This is a drawing of a head viewed from the top. The structures in 3 coronal levels are represented by a definite shape
and color in each level. The head is exposed to an X-ray beam from an X-ray tube. The resulting shadow on an X-ray film is represented in a rectangle beside the main drawing.
It is meant to help professionals in the medical/dental field to use the different elements used to compose their own related drawings.
\documentclass[tikz,border={10pt 60pt 10pt 10pt}]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing} % ---------- begin definition xraytube, headtop and 3-level objects % % inspired by the comment of samcarter % to my post % ---------- definitions for lengths of different segments, scaling, % and rotation angles. \def\scl{.4} \def\wda{1} \def\wdb{2} \def\wdc{4} \def\rotm{40} \def\rotd{-40} % ---------- definition for drawing an xray tube \def\xraytube {% \begin{scope}[scale=\scl, opacity=1, line width=.05cm, rounded corners=5pt, transform shape, overlay] \draw[gray, bottom color=gray, top color=gray!25] (-\wda,0) --++(-90:\wdc) --++(180:\wdb) --++(-90:\wdb) --++(0:\wdb) --++(0:\wda) --++(0:\wda) --++(0:\wdb) --++(90:\wdb) --++(180:\wdb) --++(90:\wdc) --cycle; \draw[gray, top color=gray, bottom color=gray!40] (0,-.35) ellipse (1. and 0.5); \end{scope} }% % ---------- definition for drawing a head viewed from the top \def\headtop % ---------- modified form % by Tom Bombadil {% \begin{scope}[scale=2*\scl, line width=.05cm, rounded corners=3pt, rotate=0, looseness=1.,overlay] \coordinate (o) at (0,0) {}; \coordinate (or) at ([shift={(0.:4.)}]; \coordinate (ot) at ([shift={(86.:1.)}]; \coordinate (ort) at ([shift={(95.:1.)}]; \coordinate (x) at ([shift={(56.5:3.6)}]; \coordinate (xt) at ([shift={(90:.3)}]; \coordinate (xl) at ([shift={(180:.34)}]; \coordinate (xr) at ([shift={(0:.34)}]; % \draw[brown, bottom color=brown!60!orange!25!white, top color=brown!60] ( to [out=40, in=-140] ( to [out=-40, in=140] (; % \draw[brown, right color=brown!60!orange!25!white, left color=brown!60] ( to [out=-170, in=160] (; % \draw[brown, left color=brown!60!orange!25!white, right color=brown!60] ( to [out=-10, in=20] (; % \draw[brown, inner color=brown!60!orange!25!white, outer color=brown!60] ( arc (180:360:2) to[out=90, in=0] ( to [out=180, in=90] ( -- cycle; \end{scope} }% % ---------- subjects in 3 levels in the head%inspired by the comment of % Black Mild % to my post %---------- definitions for drawing circles, rectangles, and triangles \tikzset{ crcl/.pic = { \draw[line width=.06cm, red, fill=red] (0,.25) circle (.25cm); }, rctng/.pic = { \draw[line width=.06cm, blue, fill=blue] (0,0) rectangle ++(0.5,0.5); }, trngl/.pic = { \draw[line width=.06cm, green!70!black, fill=green!70!black] (0,0) -- ++(60:.6) -- +(-60:.6) -- cycle; }, % ---------- definition for drawing an xray beam rayr/.pic = { \draw [decorate, -latex, line width=.05cm] (0,0) -- ++(90:5.2cm); }, % ---------- definition for drawing an xray field raytrg/.pic = { \draw[gray, outer color=gray!75, inner color=gray!30] (0,0) -- +(110:6.8) -- +(70:6.8)--cycle; }, %---------- definition for drawing an xray film flm/.pic = { \draw[gray, top color=gray!80, bottom color=gray!80, middle color=gray!40] (0,0) rectangle +(5.,-.2) node[midway]{.}; } } % end definition xraytube, headtop and 3-level objects % \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \pic[shift={(.04cm,.01cm)}] {flm};% The x-ray film \pic[shift={(2.54cm,-6.6cm)}] {raytrg};% The x-ray field % The head viewed from the top: \begin{scope}[shift={(1.46cm,-2.8cm)}, scale=.68] \headtop \end{scope} % The x-ray tube: \begin{scope}[shift={(2.54,-6cm)}] \xraytube \end{scope} % % ---------- Drawing subjects in 3 coronal levels in the head \begin{scope}[scale=.45, transform shape, shift={(1.6cm,-7.4cm)}] \begin{scope}[yshift=2cm] \draw[line width=.06cm, red, dashed] (0,0) -- ++(0:8cm); \foreach \x in {4} \pic at (\x,-.25) {crcl}; \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[xshift=-.2cm] \draw[line width=.06cm, blue, dashed] (.25,0) -- ++(0:8cm); \foreach \x in {4} \pic at (\x,-.25) {rctng}; \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[shift={(-.25cm,4cm)}] \draw[line width=.06cm, green!60!black, dashed] (.25,0) -- ++(0:8cm); \foreach \x in {4} \pic at (\x,-.25) {trngl}; \end{scope} \end{scope} % The x-ray beam direction \begin{scope}[decoration={snake, amplitude=.4mm, segment length=3mm, post length=4mm}, shift={(2.54cm,-6cm)}] \pic at (0,0) [rotate=0, red, scale=1.1] {rayr}; \end{scope} % representation of the shadows of the 3-level subjects on the x-ray film \begin{scope}[shift={(-5cm,.1cm)}] \draw[gray] (0,0) rectangle +(-20:5) node[midway](mid){.}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[shift={(-2.9cm,-1cm)}, opacity=.4] \pic {rctng}; \hskip .25cm \pic {crcl}; \hskip -.3cm \pic {trngl}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}