Signatures of long-lived particles in the CMS detector.
Inspired by J. Antonelli’s presentation at ICHEP 2016.

Displaced dilepton:

Displaced lepton:

Heavy long-lived charged particle (HSCP):

Disappearing track:

Displaced dijet:

Displaced vertex:

Displaced conversion:

Displaced photon:

Displaced dilepton in association with a prompt lepton, like the single production of a heavy neutral lepton (HNL), denoted as N, where the HNL decays via a charged current to the fully leptonic final state:

Displaced jet and lepton, in association with a prompt lepton, like single HNL production where the HNL decays via a charged current to the semileptonic final state:

Fully leptonic HNL decay:

Semileptonic HNL decay:

Edit and compile if you like:
% Author: Izaak Neutelings (February 2023) % Description: Signatures of long-lived particles % Inspired by J. Antonelli in ICHEP 2016 % % (CMS internal) % Sources: % CMS Silicon detector: % LLPs: % LLPs: % LLPs: \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{math} % for \tikzmath \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing} % for snake, coil, zigzag \tikzset{>=latex} % set default arrow head as latex % COLORS \colorlet{leptoncol}{green!70!black} \colorlet{quarkcol}{blue!85!cyan!80!black} \colorlet{photoncol}{yellow!80!orange!90!black} \colorlet{exocol}{red!80!black} \colorlet{anycol}{blue!80!cyan!60!red!95!black!90} % STYLES \tikzstyle{label}=[align=center,rounded corners=3pt] %fill=blue!60!cyan!80!black!15, \tikzstyle{legend}=[draw=black,thick,rounded corners=3pt] %,fill=blue!60!cyan!80!black!15 \tikzstyle{entry}=[right=1pt,inner sep=4pt] \tikzstyle{particle}=[anycol,very thick,line cap=round] \tikzstyle{lepton}=[particle,leptoncol] \tikzstyle{quark}=[particle,quarkcol] \tikzstyle{track}=[quark,thick] \tikzstyle{photon}=[particle,photoncol,decorate,decoration={ snake,amplitude=.4mm,segment length=2.5mm,post length=1mm}] \tikzstyle{charged exo}=[particle,exocol] \tikzstyle{neutral exo}=[charged exo,dashed] % JET CONE \newcommand\jetcone[6][quarkcol]{{ \pgfmathanglebetweenpoints{\pgfpointanchor{#2}{center}}{\pgfpointanchor{#3}{center}} \pgfmathsetmacro\oang{#4/2} % half-opening angle \edef\e{#5} % ratio a/b ("eccentricity") of cone top \def\tmpL{tmpL-#2-#3} % unique coordinate name \edef\vang{\pgfmathresult} % angle of vector OV \tikzmath{ coordinate \C; \C = (#2)-(#3); % vector OV \x = veclen(\Cx,\Cy)*\e*sin(\oang)^2; % x coordinate P \y = tan(\oang)*(veclen(\Cx,\Cy)-\x); % y coordinate P \a = veclen(\Cx,\Cy)*sqrt(\e)*sin(\oang); % vertical radius \b = veclen(\Cx,\Cy)*tan(\oang)*sqrt(1-\e*sin(\oang)^2); % horizontal radius \angb = acos(sqrt(\e)*sin(\oang)); % angle of P in ellipse } \coordinate (#2-v) at ($(#2)+(\vang:1pt)$); % shift vertex \coordinate (\tmpL) at ($(#3)-(\vang:\x pt)+(\vang+90:\y pt)$); % tangency \draw[thin,#1!50!black,fill=#1!80!black!50,line cap=round,rotate=\vang] % cone back (#2) -- (\tmpL) arc(180-\angb:180+\angb:{\a pt} and {\b pt}) -- (#2); %-- cycle; \draw[thin,#1!50!black,rotate=\vang, % cone inside top color=#1!60!black!60,bottom color=#1!50!black!75,shading angle=\vang] (#3) ellipse({\a pt} and {\b pt}); #6 % extra tracks \draw[thin,#1!50!black,rotate=\vang,fill opacity=0.80, % cone front top color=#1!90!black!20,bottom color=#1!50!black!50,line cap=round,shading angle=\vang] (#2) -- (\tmpL) arc(180-\angb:180+\angb:{\a pt} and {\b pt}) -- (#2); %-- cycle; }} % DETECTOR \def\scale{1.6} % scale diagrams \def\keepseg#1#2{% % return boolean if detector segment falls outside mask (\mask==0 || (#2>\angmin-4 && #1<\angmax+4) || (#2>\angmin+356 && #1<\angmax+364)) } \tikzset{ pics/detector/.style args={#1:#2}{ code={ % MASK except segment \pgfmathsetmacro\mask{#1!