Transposed FIR Filter

Transposed FIR

Transposed FIR of 8 taps (number of h_i coefficients):



\documentclass[border = 3pt, tikz]{standalone}

% Packages
\usetikzlibrary{calc, shapes.geometric}

% Defaults
% Thicker Lines
\tikzset{every path/.append style=semithick}
% Triangle Node
	triangle/.style = {
					    regular polygon, 
					    regular polygon sides=3, 

% D Flip-Flop Node
	\node (#2) at (#1) [draw, fill = black!5, minimum width=1, minimum height=1] {$z^{-1}$};%
	\node[shift={(0,-0.7)}] at (#1) {\small DFF{#3}}

% Adder Node
	\node (#2) at (#1) [draw, circle, fill = black!15, inner sep=2pt, minimum size=3pt] {$\mathbf+$}%

% Multiplier Node
	\node (#2) at (#1) [draw, triangle, fill = black!30, inner sep=0.8pt, minimum size=3pt] {$\mathbf\times$};%
	\node[shift={(-0.6,0)}] at (#1) {$h_{#3}$}

% Constants
\def\x{2}          % x distance
\def\in_out_x{1.2} % distance between last component and input, output
\def\y{2.2}          % y distance
\def\num{7}        % number of coefficients

	\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap = round, line join = round]
%		%Grid
%		\def\length{6}
%		\draw[thin, dotted] (-\length,-\length) grid (\length,\length);
%		\foreach \i in {1,...,\length}
%		{
%			\node at (\i,-2ex) {\i};
%			\node at (-\i,-2ex) {-\i};	
%		}
%		\foreach \i in {1,...,\length}
%		{
%			\node at (-2ex,\i) {\i};	
%			\node at (-2ex,-\i) {-\i};	
%		}
%		\node at (-2ex,-2ex) {0};
		% Coordinates
		\coordinate (Input) at (-6,4);
		% Multipliers
		\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \index using int(\num-\i)] in {0, 1, ..., \num} {
			\draw ($(Input) + (\in_out_x+\x*\i,0)$) -- ++(0,-0.5*\y) coordinate (h\i);
				  (mul\i) -- ++(0,-0.5*\y) coordinate (MUL\i);
		% DFFs
		\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \j using \i-1] in {1, 2, ..., \num} {
			\draw (MUL\j) -- +(0.5*\x,0) coordinate (H\i);
			\draw (DFF\i) -- +(0.5*\x,0) coordinate (HH\i);
		% Adders
		\foreach \i in {1, 2, ..., \num} {
		% From Input to Last Multiplier
		\draw (Input) -- ++($(\in_out_x,0) + (\num*\x,0)$);
		% From Last Adder to Output
		\draw (add\num) -- ++(\in_out_x,0) coordinate (Output);
		% Nodes for Input and Output
		\node[left] at (Input) {$x[n]$};
		\node[right] at (Output) {$y[n]$};

\def\x{2} % clock length
\def\y{0.6} % clock height
\def\num{4} % number of clock periods
\def\spacey{1.2} % space between waveforms
\def\spacex{0.8} % space between waveforms labels

