Construction of the Pζ variable to help discriminate against backgrounds in H → 𝜏𝜏 analyses in proton-proton collision data at the CMS detector. Inspired by Jang Dongwook’s dissertation.
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% Basic drawings % % \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{tikz} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \usetikzlibrary{calc} % to add coordinates \newcommand*{\vv}[1]{\vec{\mkern0mu#1}} % correct misalignment %\newcommand{\sq}{\medmuskip=1mu \thinmuskip=1mu \thickmuskip=1mu} % squeeze % split figures into pages \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \begin{document} % PZETA \begin{tikzpicture} % vector labels \def\pTM{\vv{p}^\text{\tiny\,miss}_\text{\tiny\,T}} \def\pT{ \vv{p}^\text{\tiny\,vis}_\text{\tiny\,T}} \def\pTA{\vv{p}^\text{\tiny\,vis}_\text{\tiny\,T,1}} %$\ell$ \def\pTB{\vv{p}^\text{\tiny\,vis}_\text{\tiny\,T,2}} %$\tau_\text{h}$ % define point \coordinate (O) at (0.0, 0.0); \coordinate (Z) at (4.0, 0.0); \coordinate (A) at (1.0, 1.8); \coordinate (B) at (1.2,-2.16); \coordinate (M) at (3.0,-1.0); \coordinate (AB) at ($(A)+(B)$); \path let \p{AB}=(AB) in coordinate (P) at (\x{AB},0); % projection \path let \p{M} =(M) in coordinate (Q) at (\x{M},0); % projection % axis \draw[->,densely dashed] (-0.8,0) -- (Z) node[at end,below] {$\vv{\zeta}$}; %node[at end,below,scale=0.7] {bisector $\vv{\zeta}$}; % visible vectors \draw[->,thick,color=red] (O) -- (A) node[below=4pt,left=4pt,color=red] {$\pTA$}; \draw[->,thick,color=red] (O) -- (B) node[above=2pt,left=2pt,color=red] {$\pTB$}; \draw[->,color=red] (O) -- (AB) node[below=2pt,right,color=red,scale=0.8] {$\pT$}; \draw[->,thick,color=blue] (O) -- (M) node[below=4pt,right,color=blue] {$\pTM$}; % helplines \draw[loosely dashed,color=red] (A) -- (AB); \draw[loosely dashed,color=red] (B) -- (AB); \draw[densely dotted,color=purple] (AB) -- (P); \draw[densely dotted,color=blue] (M) -- (Q); % vector sum \draw[->,thick,color=blue] (O) -- (Q) node[right=8pt,above,color=blue] {$\vv{p}^\text{\tiny\,miss}_{\tiny\,\zeta}$}; \draw[->,thick,color=purple] (O) -- (P) node[right=2pt,above,color=purple] {$\vv{p}^\text{\tiny\,vis}_{\tiny\,\zeta}$}; \end{tikzpicture} %% PZETA VIS %\begin{tikzpicture} % % % vector labels % \def\pT{ \vv{p}^\text{\tiny\,vis}_\text{\tiny\,T}} % \def\pTA{\vv{p}^\text{\tiny\,vis}_\text{\tiny\,T,1}} % \def\pTB{\vv{p}^\text{\tiny\,vis}_\text{\tiny\,T,2}} % % % define point % \coordinate (O) at (0.0, 0.0); % \coordinate (Z) at (3.5, 0.0); % \coordinate (A) at (1.0, 1.8); % \coordinate (B) at (1.2,-2.16); % \coordinate (AB) at ($(A)+(B)$); % \path let \p{AB}=(AB) in coordinate (P) at (\x{AB},0); % projection % % % axis % \draw[->,thick,dashed] % (-0.8,0) -- (Z) % node[at end,below] {$\vv{\zeta}$}; % % % main vectors % \draw[->,thick,color=red] % (O) -- (A) % node[below=4pt,left=4pt,color=red] {$\pTA$}; % \draw[->,thick,color=red] % (O) -- (B) % node[above=2pt,left=2pt,color=red] {$\pTB$}; % \draw[->,color=red] % (O) -- (AB) % node[below=4pt,right,color=red,scale=1] {$\pT$}; %{$\sq\pTA+\,\pTB$}; % % % helplines % \draw[dashed,color=red] % (A) -- (AB); % \draw[dashed,color=red] % (B) -- (AB); % \draw[dashed,color=purple] % (AB) -- (P); % % % vector sum % \draw[->,thick,color=purple] % (O) -- (P) % node[right=4pt,above,color=purple] {$\vv{p}^\text{\tiny\,vis}_{\tiny\,\zeta}$}; % %\end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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