=#2} \pgfmathsetmacro\angmin{#1>=0 ? #1 : 360+#1} \pgfmathsetmacro\angmax{#2>=0 ? #2 : 360+#2} \message{^^JDetector: 1=#1, 2=#2, angmin=\angmin, angmax=\angmax, mask=\mask} \begin{scope}[pic actions] % CLIP \ifnum\mask=1 % clip detector segment %\draw[thick,black] (0,0) -- (#1:2.3) arc(#1:#2:2.3) -- cycle; %\clip (0,0) -- (\angmin:2.3) arc(\angmin:\angmax:2.3) -- cycle; \clip (0,0) -- (#1:2.3) arc(#1:#2:2.3) -- cycle; \fi % PIXEL TRACKER (PBIX) \foreach \Rlay in {0.09,0.13,0.17,0.21}{ \message{^^JPixel tracker: Rlay=\Rlay} \draw[line width=0.1] (0,0) circle(\Rlay); } % SILICON INNER TRACKER (TIB) \def\h{0.12} \def\w{0.010} \def\d{0.028} \foreach \Rlay/\Nlay in {0.40/30,0.55/38,0.70/46,0.85/52}{ \message{^^JInner tracker: Rlay=\Rlay, Nlay=\Nlay} \foreach \i [ evaluate={\ang=\i*(360/\Nlay);\keep=\keepseg{\ang}{\ang};} ] in {1,...,\Nlay}{ \ifnum\keep=1 \fill[rotate around={\ang+10:(\ang:\Rlay-\d)},rounded corners=0.05pt] (\ang:\Rlay-\d)++(-\w/2,-\h/2) rectangle++(\w,\h); \fill[rotate around={\ang+10:(\ang:\Rlay+\d)},rounded corners=0.05pt] (\ang:\Rlay+\d)++(-\w/2,-\h/2) rectangle++(\w,\h); \fi } } % OUTER TRACKER (TOB) \def\h{0.18} \def\w{0.011} \def\d{0.021} \foreach \Rlay/\Nlay in {1.00/21,1.12/24,1.24/27,1.36/30,1.48/33,1.64/37}{ \message{^^JOuter tracker: Rlay=\Rlay, Nlay=\Nlay} \foreach \i [ evaluate={\anga=(\i-1)*360/\Nlay;\angb=(\i-0.5)*360/\Nlay; \keep=\keepseg{\anga}{\angb};} ] in {1,...,\Nlay}{ \ifnum\keep=1 \fill[rotate={\anga},rounded corners=0.05pt] (0:\Rlay-\d-0.55*\w)++(-\w/2,-\h/2) rectangle++(\w,\h) (0:\Rlay-\d+0.55*\w)++(-\w/2,-\h/2) rectangle++(\w,\h); \fill[rotate={\angb},rounded corners=0.1pt] (0:\Rlay+\d-0.55*\w)++(-\w/2,-\h/2) rectangle++(\w,\h) (0:\Rlay+\d+0.55*\w)++(-\w/2,-\h/2) rectangle++(\w,\h); \fi } } % ECAL \def\Ntow{18} \def\Rin{1.85} % inner radius \def\Rout{2.24} % outer radius \message{^^JECAL: Ntow=\Ntow} \foreach \i [ evaluate={\anga=(\i-1.5)*360/\Ntow;\angb=(\i-0.5)*360/\Ntow; \keep=\keepseg{\anga}{\angb};} ] in {1,...,\Ntow}{ \ifnum\keep=1 \draw (\anga:\Rin) -- (\anga:\Rout) -- (\angb:\Rout) -- (\angb:\Rin) -- cycle; \fi } %% HCAL %\def\Rin{2.28} % inner radius %\def\Rout{3.8} % outer radius %\message{^^JHCAL: Ntow=\Ntow} %\foreach \i [ % evaluate={\anga=(\i-1.5)*360/\Ntow;\angb=(\i-0.5)*360/\Ntow;} % ] in {1,...,\Ntow}{ % \draw % (\anga:\Rin) -- (\anga:\Rout) -- % (\angb:\Rout) -- (\angb:\Rin) -- cycle; %} \end{scope} \ifnum\mask=1 \draw[black!30] (\angmax:2.5) -- (0,0) -- (\angmin:2.5); \fi } }, pics/detector/.default={0:0} } \begin{document} % LLP SIGNATURES in the CMS detector \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale] %\def\R{2} % tracker outer radius %\def\dang{4} % angular granularity of calo deposits, CMS: 0.0175*180/pi = 1 %% HELP GRID %\draw[black!20,opacity=0.2,very thin] % \foreach \r in {0.2,0.4,...,4.4}{(0,0) circle(\r)} % \foreach \a in {0,10,...,350}{(0,0) -- (\a:4.4)}; %\draw[black!40,opacity=0.2,thin] % \foreach \r in {1,...,4}{(0,0) circle(\r)} % \foreach \a in {0,30,...,330}{(0,0) -- (\a:4.4)}; % DETECTOR \pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector}; % DISPLACED LEPTON \message{^^JParticles} \draw[charged exo] (0,0) -- (22:0.90) coordinate (V); \draw[->,lepton] (V) to[bend