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\documentclass[border=2pt]{standalone} % Drawing \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shapes} %% Styles \tikzstyle{axis} = [line width = 0.8] \tikzstyle{node} = [draw, rectangle, rounded corners, line width=0.5] \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % Grid % \foreach \i in {-8,...,0,...,10} % { % \node at (\i,-2ex) {\i}; % \node at (0,\i) {\i}; % } % n=1 %% Node \node[node] at (-1,0) {$n=1$}; %% Axis \draw[axis] (0,0) -- (2*pi,0); %% Green Line \draw[domain=0:2*pi, samples=100, line width = 1, green] plot (\x, {1.5*cos(deg(0.5*\x))}); %% Valus on Axis \draw[thick] (0,3pt) -- (0,-3pt) node[below] {$0$}; \draw[thick] (pi,3pt) -- (pi,-3pt) node[below] {$\frac{L}{2}$}; \draw[thick] (2*pi,3pt) -- (2*pi,-3pt) node[below] {$L$}; % n=2 %% Node \node[shift={(0,-3.5)}, node] at (-1,0) {$n=2$}; %% Axis \draw[shift={(0,-3.5)}, axis] (0,0) -- (2*pi,0); %% Blue Line \draw[domain=0:2*pi, samples=100, shift={(0,-3.5)}, line width = 1, blue] plot (\x, {1.5*cos(deg(\x))}); %% Values \draw[shift={(0,-3.5)}, thick] (0,3pt) -- (0,-3pt) node[below] {$0$}; \draw[shift={(0,-3.5)}, thick] (0.5*pi,3pt) -- (0.5*pi,-3pt) node[below] {$\frac{L}{4}$}; \draw[shift={(0,-3.5)}, thick] (1.5*pi,3pt) -- (1.5*pi,-3pt) node[below] {$\frac{3L}{4}$}; \draw[shift={(0,-3.5)}, thick] (2*pi,3pt) -- (2*pi,-3pt) node[below] {$L$}; % n=3 %% Node \node[shift={(0,-7)}, node] at (-1,0) {$n=3$}; %% Axis \draw[shift={(0,-7)}, axis] (0,0) -- (2*pi,0); %% Orange Line \draw[domain=0:2*pi, samples=100, shift={(0,-7)}, line width = 1, orange] plot (\x, {1.5*cos(deg(1.5*\x))}); %% Values \draw[shift={(0,-7)}, thick] (0,3pt) -- (0,-3pt) node[below] {$0$}; \draw[shift={(0,-7)}, thick] (pi/3,3pt) -- (pi/3,-3pt) node[below] {$\frac{L}{6}$}; \draw[shift={(0,-7)}, thick] (pi,3pt) -- (pi,-3pt) node[below] {$\frac{L}{2}$}; \draw[shift={(0,-7)}, thick] (5*pi/3,3pt) -- (5*pi/3,-3pt) node[below] {$\frac{5L}{6}$}; \draw[shift={(0,-7)}, thick] (2*pi,3pt) -- (2*pi,-3pt) node[below] {$L$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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See more on the author page of Alexandros Tsagkaropolulos.