Symmetry in Stereographic Projection of 90° Rotated Sphere

Stereographic projection is a one-to-one mapping between the sphere and the plane which preserves angles.

Latitudinal and longitudinal lines on a sphere are always orthogonal. So, their mapping on the plane will always have a right angle.

For 90 degree polar rotations of the sphere, these mappings will have an axis of symmetry – the mapping of the sphere’s equator.

This lets us to rotate the image about that axis to produce orthogonally intersecting 3D shapes!

We can draw such an image using tikz-3dplot. Python is used for creating a multi-page PDF document, which is finally converted into a GIF file.

Single sample image of the series:

Toroidal field

Animated GIF; you may need to click on it for running:

Toroidal field amimated

This is an example LaTeX file for a particular value of theta, that you can run yourself here in the browser:

\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}


% #1  - azimuthal angle
% #2  - polar angle

% #1  - azimuthal angle
% #2  - polar angle

% #1  - azimuthal angle
% #2  - polar angle

% #1  - projection angle

% #1  - projection angle

% this is the projection angle


        % This clips, and adds struts to a rectangle that is the size of a Beamer frame.
        rectangle (12.8/2,9.6/2);
        \draw[opacity=0,very thin,tdplot_screen_coords] 
        rectangle (12.8/2,9.6/2);

        % For every azimuthal angle, we draw the corresponding line of longitude on the torus. 
        % The lines of longitude vary in their polar angles.
        \foreach \azimuthalAngle in {0,10,...,350}{

        % Similarly, for every polar angle on the torus, we draw the corresponding line of latitude.
        % Latitudinal lines vary in their azimuthal angle. 
        % Note that the paths on the tori have the same equation, and we just vary a different parameter.
        \foreach \polarAngle in {0,10,...,350}{

        % We follow a similar strategy for the sphere.
        % Here we draw the lines of longitude (which vary in their polar angles)
        % The radius of the sphere is the distance from the origin to any center of a longitudinal line on the torus.
        % The Center of the sphere is the radius of the torus. This makes them intersect orthogonally.
        \foreach \azimuthalAngle in {0,10,...,350}{

        % And for the latitudinal lines, we vary the azimuthal angle in the same formula.
        \foreach \polarAngle in {0,10,...,350}{

The source code is at Github (, with MIT License.

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