Domains of physics

Very broad scheme of the major domains of physics, depending on the length scale, velocity and gravitational field strength.
This is a similar diagram on Wikipedia, or see this article on Modern Physics.


Edit and compile if you like:

% Behaviour of the stator voltage and the RMS-value of the stator
% flux as a function of speed in scalar control.
% Author: Erno Pentzin (2013)
\usepackage{amsmath} % for \text
\tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head

% split figures into pages



  % axes
    (0,3*\height/2) -- (0,\height/2)
    node[left=10pt,rotate=90] {length};
    (0.5*\width,0) -- (1.4*\width,0)
    node[above=0pt,midway] {speed};
    (1.5*\width,0) -- (2.4*\width,0)
    node[above=0pt,above right,pos=0.] {strong gravitational fields};
  % boxes
  \draw[thick] % ,fill=mylightgreen
    (0,0) rectangle (3*\width,2*\height);
    (0,0) rectangle (\width,\height)
    node[pos=.5,align=center] {classical\\mechanics};
    (0,\height) rectangle (\width,2*\height)
    node[pos=.5,align=center] {quantum\\mechanics};
    (\width,\height) rectangle (2*\width,2*\height)
    node[pos=.5,align=center] {quantum\\field theory};
    (2*\width,\height) rectangle (3*\width,2*\height)
    node[pos=.5,align=center] {quantum\\gravity};
    (\width,0) rectangle (2*\width,\height)
    node[pos=.5,align=center] {special\\relativity};
    (2*\width,0) rectangle (3*\width,\height)
    node[pos=.5,align=center] {general\\relativity};


Click to download: scheme.texscheme.pdf
Open in Overleaf: scheme.tex

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