Some diagrams of basic physics problems involving masses and ropes.
For more related figures, please see the “forces” or “Newton’s laws” tag.
Tension in rope suspending a mass from the ceiling:
Tensions on either ends of a rope segment:
Different mass-rope configurations:
Edit and compile if you like:
% Author: Izaak Neutelings (September 2020) % Inspiration: \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{physics} \usepackage{ifthen} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{patterns} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \colorlet{myred}{red!65!black} \tikzstyle{ground}=[preaction={fill,top color=black!10,bottom color=black!5,shading angle=20}, pattern=north east lines,draw=none,minimum width=0.3,minimum height=0.6] \tikzstyle{mass}=[line width=0.6,red!30!black,fill=red!40!black!10,rounded corners=1, top color=red!40!black!20,bottom color=red!40!black!10,shading angle=20] \tikzstyle{rope}=[brown!70!black,line width=2] %very thick \def\rope#1{ \draw[black,line width=2.3] #1; \draw[rope] #1; } % FORCES SWITCH \tikzstyle{force}=[->,myred,thick,line cap=round] \newcommand{\vbF}{\vb{F}} \newcommand{\vbT}{\vb{T}} \newboolean{showforces} \setboolean{showforces}{true} \begin{document} % VERTICAL ceiling \def\h{0.6} % mass height \def\w{0.7} % mass width \begin{tikzpicture} \def\W{2.0} % ground width \def\D{0.2} % ground depth \def\H{3.0} % ground depth \def\y{0.5*\H} % mass y coordinate \rope{(0,\H) -- (0,\y)} \draw[ground] (-\W/2,\H) rectangle++ (\W,\D); \draw (-\W/2,\H) --++ (\W,0); \draw[mass] (-\w/2,\y) rectangle++ (\w,\h) node[midway] {$m$}; % FORCES \ifthenelse{\boolean{showforces}}{ \draw[force] (-0.3*\w,\y+0.9*\h) --++ (0, 1.0*\h) node[left=-1] {$\vbT$}; \draw[force] (0.35*\w,\y+0.4*\h) --++ (0,-1.0*\h) node[below=-3] {$-mg\vu{y}$}; }{} \end{tikzpicture} % VERTICAL rope \begin{tikzpicture} \def\h{0.5} \def\w{0.15} \draw[preaction={fill,top color=brown!70!black,bottom color=brown!60!black!60,shading angle=20}, pattern=north east lines,draw=none,minimum width=0.3,minimum height=0.6] (-\w/2,0) rectangle++ (\w,\h); \draw (-0.46*\w,0) --++ (0,\h) (\w/2,0) --++ (0,\h); \draw[force,very thick] (0,0.9*\h) --++ (0, 1.4*\h) node[below=3,right=0] {$\vbT_1$}; \draw[force,very thick] (0,0.1*\h) --++ (0,-1.4*\h) node[above=3,right=0] {$\vbT_2$}; \end{tikzpicture} % VERTICAL ceiling 2 \begin{tikzpicture} \def\W{2.0} % ground width \def\D{0.2} % ground depth \def\H{1.5} % ground depth \def\y{0} % mass y coordinate \coordinate (M) at (0,0); \rope{(-0.4*\W,1.05*\H) -- (M) -- (0.4*\W,1.05*\H)} \draw[ground] (-\W/2,\H) rectangle++ (\W,\D); \draw (-\W/2,\H) --++ (\W,0); \draw[mass] (M)++(-\w/2,0) rectangle++ (\w,-\h) node[midway] {$m$}; \end{tikzpicture} % VERTICAL ceiling 3 \begin{tikzpicture} \def\W{2.0} % ground width \def\D{0.2} % ground depth \def\H{1.5} % ground depth \coordinate (M) at (0,0); \rope{(-0.4*\W,1.05*\H) -- (0,0.4*\H) coordinate (R) -- (0.4*\W,1.05*\H) (R) -- (M);} \draw[ground] (-\W/2,\H) rectangle++ (\W,\D); \draw (-\W/2,\H) --++ (\W,0); \draw[mass] (M)++(-\w/2,0) rectangle++ (\w,-\h) node[midway] {$m$}; \end{tikzpicture} % HORIZONTAL ground - lift \begin{tikzpicture} \def\WH{2.3} % wall height \def\WT{0.3} % wall thickness \def\GW{2.1} % ground width \def\GD{0.25} % ground depth \def\h{0.6} % mass height \def\w{0.7} % mass width \def\H{2.0} % human height \def\mx{0.5*\GW} % mass x coordinate % SETUP \rope{(0,0.6*\H) --++ (0.3*\GW,0) coordinate (RH)} \draw[ground] (0,0) -- (0,\WH) --++ (-\WT,0) --++ (0,-\WH-\GD) --++ (\WT+\GW,0) -- (\GW,0) -- cycle; \draw (0,\WH) -- (0,0) -- (\GW,0); % PERSON \draw[thick] (0.7*\GW,\H) circle (0.3) coordinate (H); \draw[thick] (H)++(-98:0.3) coordinate (N) to[out=-98,in=75]++ (-0.07*\GW,-0.40*\H) coordinate (P); \draw[thick,line cap=round] (N)++(-98:0.03) to[out=-115,in=10] ([yshift=0.5]RH); \draw[thick,line cap=round] (N)++(-98:0.03) to[out=-100,in=0] ([yshift=-0.5]RH); \draw[thick] (P) to[out=-110,in=78] (0.46*\GW,0); \draw[thick] (P) to[out=-105,in=88] (0.52*\GW,0); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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