Some basic diagrams to explain pressure, pressure variation over depth, Torricelli’s law and Pascal’s principle.
For more related figures, please have a look at the Fluid Dynamics category.
Pascal’s principle (or Pascal’s law):
Forces on a container with a fluid:
Pressure variation over depth:
Pascal’s principle in to understand a hydraulic press:
Edit and compile if you like:
% Author: Izaak Neutelings (November 2020) \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{siunitx} \usepackage{physics} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[outline]{contour} % glow around text \usetikzlibrary{patterns,decorations.pathmorphing} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} \tikzset{>=latex} \contourlength{1.1pt} \colorlet{mydarkblue}{blue!50!black} \colorlet{myred}{red!65!black} \colorlet{vcol}{green!45!black} \colorlet{watercol}{blue!80!cyan!10!white} \colorlet{darkwatercol}{blue!80!cyan!20!white} \colorlet{metalcol}{blue!40!black!10!white} \tikzstyle{force}=[->,myred,very thick,line cap=round] \tikzstyle{vvec}=[->,very thick,vcol,line cap=round] \tikzstyle{piston}=[blue!50!black,top color=blue!30,bottom color=blue!50,middle color=blue!20,shading angle=0] \tikzstyle{water}=[draw=mydarkblue,top color=watercol!90,bottom color=watercol!90!black,shading angle=5] \tikzstyle{vertical water}=[water, top color=watercol!90!black!90,bottom color=watercol!90!black!90,middle color=watercol!80,shading angle=90] \tikzstyle{dark water}=[draw=mydarkblue,top color=darkwatercol,bottom color=darkwatercol!80!black,shading angle=5] \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!20!black,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!90!black,shading angle=10] \tikzstyle{width}=[{Latex[length=3,width=3]}-{Latex[length=3,width=3]}] \def\tick#1#2{\draw[thick] (#1)++(#2:0.1) --++ (#2-180:0.2)} \begin{document} % PRESSURE \begin{tikzpicture}[x={(1cm,0)},y={(0.65cm,0.6cm)},z={(0,1cm)}] \def\L{1.6} % cube side \def\P{0.7} % pressure size \draw[dark water] (0,0,0) -- (\L,0,0) -- (\L,\L,0) -- ( 0,\L,0) -- cycle; \draw[force] (0.5*\L,0.5*\L,1.01*\P) node[right=2,above=3] {$P$} --++ (0,0,-\P); \foreach \x/\y in {0.5/0.5,0.5/0.2,0.2/0.5,0.5/0.8,0.8/0.5,0.8/0.8,0.2/0.8,0.2/0.2,0.8/0.2}{ \draw[force] (\x*\L,\y*\L,1.01*\P) --++ (0,0,-\P); } \end{tikzpicture} % PRESSURE DIRECTIONS - Pascal's principle \begin{tikzpicture}[x={(1cm,0)},y={(0.5cm,0.4cm)},z={(0,1cm)}] \def\L{0.7} % cube side \def\P{0.5} % pressure size \draw[force] (\L/2,\L/2,-1.1*\P) node[below] {$P$} --++ (0,0,\P); \draw[force] (-1.1*\P,\L/2,\L/2) node[left] {$P$} --++ ( \P,0,0); \draw[force] (\L/2,\L+1.5*\P,\L/2) node[above right=-2] {$P$} --++ (0,-1.4*\P,0); \draw[dark