Phase oriented project management

Phase oriented project management

Following Schliersmann/Thiel: Organisationsentwicklung. Prinzipien und Strategien von Veränderungsprozessen. 5ht Edition, Springer 2018. Page 50. This is more precise than the graphics used in the book and may be useful for other, similar graphics. Good example about the virtue of polar coordinates.

% By Jan Suchanek 2022. CC-BY-2.5
% Phase oriented project management.
% Following: Schliersmann, Christiane and Heinz Ulrich Thiel:
% Organisationsentwicklung. Prinzipien und Strategien von
% Veränderungsprozessen. 5th edition, Springer, 2018, page 50.
     \def\radi{4cm}\relax  % overall radius
     \def\radii{1cm}\relax % radius of nodes
     \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=90, every node/.style={font=\sffamily}]
         \draw (0:\radi) node {
                 analyze situation
         } circle (\radii) ;
         \draw (-60:\radi) node {
                 clarify goals
         } circle (\radii) ;
         \draw (-120:\radi) node {
                 work breakdown
         } circle (\radii) ;
         \draw (-180:\radi) node {
         } circle (\radii) ;
         \draw (-240:\radi) node {
                 implement \& control
         } circle (\radii) ;
         \draw (-300:\radi) node {
                 evaluate \& transfer
         } circle (\radii) ;
         \foreach \i in {0,60,...,360}
                 \draw[<-,thick] (\i+20:\radi) arc (\i+20:\i+40:\radi);
                 \foreach \ii in {0,60,...,360}
                     \draw  (\i:\radi-\radii) -- (\ii:\radi-\radii);

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