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\documentclass{standalone}% Package for circuits\usepackage{circuitikz}%Specifies how thick the bipoles are, e.g. the capacitor, the inductor, ...\ctikzset{bipoles/thickness=1.2}\newcommand{\midlabelline}[3]{\node (midlabel) at ($ (#1)!.5!(#2) $) {#3};\draw[latex-] (#1) -- (midlabel);\draw[-latex] (midlabel) -- (#2);}\begin{document}\begin{circuitikz}% Circuit\draw[line width=0.8](2,7) to [sinusoidal voltage source, l_=$V_S$, i=$I$] (2,1)(2,7) to [resistor, l_=$R$] ++(6,0) to [inductor, l_=$L$] ++(0,-6) to [capacitor, l_=$C$] +(-6,0) ;% Voltage Infos\midlabelline{2,8}{8,8}{$V_R$}\midlabelline{9,7}{9,1}{$V_L$}\midlabelline{2,0}{8,0}{$V_C$}% Grid% \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (10,10) ;\end{circuitikz}\end{document}
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See more on the author page of Alexandros Tsagkaropolulos.