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\documentclass{standalone} % Drawing \usepackage{tikz} % Tikz Library \usetikzlibrary{3d, shapes.multipart, angles, quotes} % Tikz Styles \tikzset{>=latex} \tikzset{axis/.style={black, very thick, ->}} \tikzset{ef/.style={very thick, red}} \tikzset{vec/.style={black, -{Latex[length=0.8mm]}}} \tikzset{every text node part/.style={align=center}} % New Command %% Draw Line in Poar Coordinates from (0,0) to (r, theta) \newcommand{\cdraw}[2]{\draw[very thick, -stealth, red] (0,0) -- ({#1*cos(#2)}, {#1*sin(#2)});} %% Rectangles %%%Viewing Screen \newcommand{\rect}[1]{% \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=1.2] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!40] (#1,-1.2) rectangle (#1+0.2,1.2); \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=1.2] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!25](#1,-1.2) rectangle (#1+0.2,1.2); \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=#1] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!10] (-1.2,-1.2) rectangle (1.2,1.2); \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!10, dashed] (-{0.8*cos(45)}, -{0.8*sin(45)}) -- ({0.8*cos(45)}, {0.8*sin(45)}); \end{scope} } %%% Polarizer \newcommand{\polarizer}[2]{% \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=1.2] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!40] (#1,-1.2) rectangle (#1+0.2,1.2); \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=1.2] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!25](#1,-1.2) rectangle (#1+0.2,1.2); \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=#1] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!10] (-1.2,-1.2) rectangle (1.2,1.2); \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=white] (0,0) coordinate (B) circle (0.8cm); \draw[line join=round, thick] (-{0.8*cos(#2)}, -{0.8*sin(#2)}) -- ({0.8*cos(#2)},{0.8*sin(#2)}) coordinate (A); \draw[line join=round, dashed, thick] (0,-0.8) -- (0,0.8) coordinate (C); \pic[line join=round, draw, thick, "$\theta_\pi$", angle radius=0.2cm, angle eccentricity=2.2] {angle = A--B--C}; \end{scope} } %%% Analyser \newcommand{\analizer}[2]{% \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=1.2] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!40] (#1,-1.2) rectangle (#1+0.2,1.2); \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=1.2] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!25](#1,-1.2) rectangle (#1+0.2,1.2); \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=#1] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!10] (-1.2,-1.2) rectangle (1.2,1.2); \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=white] (0,0) coordinate (B) circle (0.8cm); \draw[line join=round, thick] (-{0.8*cos(#2)}, -{0.8*sin(#2)}) -- ({0.8*cos(#2)},{0.8*sin(#2)}) coordinate (A); \draw[line join=round, dashed, thick] (0,-0.8) -- (0,0.8) coordinate (C); \pic[line join=round, draw, thick, "$\theta_\alpha$", angle radius=0.24cm, angle eccentricity=2.2] {angle = A--B--C}; \end{scope} } %%% Laser \newcommand{\laser}[1]{% \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=#1+1.2] \draw[line join=round, fill=black!20] (-0.2,-0.2) rectangle (0.2,0.2); \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=0.2] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!40] (#1,-0.2) rectangle (#1+1.2,0.2); \node[rotate=22] at (0.6#1,0) {\tiny \textrm Laser $\mathrm{He}$-$\mathrm{Ne}$}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0.2] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!25] (#1,-0.2) rectangle (#1+1.2,0.2); \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=#1] \draw[line join=round, thick, fill=black!15] (-0.2,-0.2) rectangle (0.2,0.2); \end{scope} % } % Notation \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} %Layers \pgfdeclarelayer{layer1} \pgfdeclarelayer{layer2} \pgfdeclarelayer{layer3} \pgfdeclarelayer{layer4} \pgfdeclarelayer{layer5} \pgfdeclarelayer{layer6} \pgfdeclarelayer{layer7} \pgfdeclarelayer{layer8} \pgfsetlayers{main, layer8, layer7, layer6, layer5, layer4, layer3, layer2, layer1} \begin{tikzpicture}[x={(1cm,0.4cm)}, y={(8mm, -3mm)}, z={(0cm,1cm)}, line cap=round, line join=round] % % Main Axes % \draw[->] (0,0,0) -- (12,0,0) node[right] {$x$}; % \draw[->] (0,0,0) -- (0,2,0) node[below left] {$y$}; % \draw[->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,2) node[above] {$z$}; % Big Axis \draw[axis] (-1,0,0) -- (12.5,0,0); % Laser \laser{-2.3} % Polarizers \begin{pgfonlayer}{layer1} \polarizer{2}{0} \end{pgfonlayer} \begin{pgfonlayer}{layer3} \analizer{6}{45} \end{pgfonlayer} \begin{pgfonlayer}{layer8} \rect{10} \end{pgfonlayer} % Polarizer Analiyzer and Rect \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=2] \node[rotate=-20] at (0.5,1.8) {\small{Polarizer}}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=6] \node[rotate=-20] at (0.5,1.8) {\small{Analyser}}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=10] \node[rotate=-20] at (0.5,1.8) {\small{Viewing Screen}}; \end{scope} % Polarization Planes \begin{pgfonlayer}{layer1} \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0] \draw[latex-] (2,0.6) to[out=160, in=270] (2,3) node[right, yshift=-3pt] {\small{Polarization Plane}\\[-0.5mm]\small{of Polarizer}}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=-0.16] \draw[latex-] (5.85,-0.07) to[out=130, in=270] (6,3) node[right, yshift=-3pt] {\small{Polarization Plane}\\[-0.5mm]\small{of Analyser}}; \end{scope} \end{pgfonlayer} % Electric Field %% Physical Light \begin{pgfonlayer}{layer1} \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=0] \foreach \i in {0,45,...,315} { \cdraw{0.8}{\i} } \end{scope} \end{pgfonlayer} %% Linear Polarization \begin{pgfonlayer}{layer2} \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=4] \node at (0,1.4) {$I_1$}; \end{scope} \foreach \i in {3,3.5,...,5.5} { \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=\i] \cdraw{0.8}{90} \cdraw{0.8}{270} \end{scope} } \end{pgfonlayer} %% Slanted Linear Polarization \begin{pgfonlayer}{layer4} \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=8.5] \draw[dashed] (0,-0.8) -- (0,0.8); \coordinate (A) at ({0.8*cos(45)},{0.8*sin(45)}); \coordinate (B) at (0,0); \coordinate (C) at (0,0.8); \pic[draw, "$\theta_\alpha$", angle radius=0.3cm, angle eccentricity=2.2, pic text options={xshift=-1pt}] {angle = A--B--C}; \end{scope} \foreach \i in {7,7.5,...,9.5} { \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=\i] \cdraw{0.8}{45} \cdraw{0.8}{225} \end{scope} } \end{pgfonlayer} % Nodes \node at (0,0,1.3) {$I_o$}; \node at (7.8,0,0.8) {$I_2$}; \node[rotate=23] at (12.1,0,-0.7) {\small{Polarization}\\[-0.5mm]\small{Direction}}; % Refinements to Look 3D \begin{pgfonlayer}{layer1} \draw[very thick] (1,0,0) -- (2,0,0); \end{pgfonlayer} \begin{pgfonlayer}{layer3} \draw[very thick] (4.5,0,0) -- (6,0,0); \end{pgfonlayer} \begin{pgfonlayer}{layer6} \draw[line cap=round, very thick] (9,0,0) -- (10,0,0); \end{pgfonlayer} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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See more on the author page of Alexandros Tsagkaropolulos.