	\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap = round, line join = round]
		% Coordinates
		\coordinate (start) at (-6,0);
		% Time Axis
		\draw[-latex] (start) -- ++(\num*2*\x + 2*\x,0) node [shift={(0,-0.5)}] {time};
		% Clock
		\coordinate (start0) at ($(start) + (-2*\x,0)$);
		\foreach \i in {1,2,...,\num} {
			\coordinate (start\i) at ($(start\iprev) + (2*\x,0)$);
			\draw [thick] (start\i) -- ++(\x,0) -- ++(0,\y) -- ++(\x,0) --++(0,-\y);			
			% clk Up - Down 
			\node[shift = {(\x,-0.6*\y)}] (clkl\i) at (start\i) {$\uparrow$};
			\node[shift = {(2*\x,-0.6*\y)}] (clkr\i) at (start\i) {$\downarrow$};
			\node at ($(clkl\i)!0.5!(clkr\i)$) {\i}; 
		\coordinate (start\numnext) at ($(start\num) + (2*\x,0)$);
		\draw[thick] (start\numnext) -- ++(\x,0) -- ++(0,\y);
		% Nodes
		% Reset
		\coordinate (start_rst) at ($(start) + (0, \spacey)$);
		\draw (start_rst) -- ++(\num*2*\x,0);
			  ($(start_rst) + (0,\y)$) -- ++(2*\x,0) 
			  								  -- ++(0, -\y)
			  								  -- ++ (\numrst*2*\x, 0)
			  								  -- ++ (\x, 0);
		% Input
		% start
		\draw[thick] ($(start) + (0, 2*\spacey)$) -- ++(2*\x,0) coordinate (start0);
		\draw (start0) -- ++(\num*2*\x - \x,0);
		% recursive drawing  								   
		\foreach \n in {1,2,...,3} {
	 			  (start\nprev) -- ++(0,\y) coordinate (xl\n)
	 			  			-- ++(2*\x,0) coordinate (xr\n)
	 			  			-- ++(0,-\y) coordinate (start\n);
			\node (x\n) at ($(xl\n)!0.5!(xr\n) - (0,0.5*\y)$) {\small $x[\nprev]$};
		\draw[thick] (xr3) -- +(\x,0);
		% Output
		% start
		\draw[thick] ($(start) + (0, 3*\spacey)$) -- ++(3*\x,0) coordinate (start0);
		\draw (start0) -- ++(\num*2*\x - 2*\x,0);
		% recursive drawing  								   
		\foreach \n in {1,2,...,3} {
	 			  (start\nprev) -- ++(0,\y) coordinate (yl\n)
	 			  			-- ++(2*\x,0) coordinate (yr\n)
	 			  			-- ++(0,-\y) coordinate (start\n);
			\coordinate (y\n) at ($(yl\n)!0.5!(yr\n) - (0,0.5*\y)$);
		% Nodes
		\node at (y1) {\small $h_0x[0]$};
		\node at (y2) {\small $h_0x[1] + h_1x_[0]$};
		\node at (y3) {\small $h_0x[2] + h_1x[1] + h_2x[0]$};
		% DFF7
		% start
		\draw[thick] ($(start) + (0, 4*\spacey)$) -- ++(3*\x,0) coordinate (start0);
		\draw (start0) -- ++(\num*2*\x - 2*\x,0);
		% recursive drawing  								   
		\foreach \n in {1,2,...,3} {
	 			  (start\nprev) -- ++(0,\y) coordinate (DFF7l\n)
	 			  			-- ++(2*\x,0) coordinate (DFF7r\n)
	 			  			-- ++(0,-\y) coordinate (start\n);
			\coordinate (DFF7\n) at ($(DFF7l\n)!0.5!(DFF7r\n) - (0,0.5*\y)$);
		% Nodes		
		\node at (DFF71) {\small $h_1x[0]$};
		\node at (DFF72) {\small $h_1x[1] + h_2x[0]$};
		\node at (DFF73) {\small $\cdots$};
		% DFF6
		% start
		\draw[thick] ($(start) + (0, 5*\spacey)$) -- ++(3*\x,0) coordinate (start0);
		\draw (start0) -- ++(\num*2*\x - 2*\x,0);
		% recursive drawing  								   
		\foreach \n in {1,2,...,3} {
	 			  (start\nprev) -- ++(0,\y) coordinate (DFF6l\n)
	 			  			-- ++(2*\x,0) coordinate (DFF6r\n)
	 			  			-- ++(0,-\y) coordinate (start\n);
			\coordinate (DFF6\n) at ($(DFF6l\n)!0.5!(DFF6r\n) - (0,0.5*\y)$);
		% Nodes		
		\node at (DFF61) {\small $h_2x[0]$};
		\node at (DFF62) {\small $\cdots$};
		\node at (DFF63) {\small $\cdots$};			
		% Nodes 
		\node at ($(start) + (-\spacex, 0.5*\y)$) {clk}; % clk
		\node at ($(start) + (-\spacex, 0.5*\y + \spacey)$) {rst}; % rst
		\node at ($(start) + (-\spacex, 0.5*\y + 2*\spacey)$) {$x[n]$}; % x[n]
		\node at ($(start) + (-\spacex, 0.5*\y + 3*\spacey)$) {$y[n]$}; % y[n]
		\node at ($(start) + (-\spacex, 0.5*\y + 4*\spacey)$) {DFF7}; % DFF7
		\node at ($(start) + (-\spacex, 0.5*\y + 5*\spacey)$) {DFF6}; % DFF6

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