Right-hand rule for vector product, with examples of the unit vectors of a cartesian coordinate system, the force due to a magnetic field, as well as the rotation vector, angular momentum vector, magnetic momentum and magnetic field due to a current.
Also see other figures under the “vectors” tag: vector sum rule, scalar production, or the divergence and curl of vector fields.
Right-hand rule for a general vector product a⨯b:
Right-handed coordinate system x̂⨯ŷ = ẑ:
Right-handed rule for the magnetic force:
Right-handed rule for the rotation vector:
Right-handed rule for the angular momentum vector:
Right-handed rule for the magnetic momentum vector:
Right-handed rule for the magnetic field lines due to a current-carrying wire:
Edit and compile if you like:
% Author: Izaak Neutelings (July 2018)\documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone}\usepackage{tikz}\usepackage{physics}\tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head\usetikzlibrary{angles,quotes} % for pic (angle labels)\usepackage{xcolor}\colorlet{pinkskin}{pink!25}\colorlet{brownskin}{pink!5!brown!45}\colorlet{myred}{red!90!black}\colorlet{myblue}{blue!90!black}\colorlet{mypurple}{blue!50!red!80!black!80}\colorlet{Bcol}{violet!90}\colorlet{BFcol}{red!60!black}\colorlet{veccol}{green!45!black}\colorlet{Icol}{blue!70!black}\colorlet{mucol}{red!90!black}\tikzstyle{BField}=[->,line width=2,Bcol]\tikzstyle{current}=[->,Icol] %thick,\tikzstyle{force}=[->,line width=2,BFcol]\tikzstyle{vector}=[->,line width=2,veccol]\tikzstyle{thick vector}=[->,line width=2,veccol]\tikzstyle{mu vector}=[->,line width=2,mucol]\tikzstyle{velocity}=[->,line width=2,veccol]\tikzstyle{charge+}=[very thin,draw=black,top color=red!50,bottom color=red!90!black,shading angle=20,circle,inner sep=0.5]\begin{document}\Large% RIGHT HAND RULE F = qvxB (brown)\begin{tikzpicture}\coordinate (O) at (1.2,0.3); % ORIGIN\coordinate (WT) at ( 2.9,-1.1); % WRIST TOP\coordinate (T1) at ( 2.3, 0.7); % THUMB\coordinate (T2) at ( 1.75, 2.3);\coordinate (T3) at ( 2.0, 3.1);\coordinate (T4) at (1.38, 3.15);\coordinate (T5) at ( 0.9, 2.3);\coordinate (T6) at ( 0.85, 1.2);
Click to download: righthand_rule.tex • righthand_rule.pdf
Open in Overleaf: righthand_rule.tex
Wagner again here!
I have taken on a project to draw the left hand rule, using your code as the base.
As soon as I have it working and I understand what I am doing, I will send you the code.
Thank you for sharing all of this!
Hi Wagner,
Nice, thanks! I think you can avoid some translation work if you simply add
to mirror the image:or
By the time that you sent this message, I had done most of the work on the left hand. I would have done it anyway, as I wanted to learn about the out and in angles, curves, looseness and all of that. It was a good exercise to have done, so that I can do other things in the future!
I have been breaking down some of your codes and attempting to understand it line by line, at least the ones that I feel that I can expand into other areas, such as the hand and the projectile motion.
If I do anything interesting in the future that you have not yet done, I will be sharing it with you!
Thank you,
I am a student at the Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas. I am currently taking Physics I, in which I am preparing my notes using LaTeX. During this process, I came across your LaTeX code to illustrate the ‘Right Hand Rule’ and would like to incorporate it into my notes.
In order to adapt it better to my materials, I would make some modifications to the original code. However, I would like to know if it would be possible to use your drawing, making sure that I do not infringe any copyright.
Thank you in advance for your time and attention, and I look forward to your reply.
Vicente C. Gámez
Hi Vincente,
Thanks for asking, but you do not need any explicit permission. All materials on this website fall under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. You can read more here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.
For example, you could write something like “Adopted from [link/reference to this webstite]”. I personally am not so strict about it.
Best of luck,