Summary of the elementary particles of the Standard Model, & extensions. Inspired by the commonly used Wikipedia image.

The Standard Model

Transparent, and grouping particles by interaction with vector bosons:SM_particles-001.png
With boxes fully colored:SM_particles-002.png
Including the hypothetical graviton (tensor boson, spin 2):SM_particles-003.pngSM_particles-004.png
Splitting particles/antiparticles by electric charge (quarks and gluons as shown as different color states):SM_particles-005.png

SM extensions and beyond the SM

The SM extended with a second Higgs doublet, i.e. the Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM), which introduces a second scalar, a new pseudoscalar (A), and two charged Higgs bosons:SM_particles-006.png
Supersymmetry (SUSY) partner particles in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM):SM_particles-007.png
The MSSM with three separate Higgsinos shown:SM_particles-008.png
More general mass bosino eigenstates (charginos & neutralinos) of the MSSM after mixing of the winos and zino with higgsinos:SM_particles-009.png

Highlighting & animated beamer presentation

By varying the opacity, one can highlight different part of groups. For example:

This is useful to change the focus in beamer presentations, (full code at the bottom):

Full code

Edit and compile if you like:

% Author: Izaak Neutelings (February 2023)
% Description:
% Standard Model (SM) of Particles Physics table,
% with different groups highlighted (using opacity) for presentations
% Inspired by:
\usepackage{amsmath} % for \text
\usepackage{xfrac} % for \myfrac
\usepackage{bm} % for \bm
\usepackage{sansmath} % for \sansmath
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % set sans serif font globally
\sansmath % set sans serif font globally
% UNSLANT GREEK LETTERS for particle symbols
\pdfsetmatrix{1 0 #1 1}%
\newcommand\PGm{\unslant\mu} % muon
\newcommand\PGt{\unslant\tau} % tau
\newcommand\PGn[1]{\unslant\nu_{#1}\mkern-1.5mu} % neutrino
\newcommand\PAGn[1]{\overline{\unslant\nu}_{\mathrm{#1}}\mkern-1.5mu} % anti-neutrino
\newcommand\PSGn[1]{\widetilde{\unslant\nu}_{\mathrm{#1}}\mkern-1.5mu} % sneutrino

Click to download the full example: SM_particles.texSM_particles.pdf
Open in Overleaf: SM_particles.tex

Click to download a simplified/reduced example (without spin, charge, mass): SM_particles_simple.texSM_particles_simple.pdf
Open in Overleaf: SM_particles_simple.tex

Click to download the beamer example: SM_particles_beamer.texSM_particles_beamer.pdf
Open in Overleaf: SM_particles_beamer.tex

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