The Thomson and the Ruterford model of the atom.
Also have a look at the Bohr model of the atom, the model for conducting metals, or Rutherford’s scattering. It was used in a presentation on Rutherford’s discovery of the nucleus.
Thompson’s plum pudding model of the atom (1904) with a positively charged “pudding”, which fills the atom’s volume, and negatively charged “plums” (corpuscles/electrons):
Rutherford’s nuclear atom model (1911) with a central charge and a negatively charged “satellites” (electrons):
Rutherford’s atom model with a central charge and a negatively charge -Ze uniformly filling the atom’s volume as an approximation (see his historic 1911 paper):
Edit and compile if you like:
% Author: Izaak Neutelings (July, 2017)\documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone}\usepackage{tikz}% colors\definecolor{mylightred}{RGB}{255,210,210}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{200,100,100}\definecolor{mydarkred}{RGB}{140,40,40}\definecolor{mylightblue}{RGB}{220,228,255}\definecolor{myblue}{RGB}{183,191,229}\definecolor{mydarkblue}{RGB}{50,70,190}\begin{document}% RUTHERFORD MODEL - atom model with central charge\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]\coordinate (O) at (0,0);\draw[mylightred,fill] (O) circle (50pt);\draw[mydarkred,thick] (O) circle (50pt) node[above right=34pt] {$-Ze$};\fill[radius=2.0pt,mydarkblue] (O) circle node[above=2pt] {$+Ze$};\end{tikzpicture}% RUTHERFORD MODEL - atom model with central charge and corpuscles\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]\coordinate (O) at (0,0);\draw[myred,dashed] (O) circle (50pt);\fill[radius=2.0pt,mydarkblue] (O) circle node[above=2pt] {$+Ze$};\fill[radius=0.8pt,mydarkred]( 0.20, 1.20) circle node[above right=-1pt,scale=0.75] {$-e$}( 0.68, 0.67) circle node[above right=-1pt,scale=0.75] {$-e$}( 1.05,-1.10) circle node[above left =-1pt,scale=0.75] {$-e$}( 0.75,-0.12) circle node[ right= 2pt,scale=0.75] {$-e$}( 0.21,-1.30) circle node[above left =-1pt,scale=0.75] {$-e$}(-0.80, 0.60) circle node[above left =-1pt,scale=0.75] {$-e$}(-0.50, 1.21) circle node[above right=-1pt,scale=0.75] {$-e$}(-0.08,-0.55) circle node[above left =-1pt,scale=0.75] {$-e$}
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