A probability tree with an aligned matrix listing the possible outcomes, their probabilities and three columns for events described in later tasks. It uses the graphdrawing library and requires LuaLaTeX.
% !TeX lualatex \documentclass[tikz,border=0.5cm]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{graphs,graphdrawing,quotes,matrix,calc} \usegdlibrary{trees} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \graph [tree layout, grow=right, level distance=20mm, sibling distance=10mm, edge quotes={auto, node font=\footnotesize, inner sep=1pt, outer sep=2pt, shape=circle} ] { root [as=,inner sep=0pt] -> { NR [> "0.8"{',blue,draw}, as=$\bar{R}$] -> { T2 [> "0.9"{',blue,draw}, as=$T$] -> { NRTNZ [>"0.4"', as=$\bar{Z}$], NRTZ [>"0.6" {blue,draw}, as=$Z$] }, D2 [> "0.1", as=$D$] -> { NRDNZ [>"0.5"', as=$\bar{Z}$], NRDZ [>"0.5", as=$Z$] } }, R [> "0.2", as=$R$] -> { T1 [> "0.25"', as=$T$] -> { RTNZ [>"0.4"', as=$\bar{Z}$], RTZ [>"0.6" {blue,draw}, as=$Z$] }, D1 [> "0.75" {blue,draw}, as=$D$] -> { RDNZ [>"0.9"', as=$\bar{Z}$], RDZ [>"0.1" {blue,draw}, as=$Z$] } } } }; \matrix [matrix of math nodes, nodes in empty cells, % Generate nodes mat-X-Y also for empty cells row sep={10mm,between origins}, % Adjust row sep according to % sibling distance from graph column sep=5mm, anchor=mat-2-1.center, % Align matrix ] (mat) at ($(RDZ)+(2,0)$) % Position matrix { \omega & P(\omega) & E_1 & E_2 & E_3 \\ \{R;D;Z\} & 0.015 & \bullet & \bullet & \\ \{R;D;\bar{Z}\} & 0.135 & \bullet & & \\ \{R;T;Z\} & 0.03 & \bullet & \bullet & \\ \{R;T;\bar{Z}\} & 0.02 & \bullet & & \\ \{\bar{R};D;Z\} & |[blue,draw]|0.04 & & \bullet & \\ \{\bar{R};D;\bar{Z}\} & 0.04 & & & \bullet \\ \{\bar{R};T;Z\} & 0.432 & \bullet & \bullet & \\ \{\bar{R};T;\bar{Z}\} & 0.288 & \bullet & & \\ & 1 & & & \\ }; % Horizontal lines for the table \foreach \x/\y in {1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9} {\draw [-] ($(mat-\x-1.west -| mat-2-1.west)!0.5!(mat-\y-1.west)$) -- ($(mat-\x-5.east -| mat-1-5.east)!0.5!(mat-\y-5.east -| mat-1-5.east)$);} % Indicate summation by double rule \draw [double, shorten >=-1mm, shorten <=-1mm] ($(mat-9-2.west)!0.5!(mat-10-2.west)$) -- ($(mat-9-2.east)!0.5!(mat-10-2.east)$); % Explanation \node at (2.5,-4.5) {\small Given values are encircled.}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}