AC circuit plots

Plots of a circuit with alternating current and a resistor R, capacitor C and/or solenoid L, including an RLC circuit in series or in parallel. Also see the related circuit diagrams and phasors, or use the “circuits” tag.


Edit and compile if you like:

% Author: Izaak Neutelings (Februari, 2020)

\usepackage{amsmath} % for \dfrac
\usepackage[outline]{contour} % glow around text
\usetikzlibrary{angles,quotes} % for pic (angle labels)
\tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head
\def\tick#1#2{\draw[thick] (#1) ++ (#2:0.03*\ymax) --++ (#2-180:0.06*\ymax)}
\newcommand\EMF{\mathcal{E}} %\varepsilon}


% AC circuit R
  \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,0);
  \coordinate (Y) at (0,\ymax);
  % AXIS
    (0,-\ymax) -- (Y) node[left] {{\color{myblue}$I$}, {\color{myred}$V_R$}};
    (O) -- (X) node[below] {$t$};
  % PLOT
    plot(\x,{\A*cos(\om*\x)}) node[above right=-3] {$V_R$};
    plot(\x,{\I*cos(\om*\x)}) node[below right=-3] {$I$};

% AC circuit C
  \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,0);
  \coordinate (Y) at (0,\ymax);
  % AXIS
    (0,-\ymax) -- (Y) node[left] {{\color{myblue}$I$}, {\color{myred}$V_C$}};
    (O) -- (X) node[below] {$t$};
  % PLOT
    plot(\x,{\A*cos(\om*\x)}) node[right] {$V_C$};
    plot(\x,{\I*cos(\om*\x+90)}) node[below=1,right] {$I$};
    ({90/\om},-1.1*\A) --++ ({90/\om},0)
    node[midway,below,scale=0.9] {$\Delta\phi = \pi/2$}; %{$\dfrac{\pi}{2}$}; fill=white,inner sep=1

% AC circuit L
  \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,0);
  \coordinate (Y) at (0,\ymax);
  % AXIS
    (0,-\ymax) -- (Y) node[left] {{\color{myblue}$I$}, {\color{myred}$V_L$}};
    (O) -- (X) node[below] {$t$};
  % PLOT
    plot(\x,{\A*cos(\om*\x)}) node[above=1,right] {$V_L$};
    plot(\x,{\I*cos(\om*\x-90)}) node[below=1,right] {$I$};
    ({180/\om},-1.1*\A) --++ ({90/\om},0)
    node[midway,below,scale=0.9] {$\Delta\phi = \pi/2$};

% AC circuit LCR in series
  \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,0);
  \coordinate (Y) at (0,\ymax);
  % AXIS
    (0,-\ymax) -- (Y) node[left] {$V$}; %{{\color{myblue}$I$}, {\color{myred}$V_L$}};
    (O) -- (X) node[below] {$t$};
  % PLOT
    plot(\x,{\A*cos(\om*\x)}); % node[right=-1] {$\EMF$};
  \node[Icol,above] at ({360/\om},\A) {$\EMF$};
    plot(\x,{\VR*cos(\om*\x-\del)}) node[below=3,above right=-2] {$V_R$}; % = R\EMF/Z %\frac{R}{Z}
    plot(\x,{(1-\f)*\X*cos(\om*\x-\del+90)}) node[below right=-2] {$V_L$};
    plot(\x,{\f*\X*cos(\om*\x-\del-90)}) node[above=2,right=-2] {$V_C$};
  \draw[Icol!80!black,dashed] ({180/\om},-1.15*\A) -- ({180/\om},1.05*\A);
  \draw[Rcol!80!black,dashed] ({(180+\del)/\om},-1.15*\A) -- ({(180+\del)/\om},{0.2*\VR});
  \draw[Lcol!80!black,dashed] ({(270+\del)/\om},{-0.12*(1-\f)*\X}) -- ({(270+\del)/\om},{1.46*(1-\f)*\X});
  \draw[Ccol!80!black,dashed] ({( 90+\del)/\om},{-0.26*\f*\X}) -- ({(90+\del)/\om},{1.64*\f*\X});
    ({180/\om},-1.1*\A) --++ ({\del/\om},0)
    node[midway,below,scale=0.8] {$\phi$}; %\Delta\phi = 
    ({180/\om},{1.1*(1-\f)*\X}) --++ ({(\del+90)/\om},0)
    node[midway,above,scale=0.8] {$\phi + \frac{\pi}{2}$}; %\Delta\phi = 
    ({180/\om},{1.45*\f*\X}) --++ ({(\del-90)/\om},0)
    node[midway,above,scale=0.9] {$\phi - \frac{\pi}{2}$};

  \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,0);
  \coordinate (Y) at (0,\ymax);
  \coordinate (C) at (\c,0);
  % AXIS
    (Y) node[left] {$\langle{P}\rangle$} -- (0,0) -- (X) node[below] {$\omega$};
  \draw[dashed,thin] (C) --++ (0,\A);
  \tick{C}{90} node[below] {$\omega_0$};
  % PLOT
    plot(\x,{\A/( (\Q*(\x^2-\c^2)/(\x*\c))^2 + 1 )});
    plot(\x,{\a/( (\q*(\x^2-\c^2)/(\x*\c))^2 + 1 )});
  \node[myred!80!black,align=left,right,scale=0.95] at (\c+0.6/\Q,0.7*\A) {small $R$\\large $Q$};
  \node[myblue!80!black,align=left,right,scale=0.95] at (\c+1.1/\q,0.7*\a) {large $R$\\small $Q$};
  %\draw[<->,thick] ({\c/(2*\Q)*(-1+sqrt(1+4*\Q^2))},\A/2) -- ({\c/(2*\Q)*(1+sqrt(1+4*\Q^2))},\A/2);
  %  ({\c/(2*\q)*(-1+sqrt(1+4*\q^2))},\a/2) --++ (\c/\q,0) node[midway,above] {$\Delta \omega$};
    ({\c/(2*\Q)*(-1+sqrt(1+4*\Q^2))},\A/2) --++ (\c/\Q,0)
    node[midway,above,scale=0.9] {\contour{white}{$\Delta \omega$}};


Click to download: electric_circuit_ac_plots.texelectric_circuit_ac_plots.pdf
Open in Overleaf: electric_circuit_ac_plots.tex

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