Open string topologies


Edit and compile if you like:

every tqft/.append style={
transform shape, rotate=90, tqft/circle x radius=7pt,
tqft/circle y radius=0pt, tqft/boundary separation=1cm
% cobordism at upper left
tqft/cylinder to prior,
every outgoing lower boundary component/.style={draw},
every incoming boundary component/.style={draw},
cobordism edge/.style={draw},
% annotation of cobordism at upper left
\coordinate (temp1) at ($(a-incoming boundary.west)!0.3!(a-outgoing boundary.west) +(0,0.08)$);
\coordinate (temp2) at ($(a-incoming boundary.west)!0.7!(a-outgoing boundary.west) +(0,-0.08)$);
(temp1) node[below] {$\tau_1$} -- +(0,0.5)
(temp2) node[below] {$\tau_2$} -- +(0,0.5);
\draw[->] ($(a-incoming boundary.west) - (0.1,0)$) node[below] {$\sigma$} -- ++(0,0.5);
\draw (a-outgoing boundary) ++(0.5,0) node {$+$};
\draw[->] ($(a-incoming boundary.east)+(0.1,0.1)$) to[bend left=13] +(0.9,-0.2);
\node[above] at ($(a-incoming boundary.east)+(0.55,0.1)$) {$\tau$};
% cobordism at upper right consisting of two 'pants'
tqft/pair of pants,
every incoming upper boundary component/.style={draw},
every incoming boundary component/.style={draw},
cobordism edge/.style={draw},

Click to download: open-string-topologies.tex
Open in Overleaf: open-string-topologies.tex
This file is available on and on GitHub and is MIT licensed.
See more on the author page of Janosh Riebesell..

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