt } }, before end axis/.code={ \node [draw,thick, shape=circle, inner sep=-2pt, fit=(current axis), label={below:{NCO}}] (nco) {}; } } } \newcommand{\mixer}[2] { % #1 = reference coordinate, #2 = name \node[draw, thick, shape=circle, minimum size=24pt, at={#1}](#2){}; \draw[rotate=45,line width=0.5pt] (,-12pt) -- +(0,12pt); \draw[rotate=-45,line width=0.5pt] (,-12pt) -- +(0,12pt); } \newcommand{\BPF}[3] { % #1 - reference coordinate, #2 - name, #3 - subscript label \node[ draw, shape=rectangle, thick, minimum size=24pt, at={#1}, label={below:{#3}} ](#2){}; %%% middle tilde \draw (,0) % first coordinate for the line segment to[bend left] ( % draw a curved line that bends to the left. The curve starts at the first coordinate and ends at the next coordinate. to[bend right] +(8pt,0); % This means to draw a curved line that bends to the right. The curve starts at the previous coordinate and ends at the next coordinate. %%% upper tilde \draw ([yshift=5pt],0) % starting point of the path. The yshift key is used to shift the starting point vertically by 5pt. to[bend left] ([yshift=5pt] % second point of the path. It is located at the center of the bpf node, shifted 5pt vertically. to[bend right] +(8pt,0); % third point of the path. It is located 8pt to the right, relative to the second point. The + sign indicates that the point is relative to the second control point. \draw[rotate=20] ([yshift=5pt],0) -- +(7pt,0); % strike out the upper tilde %%% lower tilde \draw ([yshift=-5pt]#2)+(-8pt,0) to[bend left] ([yshift=-5pt] to[bend right] +(8pt,0); \draw[rotate=20] ([yshift=-5pt] +(-7pt,0) -- +(4pt,0); } \newcommand{\ADC}[2]{ \begin{scope}[transform shape,rotate=#2] %%% sampler \node[draw, shape=rectangle, thick, minimum width=28pt, minimum height=28pt, at={(#1)}](sampler){}; \draw (,-8pt) to +(1pt,-8pt) to +(8pt,5pt); \draw[->] (,3pt) node[shift={(7pt,5pt)}]() {\(T_{s,IF}\)} to[bend left] +(8pt,-8pt); %%% quantizer \node[draw, shape=rectangle, thick, minimum size=28pt, at={([xshift=50pt]sampler)}](quantizer){}; % rectangle \draw[->, line width=0.1pt, dashed, dash pattern= on 6pt off 2pt] ($(quantizer.south)+(0pt,+2pt)$) -- ($(quantizer.north)+(0pt,-2pt)$); % axis \draw[->, line width=0.1pt, dashed, dash pattern= on 6pt off 2pt] ($(quantizer.west)+(3pt,0pt)$) -- ($(quantizer.east)+(-2pt,0pt)$); \coordinate (begin) at ($(,-9pt)$); % steps \foreach \i in {0,...,5} { \ifnum \i=0 \draw (begin)+(-5pt,0pt) -- (begin) -- +(2pt,0pt) -- +(2pt,3pt); \else \ifnum \i=5 \draw ($(begin)+\i*(2pt,3pt)$) -- +(2pt,0pt) -- +(2pt,3pt) -- +(8pt,3pt); \else \draw ($(begin)+\i*(2pt,3pt)$) -- +(2pt,0pt) -- +(2pt,3pt); \fi \fi } %%% ADC (outside block) \node[draw, fit=(sampler) (quantizer), thick, rounded corners=5pt, inner ysep=20pt, inner xsep=5pt, yshift=5pt, dashed](adc-fit){}; \node[below, inner sep=5pt] at (adc-fit.north) {ADC}; \end{scope} } \tikzset{ar/.style={-latex,shorten >=-1pt, shorten <=-1pt}} \begin{document} \begin{circuitikz} %%% antenna \node[shape=antenna, xscale=-1, at={(-0.5,3)}](antenna){}; %%% LNA \draw ([xshift=20pt]antenna.south) % starts a new drawing command at coordinate (0,3) node[shape=buffer,scale=0.8](lna){} % adds a node at the current coordinate with the shape buffer and a scaling factor of 0.8. The lna label is assigned to this node, which can be used later to reference it. node[below=0.6cm]{LNA}; % adds a label "LNA" above the buffer node, positioned 0.8 cm above the node's center. %%% RF BPF \BPF{([xshift=20pt]lna.out)}{rf-bpf}{\(B_{RF}\)} %%% mixer1 \mixer{([xshift=25pt]rf-bpf.east)}{mixer1} %%% IF BPF \BPF{([xshift=25pt]mixer1.east)}{if-bpf}{\(B_{IF}\)} %%% LO \path ( to[midway, sV, name=lo] node[at={(lo.south)}](){LO} ([yshift=-100pt]mixer1.south); %%% AGC \draw (if-bpf.east)+(0.8,0) % starts a new drawing command at coordinate (0,3) node[shape=buffer,scale=0.8](agc){} % adds a node at the current coordinate with the shape buffer and a scaling factor of 0.8. The lna label is assigned to this node, which can be used later to reference it. node[below=0.6cm]{AGC}; % adds a label "LNA" above the buffer node, positioned 0.8 cm above the node's center. %%% ADC \path (agc.out)+(2,0) to[sV,color=white,name=adc] (agc.out)+(3,0); \ADC{}{0} %%% mixer2 \mixer{([xshift=110pt]adc.east)}{mixer2} %%% NCO \begin{axis}[ % no position defined, so this ends up at (0,0) within block=ax1, at={($(,-48pt)$)}, anchor=north west] \addplot+[ ycomb, black, mark options={ draw=black, fill=black, mark size=1pt }, ] {sin(2*pi*x)}; \end{axis} %%% digital LPF \node[draw, thick, shape=rectangle, minimum size=12pt, at={([xshift=40pt]}, align=center](digital-lpf){Digital\\LPF}; %%% down-converter (outside block) \node[draw, fit=(nco) (digital-lpf), thick, rounded corners=5pt, inner ysep=20pt, inner xsep=5pt, yshift=5pt, dashed](down-converter){}; \node[below, inner sep=5pt] at (down-converter.north) {Down-converter}; %%% decimator \node[draw, thick, shape=rectangle, minimum size=12pt, at={([xshift=50pt]}, align=center](decimator){$D \downarrow$}; %%% digital processing \node[draw, thick, shape=rectangle, minimum size=12pt, at={([xshift=50pt]decimator.east)}, align=center](digital-processing){Digital\\processing}; %%% wiring \draw[] (antenna.south) -- (; \draw[ar] (lna.out)--(rf-bpf); \draw[ar] (rf-bpf)--(mixer1); \draw[ar] (lo.west)--(mixer1); % `lo' is rotated, `lo.west' actually means its top \draw[ar] (lo.west)-- +(0pt,15pt) |- +(-55pt,15pt) |- +(-55pt,35pt) -- +(-20pt,58pt); \draw[ar] (mixer1) -- (if-bpf); \draw[] (if-bpf) -- (; \draw[ar] (agc.out) -- (sampler.west); \draw[ar] (sampler.east) -- (quantizer.west); \draw[ar] (quantizer.east) -- (mixer2.west); \draw[ar] (nco.north) -- (mixer2.south); \draw[ar] (mixer2.east) -- (digital-lpf.west); \draw[ar] (digital-lpf.east) -- (decimator.west); \draw[ar] (digital-lpf.east) -- +(10pt,0pt) |- +(0pt,-100pt) -- +(-220pt,-100pt) -- +(-220pt,-10pt) -- ([yshift=-5pt, xshift=6pt]agc.north); \draw[ar] (decimator.east) -- node[pos=0.5, above]() {\(r\left[ n \right]\)} (digital-processing.west); \end{circuitikz} \end{document}