water,rounded corners=0.1] (\L,0, 0) -- (\L,0,\L) -- (\L,\L,\L) -- (\L,\L, 0) -- cycle; \draw[dark water,rounded corners=0.1] ( 0,0, 0) -- ( 0,0,\L) -- (\L, 0,\L) -- (\L, 0, 0) -- cycle; \draw[dark water,rounded corners=0.1] ( 0,0,\L) -- (\L,0,\L) -- (\L,\L,\L) -- ( 0,\L,\L) -- cycle; \draw[force] (\L/2,\L/2,\L+1.05*\P) node[above] {$P$} --++ (0,0,-\P); \draw[force] (\L+1.05*\P,\L/2,\L/2) node[right] {$P$} --++ (-\P,0,0); \draw[force] (\L/2,-1.4*\P,\L/2) node[below left=-3] {$P$} --++ (0,1.4*\P,0); \end{tikzpicture} % WATER COLUMN WEIGHT \begin{tikzpicture} \def\Rx{0.9} % tank horizontal radius \def\Ry{0.3} % tank vertical radius \def\H{2.6} % height tank \def\h{0.94*\H} % height water \def\y{0.40*\H} % vertical position piece \def\F{0.45*\h} % force % WATER \draw[vertical water] (-\Rx,\h) -- (-\Rx,0) arc (180:360:{\Rx} and {\Ry}) -- (\Rx,\h); \draw[water] (0,\h) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); % CONTAINER \draw[thick] (-\Rx,\H) -- (-\Rx,0) arc (180:360:{\Rx} and {\Ry}) -- (\Rx,\H); \draw[thick] (0,\H) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); % LABELS \draw[force] (-0.1*\Rx,\h/2) --++ (0,-0.3*\F) node[midway,left] {$mg$}; \draw[force] (0.1*\Rx,-0.8*\Ry) --++ (0,\F) node[midway,right] {$\vb{F}_\mathrm{N}$}; \draw[force] (0.0*\Rx,\h-1.2*\Ry) --++ (0,-0.7*\F) node[midway,right] {$\vb{F}_\mathrm{atm}$}; \node[right] at (1.1*\Rx,\H) {$P_0=P_\mathrm{atm}$}; %{\contour{watercol}{$P_\mathrm{atm}$}}; \node[right] at (1.1*\Rx,0) {$P$}; \node[above=-4] at (0,\h) {$A$}; \draw[<->] (-1.2*\Rx,0) --++ (0,\h) node[midway,fill=white,inner sep=1] {$h$}; \end{tikzpicture} % WATER COLUMN WEIGHT \begin{tikzpicture} \def\Rx{1.1} % tank horizontal radius \def\Ry{0.5} % tank vertical radius \def\rx{0.22*\Rx} % column horizontal radius \def\ry{0.22*\Ry} % column vertical radius \def\H{2.6} % height tank \def\h{0.94*\H} % height water \def\y{0.40*\H} % vertical position piece \def\dy{0.10*\H} % height piece % WATER \draw[vertical water] (-\Rx,\h) -- (-\Rx,0) arc (180:360:{\Rx} and {\Ry}) -- (\Rx,\h); \draw[water] (0,\h) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); % COLUMN + PIECE \draw[dark water] (-\rx,\y) -- (-\rx,\y-\dy) arc (180:360:{\rx} and {\ry}) -- (\rx,\y); \draw[dark water] (0,\y) ellipse ({\rx} and {\ry}); \draw[dark water,opacity=0.50,draw=none] % column (-\rx,\h) -- (-\rx,\y) arc (180:360:{\rx} and {\ry}) -- (\rx,\h) arc(360:180:{\rx} and {\ry}) -- cycle; \draw[blue!20!black,dashed,very thin,opacity=0.50] (-\rx,\y) -- (-\rx,\h) (\rx,\y) -- (\rx,\h); \draw[dark water,opacity=0.50] % top column (0,\h) ellipse ({\rx} and {\ry}); \draw[blue!30!black] (0,\h) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); % CONTAINER \draw[thick] (-\Rx,\H) -- (-\Rx,0) arc (180:360:{\Rx} and {\Ry}) -- (\Rx,\H); \draw[thick] (0,\H) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); % LABELS \node[scale=0.98] at ({-0.45*(\Rx+\rx)},1.04*\h) {$P_\mathrm{atm}$}; %{\contour{watercol}{$P_\mathrm{atm}$}}; \node at ({-0.40*(\Rx+\rx)},{\y-0.5*\dy}) {$P$}; \node[above=-2] at (0,\y+\ry) {$A$}; \draw[<->] (1.2*\Rx,\y) --++ (0,\h-\y) node[midway,fill=white,inner sep=1] {$h$}; \end{tikzpicture} % PRESSURE HEIGTH DIFFERENCE \begin{tikzpicture} \def\Rx{0.9} % tank horizontal radius \def\Ry{0.16} % tank vertical radius \def\H{2.6} % height tank \def\h{0.94*\H} % height water \def\ya{0.65*\h} % vertical position A \def\yb{0.20*\h} % vertical position B % WATER \draw[vertical water] (-\Rx,\h) -- (-\Rx,0) arc (180:360:{\Rx} and {\Ry}) -- (\Rx,\h); \draw[water] (0,\h) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); \draw[thick] (-\Rx,\H) -- (-\Rx,0) arc (180:360:{\Rx} and {\Ry}) -- (\Rx,\H) (0,\H) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); % LABELS %\node at ({-0.44*(\Rx+\rx)},1.04*\h) {$P_\mathrm{atm}$}; %{\contour{watercol}{$P_\mathrm{atm}$}}; %\node at ({-0.40*(\Rx+\rx)},{\y-0.5*\dy}) {$P$}; \draw[blue!30!black,dashed] (-1.3*\Rx,\ya) --++ (2.6*\Rx,0); \draw[blue!30!black,dashed] (-1.3*\Rx,\yb) --++ (2.6*\Rx,0); \draw[<->] (-1.2*\Rx,\yb) --++ (0,\ya-\yb) node[midway,fill=white,inner sep=1] {$h$}; \node at (0,\ya) {\contour{watercol!80}{$P_1$}}; \node at (0,\yb) {\contour{watercol!80}{$P_2$}}; % AXIS \begin{scope}[shift={(1.3*\Rx,0)}] \draw[->,thick] (-0.03*\h,\h) --++ (1.2*\h,0) node[right=-1] {$P$\,[Pa]}; \draw[->,thick] (0,1.03*\h) --++ (0,-1.2*\h) node[above=2,right] {$y$\,[m]}; \draw[blue!30!black,dashed] (0,\ya) -| ({\H-\H/(\h)*\ya},\h); \draw[blue!30!black,dashed] (0,\yb) -| ({\H-\H/(\h)*\yb},\h); \tick{0,\ya}{180} node[right=0,fill=white,inner sep=1] {$y_1$}; \tick{0,\yb}{180} node[right=0,fill=white,inner sep=1] {$y_2$}; %\tick{0,\h}{180}; %node[above=2,right=-1] {$h$}; \tick{0,\h}{-90} node[right=2,above=-1,scale=0.9] {$P_\mathrm{atm}$}; \tick{{\H-\H/(\h)*\ya},\h}{-90} node[above=-1,scale=0.9] {$P_1$}; \tick{{\H-\H/(\h)*\yb},\h}{-90} node[above=-1,scale=0.9] {$P_2$}; %\tick{0.8*\H,0}{90} node[below=-1,scale=0.9] {$P_\mathrm{atm}+\rho g H$}; \draw[blue!60!black,very thick] (0,\h) -- (\H,0); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} % PRESSURE HEIGTH DIFFERENCE \begin{tikzpicture} \def\Rx{0.9} % tank horizontal radius \def\Ry{0.16} % tank vertical radius \def\H{2.6} % height tank \def\h{0.94*\H} % height water \def\ya{0.65*\h} % vertical position A \def\yb{0.20*\h} % vertical position B % WATER \draw[vertical water] (-\Rx,\h) -- (-\Rx,0) arc (180:360:{\Rx} and {\Ry}) -- (\Rx,\h); \draw[water] (0,\h) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); \draw[thick] (-\Rx,\H) -- (-\Rx,0) arc (180:360:{\Rx} and {\Ry}) -- (\Rx,\H) (0,\H) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); % LABELS %\node at ({-0.44*(\Rx+\rx)},1.04*\h) {$P_\mathrm{atm}$}; %{\contour{watercol}{$P_\mathrm{atm}$}}; %\node at ({-0.40*(\Rx+\rx)},{\y-0.5*\dy}) {$P$}; \draw[blue!30!black,dashed] (-1.3*\Rx,\ya) --++ (2.6*\Rx,0); \draw[blue!30!black,dashed] (-1.3*\Rx,\yb) --++ (2.6*\Rx,0); \draw[<->] (-1.2*\Rx,\yb) --++ (0,\ya-\yb) node[midway,fill=white,inner sep=1] {$h$}; \node at (0,\ya) {\contour{watercol!80}{$P_1$}}; \node at (0,\yb) {\contour{watercol!80}{$P_2$}}; % AXIS \begin{scope}[shift={(1.25*\Rx,0)}] \draw[->,thick] (-0.05*\H,0) --++ (1.2*\H,0) node[right=-1] {$P$\,[Pa]}; \draw[->,thick] (0,-0.05*\H) --++ (0,1.2*\H) node[right] {$y$\,[m]}; \draw[blue!30!black,dashed] (0,\ya) -| ({\H-\H/(\h)*\ya},0); \draw[blue!30!black,dashed] (0,\yb) -| ({\H-\H/(\h)*\yb},0); \tick{0,\ya}{180} node[right=0,fill=white,inner sep=1] {$y_1$}; \tick{0,\yb}{180} node[right=0,fill=white,inner sep=1] {$y_2$}; %\tick{0,\h}{180}; %node[above=2,right=-1] {$h$}; \tick{0,0}{90} node[below=-1,scale=0.9] {$P_\mathrm{atm}$}; \tick{{\H-\H/(\h)*\ya},0}{90} node[below=-1,scale=0.9] {$P_1$}; \tick{{\H-\H/(\h)*\yb},0}{90} node[below=-1,scale=0.9] {$P_2$}; %\tick{0.8*\H,0}{90} node[below=-1,scale=0.9] {$P_\mathrm{atm}+\rho g H$}; \draw[blue!60!black,very thick] (0,\h) -- (\H,0); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} % TORRICELLI \begin{tikzpicture} \def\W{1.4} % tank width \def\H{2.7} % height tank \def\h{0.94*\H} % height water \def\t{0.06} % hole size \def\ya{0.12*\h} % lowest hole \def\yb{0.90*\h} % highest hole \def\ym{{\ya+3*(\yb-\ya)/(\N-1)}} % indicated hole \def\N{6} % number of holes % WATER \draw[vertical water,draw=none] (-\W,0) rectangle++ (\W,\h); \draw[mydarkblue] (-\W,\h) --++ (\W,0); \draw[double=watercol!90!black!90,mydarkblue,double distance=1.7,line width=0.15] \foreach \i [evaluate={\y=\ya+(\i-1)*(\yb-\ya)/(\N-1);}] in {1,...,\N}{ %;\v=1.2*sqrt(\h-\y) plot[samples=100,smooth,variable=\x,domain=0:2*sqrt(\y*(\h-\y))](\x,{\y-\x*\x/4/(\h-\y)}) }; \draw[dashed] (0,\h) -- (\h,0); \draw[dashed] (-0.05,\ym) --++ (-0.75*\W,0); \draw[width] (-0.5*\W,\h) -- (-0.5*\W,\ym) node[midway,fill=watercol!80,inner sep=1] {$h$}; \draw[vvec] (0.05,\ym) --++ (0.45*\W,0) node[midway,left=2,above=-1] {$\vb{v}$}; %_0 % CONTAINER \draw[thick] (-\W,\H) |-++ (\W,-\H) \foreach \i [evaluate={\y=\ya+(\i-1)*(\yb-\ya)/(\N-1)}] in {1,...,\N}{ -- (0,\y-\t/2) (0,\y+\t/2) } -- (0,\H); \end{tikzpicture} % PRESSURE HEIGTH DIFFERENCE \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{3.5} % distance pistons \def\Lx{0.50} % left piston horizontal radius \def\Ly{0.08} % left piston vertical radius \def\Rx{1.00} % right piston horizontal radius \def\Ry{0.16} % right piston vertical radius \def\H{2.6} % height tank \def\d{0.28*\H} % diameter connecting pipe \def\hL{0.86*\H} % left height water \def\hR{0.74*\H} % right height water \def\pt{0.05*\H} % piston thickness \def\prx{0.040*\H} % piston pole radius \def\pry{0.006*\H} % piston pole radius \def\pLl{0.15*\H} % left piston pole length \def\pRl{0.26*\H} % right piston pole length \def\xL{0.30*\H} % right piston displacement \def\xR{\xL*\Lx/\Rx} % left piston displacement \def\F{0.3*\H} % force magnitude % WATER \draw[water,rounded corners=2] (-\Lx,\hL) |-++ (\L+\Lx+\Rx,-\hL) |-++ (-2*\Rx,\hR) |-++ %arc (360:180:{\Rx} and {\Ry}) --++ (-\L+\Lx+\Rx,-\hR+\d) |- cycle; %(-2*\Lx,\hL-\t) -- arc (360:180:{\Lx} and {\Ly}) -- cycle; \draw[blue!30!black,dashed,thin] (-\Lx,\hL-\pt-\xL) arc(180:360:{\Lx} and {\Ly}); % PISTON \draw[metal] (-\Lx,\hL) --++ (0,-\pt) arc (180:360:{\Lx} and {\Ly}) --++ (0,\pt) (\L-\Rx,\hR) --++ (0,-\pt) arc (180:360:{\Rx} and {\Ry}) --++ (0,\pt) (0,\hL) ellipse ({\Lx} and {\Ly}) (\L,\hR) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); \draw[metalcol!20!black,dashed,thin] (\L+\Rx,\hR-\pt+\xR) arc(0:180:{\Rx} and {\Ry}); \draw[metal] (-\prx,\hL+\pLl) --++ (0,-\pLl) arc (180:360:{\prx} and {\pry}) --++ (0,\pLl) (\L-\prx,\hR+\pRl) --++ (0,-\pRl) arc (180:360:{\prx} and {\pry}) --++ (0,\pRl) (0,\hL+\pLl) ellipse ({\prx} and {\pry}) (\L,\hR+\pRl) ellipse ({\prx} and {\pry}); \draw[metalcol!20!black,dashed,thin] (\L-\Rx,\hR-\pt+\xR) arc(180:360:{\Rx} and {\Ry}); % CONTAINER \draw[thick,rounded corners=2] (-\Lx,\H) |-++ (\L+\Lx+\Rx,-\H) --++ (0,\H) (\Lx,\H) |-++ (\L-\Lx-\Rx,-\H+\d) --++ (0,\H-\d); \draw[thick] (0,\H) ellipse ({\Lx} and {\Ly}) (\L,\H) ellipse ({\Rx} and {\Ry}); % FORCES \draw[force] (0,\hL+\pLl+\F) --++ (0,-\F) node[pos=0.4,left=-1] {$F_1$}; \draw[force] (\L,\hR+\pRl+0.02) --++ (0,\F) node[midway,above=3,right=-1] {$F_2$}; % AXIS \draw[->,thick] (-\Lx-0.2*\Rx,0.9*\H) --++ (0,-0.52*\H); %node[left] {$x_1$}; \draw[->,thick] (\L+1.2*\Rx,0.6*\H) --++ (0,0.40*\H); %node[right] {$x_2$}; \tick{-\Lx-0.2*\Rx,\hL-\pt}{0} node[left=-1] {$0$}; \tick{-\Lx-0.2*\Rx,\hL-\pt-\xL}{0} node[left=-1] {$x_1$}; \tick{\L+1.2*\Rx,\hR-\pt}{180} node[right=-1] {$0$}; \tick{\L+1.2*\Rx,{\hR-\pt+\xR}}{180} node[right=-1] {$x_2$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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