Data fusion system

This figure represents a data fusion system used for pedestrian indoor localisation. It is from a scientific paper published in IEEE Sensors 2023 with the following DOI

On the left part, the primary and secondary stages of fusion, that leverage the inertial data (IMU) and the building’s map, are detailed in a bloc scheme. On the right is one of the contribution of this paper: the human motion likelihood representation in the form of a grid. The grid allows to assign a weight to each particle the system uses. Such system is called a Particle Filter.

For usage and reproduction, this figure falls under the IEEE Sensors 2023 copyright. It requires proper citation of the provided paper via its DOI.

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc}
    dot/.style = {circle, minimum size= 8,fill,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
    dot/.default = 5pt
  % Drawing the likelihood grid
  % Horizontal cells count

    \begin{scope}[shift={(0,0.5)}, scale=0.7]
      \tikzstyle{cell} = [rectangle, minimum size = 19.5 , fill, color = black]
      \draw [black, step = 1] (\lowbound, 1) grid (\highbound+1, 10);

      \begin{scope}[shift = {(0.5,0.5)}, opacity = 0.7]
        \foreach \x in {\lowbound,1,...,\highbound}{
         \node [cell, black] at  (\x, 9) {};
         \node [cell, black] at  (\x, 1) {};
        } % black cells = walls
        \foreach \x in {\lowbound, 1,..., \highbound}{
         \node [cell, color = blue!100!white] at  (\x, 8) {};
         \node [cell, color = blue!100!white] at  (\x, 2) {};
        } % deep blue cells
        \foreach \x in {\lowbound,1,...,\highbound}{
         \node [cell, color = blue!75!white] at  (\x, 7) {};
         \node [cell, color = blue!75!white] at  (\x, 3) {};
        \foreach \x in {\lowbound,1,...,\highbound}{
         \node [cell, color = blue!30!white] at  (\x, 6){};
         \node [cell, color = blue!30!white] at  (\x, 4){};
        \foreach \x in {\lowbound,1,...,\highbound}{
         \node [cell, color = blue!20!white] at  (\x, 5){};
      % Adding particles with random numbers drawn from a python script
      % Yes, LaTeX/Tikz allow to draw random numbers but these come from an experiment
        \coordinate [dot] (a) at (3.9285231, 2.6985591);
        \coordinate [dot] (b) at (1.3611608, 1.9969122);
        \coordinate [dot] (c) at (0.6288356, 3.84908  );
        \coordinate [dot] (e) at (9.6810041, 4.1691515);
        \coordinate [dot] (f) at (7.644834 , 8.55942  );
        \coordinate [dot] (g) at (6.0297038, 7.0389246);
        \coordinate [dot] (h) at (3.2925639, 6.6886047);
        \coordinate [dot] (i) at (1.3797099, 8.5992524);
        \coordinate [dot] (j) at (8.1116873, 2.1354121);
        \coordinate [dot] (k) at (7.7211166, 6.5463598);
        \coordinate [dot] (l) at (6.5935806, 2.6034567);
        \coordinate [dot] (m) at (3.9761724, 6.4383623);
        \coordinate [dot] (n) at (2.4039057, 5.6784096);
        \coordinate [dot] (o) at (4.9582929, 3.4551362);
        \coordinate [dot] (p) at (3.7579452, 1.5857479);
        \coordinate [dot] (q) at (6.2010185, 4.215724 );
        \coordinate [dot] (r) at (2.0341973, 5.4074832);
        \coordinate [dot] (s) at (3.8130486, 9.4286342);
        \coordinate [dot] (t) at (7.518949 , 1.857585 );
        \coordinate [dot] (u) at (2.1995326, 2.236611 );

      % circle on top of each coordinate
      \foreach \i in {a,c,e,k,n,r,m,o,q,h,g}
        \draw [green, fill] (\i) circle [radius = 0.15];
      % draw the conenction to the green particles
      \coordinate [dot] (mean) at (4.2424450, 4.7708627);
      \draw [red, fill] (mean) circle [radius = 0.15];
      \draw (mean) edge 
        [stroke=black, very thick, green, shorten <=2, shorten >=2] (a);
      \draw (mean) edge 
        [stroke, very thick, green, shorten <=2, shorten >=2] (c);
      \draw [stroke, very thick, green, shorten <=2, shorten >=2]
        (mean) -- (e);

        % shorten allows to cut the edge before reaching a node
      \foreach \i in {k,n,r,m,o,q,h,g}
        \draw (mean) edge [very thick, green, shorten <=2, shorten >=2] (\i);

        \node [rotate=-90,
        rounded corners, 
        text width=, 
        minimum height=15,
        align = center](fusion) {\huge\textbf{Fusion}};

      scale=1, font = {\sffamily},
      every path/.style = {thick},
      every node/.style = {
      rounded corners, 
      text width = 55, 
      minimum height = 12,
      empty/.style={color = white, text= black},
      void/.style={fill = white, minimum size = 0}
      % This is one way to define space between blocs:
      \def\hspacer{0.5} % spacing between columns
      \def\vspacer{1} % spacing between lines

      %%%%%%% Acquisition
      \node[empty] (input) {Primary sources};
      \node[below of = input] (imu) {IMU};
      \node[below of = imu, below = 2*\vspacer] (map) {Map};
      \coordinate [below of = map] (dots);

      %%%%%%%% Prediction
      \node[right of = input, right = \hspacer, empty] (prediction) {Prediction};
      \node[below of = prediction] (detect) {Step Detection};
      \node[below of = detect] (weinberg) {Weinberg};
      \node[below of = weinberg] (madgwick) {Madgwick};

      %%%%%%%%% Output
      \node[right of = prediction, right = \hspacer, empty] (output)
       {Secondary sources};
      \node[below of = output] (events) {Step event};
      \node[below of = events] (lengths) {Step length};
      \node[below of = lengths] (angles) {Step heading};

      \node[below of = angles] (walls) {Map Walls};
      \node[below of = walls] (grid) {Likelihood Grid};

      %% Links
      \draw [->] (imu)--(detect);
      \draw [->] (imu)|-(weinberg);
      \draw [->] (imu)|-(madgwick);
      \draw [->] (detect)--(events);
      \draw [->] (weinberg)--(lengths);
      \draw [->] (detect)--(weinberg);
      \draw [->] (madgwick)--(angles);
      \draw [->] (map.east)  -| ($(map)!0.5!(walls)$) coordinate |-(walls);
      \draw [->] (map)       -| ($(map)!0.5!(walls)$)            |-(grid);

      % Draw columns sperators

      \draw [dashed] ($(input.north)     !0.5!(prediction.north)$) 
        --($(input)     !0.5!(prediction)+(dots.south)$);
      \draw [dashed] ($(prediction.north)!0.5!(output.north)$)     
        --($(prediction)!0.5!(output)    +(dots.south)$);

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