Circuit with alternating current and a resistor R, capacitor C and/or solenoid L, including an RLC circuit in series or in parallel. Also see the related plots and phasors, or use the “circuits” tag.


Edit and compile if you like:

% Author: Izaak Neutelings (Februari, 2020)
\usepackage{amsmath} % for \dfrac
\usepackage[siunitx]{circuitikz} %[symbols]
\usepackage[outline]{contour} % glow around text
\tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head
\newcommand\EMF{\mathcal{E}} %\varepsilon}
\tikzstyle{internal R}=[R,color=Rcol,Rcol,l=$r$,/tikz/circuitikz/bipoles/length=30pt]
\tikzstyle{loop label}=[loopcol,fill=white,scale=0.8,inner sep=1]
\tikzstyle{thick R}=[R,color=Rcol,thick,Rcol,l=$R$]
\tikzstyle{thick C}=[C,thick,color=Ccol,Ccol,l=$C$]
\tikzstyle{thick L}=[L,thick,color=Lcol,Lcol,l=$L$,/tikz/circuitikz/bipoles/length=56pt] %inductor
\tikzstyle{thick Z}=[generic,color=Icol,thick,Icol,l=$Z$,fill=Icol!6]


% AC, R
  \draw (0,0) to[AC] (0,2) --++(3,0)
              to[thick R] ++(0,-2) -- (0,0);

% AC, C
  \draw (0,0) to[AC] (0,2) --++(3,0)
              to[thick C] ++(0,-2) -- (0,0);
  \node[minuscol,scale=0.8] at (2.55,0.55) {$-Q(t)$};
  \node[pluscol,scale=0.8] at (2.55,1.45) {$+Q(t)$};

% AC, L
  \draw (0,0) to[AC] (0,2) --++(3,0)
              to[thick L] ++(0,-2) -- (0,0);

% AC, RCL series
  \draw (0,0) to[AC] (0,2) to[thick R] ++(3,0)
              to[thick L] ++(0,-2) to[thick C] (0,0);
  \node[minuscol,scale=0.8] at (0.85,-0.25) {$-Q(t)$};
  \node[pluscol,scale=0.8] at (2.12,-0.25) {$+Q(t)$};

% AC, RCL parallel
  \draw (0,0) to[AC] (0,\h) --
        (3*\w,\h) to[thick L] ++(0,-\h) -- (0,0)
        (1*\w,\h) to[thick R] ++(0,-\h)
        (2*\w,\h) to[thick C] ++(0,-\h);
  \draw[->,Icol] (0.88*\w,0.96*\h) --++ (0,-0.24*\h) node[midway,left=1] {$I_R$};
  \draw[->,Icol] (1.88*\w,0.96*\h) --++ (0,-0.24*\h) node[midway,left=1] {$I_C$};
  \draw[->,Icol] (2.88*\w,0.96*\h) --++ (0,-0.24*\h) node[midway,left=1] {$I_L$};
  %\node[minuscol,scale=0.8,align=right] at (2.95,0.55) {$-Q(t)$};
  %\node[pluscol,scale=0.8,align=right] at (2.95,1.45) {$+Q(t)$};

% AC, RCL series
  \draw (0,0) to[AC] (0,2) --++(3,0)
              to[thick Z] ++(0,-2) -- (0,0);


Click to download: electric_circuit_ac.texelectric_circuit_ac.pdf
Open in Overleaf: electric_circuit_ac.tex

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