Graph Isomorphism

Graphs can look differently but be identical. The only thing that matters are which nodes are connected to which other nodes. If there exists an edge-preserving bijection between two graphs, in other words if there exists a function that maps nodes from one graph onto those of another such that the set of connections for each node remain identical, the two graph are said to be isomorphic.


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% Graphs can look differently but be identical. The only thing that matters are which
% nodes are connected to which other nodes. If there exists an edge-preserving bijection
% between two graphs, in other words if there exists a function that maps nodes from one
% graph onto those of another such that the set of connections for each node remain identical,
% the two graph are said to be isomorphic.


  vertex/.style = {circle, draw, inner sep=1pt, fill=white},
  vertex1/.style = {vertex, fill=red!30!white},
  vertex2/.style = {vertex, fill=orange!30!white},
  vertex3/.style = {vertex, fill=blue!30!white},
  vertex4/.style = {vertex, fill=teal!30!white},

  (0,0) node[vertex1] (n1^1) {$n_1$}
  -- (0,2) node[vertex2] (n2^1) {$n_2$}
  -- (2,2) node[vertex3] (n3^1) {$n_3$}
  -- (2,0) node[vertex4] (n4^1) {$n_4$} -- cycle;

    (0,0) node[vertex1] (n1^2) {$n_1$}
    -- (2,2) node[vertex2] (n2^2) {$n_2$}
    -- (0,2) node[vertex3] (n3^2) {$n_3$}
    -- (2,0) node[vertex4] (n4^2) {$n_4$} -- cycle;

    (0,0) node[vertex1] (n1^3) {$n_1$}
    -- (2,2) node[vertex2] (n2^3) {$n_2$}
    -- (2,0) node[vertex4] (n3^3) {$n_3$}
    -- (0,2) node[vertex3] (n4^3) {$n_4$} -- cycle;

    (-0.5,0) node[vertex1] (n1^4) {$n_1$}
    -- (0.25,2.2) node[vertex2] (n2^4) {$n_2$}
    -- (2,1.6) node[vertex3] (n3^4) {$n_3$}
    -- (-0.7,1.4) node[vertex4] (n4^4) {$n_4$} -- cycle;

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See more on the author page of Janosh Riebesell..

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