left=16] (7:2.3); \draw[->,particle] (V) -- (38:2.3); % DISPLACED DILEPTON \draw[neutral exo] (0,0) -- (67:0.90) coordinate (V); \draw[->,lepton] (V) to[bend left=16] (53:2.2); \draw[->,lepton] (V) to[bend right=16] (79:2.2); % HSCP \draw[->,charged exo] (0,0) to[bend right=18] (120:2.4); % DISAPPEARING TRACK \draw[charged exo] (0,0) to[bend right=17] (158:1.1) coordinate (V); \draw[->,neutral exo] (V) -- (167:2.45); \draw[particle] (V) arc(80:300:0.11); % DISPLACED JET \draw[neutral exo] (0,0) -- (-160:0.90) coordinate (V); %\draw[->,quark] (V) to[bend left=16] (-172:2.45); %\draw[->,quark] (V) to[bend right=16] (-148:2.45); \coordinate (J1) at (-168:2.34); % jet 1 vector \coordinate (J2) at (-146:2.34); % jet 2 vector \jetcone[quarkcol]{V}{J1}{23}{0.12}{ % jet 1 \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend left=12] (-175:2.62); \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend right=11] (-163:2.60); \draw[->,track,dashed] (V-v) -- (-169:2.63); } \jetcone[quarkcol]{V}{J2}{23}{0.12}{ % jet 2 \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend right=12] (-140:2.60); \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend left=10] (-146:2.58); \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend left=12] (-151:2.62); } % DISPLACED VERTEX \draw[neutral exo] (0,0) -- (-115:0.90) coordinate (V); \draw[->,particle] (V) to[bend left=18] (-130:2.4); \draw[->,particle] (V) to[bend right=18] (-120:2.3); \draw[->,particle] (V) to[bend right=14] (-106:2.25); \draw[->,particle] (V) to[bend left=15] (-95:2.3); % DISPLACED CONVERSION \draw[->,neutral exo] (0,0) -- (-68:0.88) coordinate (V) -- (-82:2.45); \draw[photon] (V) -- (-60:1.59) coordinate (P); \draw[->,lepton] (P) to[bend right=10] (-52:2.27); \draw[->,lepton] (P) to[bend left=10] (-62:2.33); % DISPLACED PHOTON \draw[->,neutral exo] (0,0) -- (-27:0.90) coordinate (V) -- (-38:2.3); \draw[->,photon] (V) -- (-7:2.22); % CHARGE LEGEND \def\lw{0.28} % legend length \def\lh{0.24} % legend line spacing \begin{scope}[shift={(-3.1,2.7)},every node/.style={scale=0.87,thick}] \draw[particle,black] (0,0) -- (\lw,0) node[entry] (A) {charged}; %particle \draw[particle,densely dashed,black] (0,-\lh) -- (\lw,-\lh) node[yshift=1pt,entry] (B) {neutral}; %particle \draw[legend] (B.south west)++(-1.38*\lw,0) rectangle (A.north east); \end{scope} % COLOR LEGEND \begin{scope}[shift={(2.2,2.7)},every node/.style={scale=0.87}] \coordinate (JA) at (0,-2*\lh); \coordinate (JB) at (\lw,-2*\lh); \draw[charged exo] (0,0) -- (\lw,0) node[entry] (A) {BSM}; \draw[lepton] (0,-\lh) -- (\lw,-\lh) node[entry] {lepton}; %\draw[quark] (0,-2*\lh) -- (\lw,-2*\lh) node[entry] {quark}; \jetcone[quarkcol]{JA}{JB}{23}{0.15}{} \node[entry,quarkcol] at (JB) {quark jet}; \draw[photon,decoration={segment length=1.6mm,post length=0mm}] (0,-3*\lh) -- (\lw,-3*\lh) node[right=1pt] {photon}; \draw[particle] (0,-4*\lh) -- (\lw,-4*\lh) node[entry] (B) {anything}; \draw[legend] (A.north west)++(-1.38*\lw,0) rectangle (B.south east); \end{scope} % LABELS \def\Nlab{8} \def\Rlab{2.3} \draw[black!30] \foreach \a in {0,45,...,360}{(0,0) -- (\a:2.5)}; %\node[align=center] at (112.5:\Rlab) {HSCP}; %\node[align=center] at (67.5:\Rlab) {displaced\\dilepton}; \foreach \lab [% count=\i,evaluate={\ang=(\i-0.5)*360/8;} ] in {% displaced\\lepton,displaced\\dilepton,HSCP\\[-5pt], disappearing\\track,displaced\hspace*{7pt}\\dijet,displaced\\vertex, displaced\\conversion,displaced\\photon% }{ \node[label,anchor={\ang+180}] %,font=\bf] at (\ang:\Rlab) {\lab}; } \end{tikzpicture} %% LLP SIGNATURE: DISPLACED LEPTON %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=180] % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:225}}; % \draw[charged exo] (0,0) -- (22:0.90) coordinate (V); % \draw[->,lepton] (V) to[bend left=16] (7:2.3); % \draw[->,particle] (V) -- (38:2.3); %\end{tikzpicture} % % %% LLP SIGNATURE: DISPLACED DILEPTON %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=135] % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:225}}; % \draw[neutral exo] (0,0) -- (67:0.90) coordinate (V); % \draw[->,lepton] (V) to[bend left=16] (53:2.2); % \draw[->,lepton] (V) to[bend right=16] (79:2.2); %\end{tikzpicture} % % %% LLP SIGNATURE: HSCP %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=90] % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:225}}; % \draw[->,charged exo] (0,0) to[bend right=18] (120:2.4); %\end{tikzpicture} % % %% LLP SIGNATURE: DISAPPEARING TRACK %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=45] % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:225}}; % \draw[charged exo] (0,0) to[bend right=17] (158:1.1) coordinate (V); % \draw[->,neutral exo] (V) -- (167:2.45); % \draw[lepton] (V) arc(80:300:0.11); %\end{tikzpicture} % % %% LLP SIGNATURE: DISPLACED JETS %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=0] % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:225}}; % \draw[neutral exo] (0,0) -- (-160:0.90) coordinate (V); % %\draw[->,quark] (V) to[bend left=16] (-172:2.45); % %\draw[->,quark] (V) to[bend right=16] (-148:2.45); % \coordinate (J1) at (-168:2.34); % jet 1 vector % \coordinate (J2) at (-146:2.34); % jet 2 vector % \jetcone[quarkcol]{V}{J1}{23}{0.12}{ % jet 1 % \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend left=12] (-175:2.62); % \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend right=11] (-163:2.60); % \draw[->,track,dashed] (V-v) -- (-169:2.63); % } % \jetcone[quarkcol]{V}{J2}{23}{0.12}{ % jet 2 % \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend right=12] (-140:2.60); % \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend left=10] (-146:2.58); % \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend left=12] (-151:2.62); % } %\end{tikzpicture} % % %% LLP SIGNATURE: DISPLACED VERTEX %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=-45] % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:225}}; % \draw[neutral exo] (0,0) -- (-115:0.90) coordinate (V); % \draw[->,particle] (V) to[bend left=18] (-130:2.4); % \draw[->,particle] (V) to[bend right=18] (-120:2.3); % \draw[->,particle] (V) to[bend right=14] (-106:2.25); % \draw[->,particle] (V) to[bend left=15] (-95:2.3); %\end{tikzpicture} % % %% LLP SIGNATURE: DISPLACED CONVERSION %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=-90] % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:225}}; % \draw[->,neutral exo] % (0,0) -- (-68:0.88) coordinate (V) -- (-82:2.45); % \draw[photon] (V) -- (-60:1.59) coordinate (P); % \draw[->,lepton] (P) to[bend right=10] (-52:2.27); % \draw[->,lepton] (P) to[bend left=10] (-62:2.33); %\end{tikzpicture} % % %% LLP SIGNATURE: DISPLACED PHOTON %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=-135] % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:225}}; % \draw[->,neutral exo] % (0,0) -- (-27:0.90) coordinate (V) -- (-38:2.3); % \draw[->,photon] (V) -- (-7:2.22); %\end{tikzpicture} % % %% FOR LOOP: Make HNL diagrams with quarter and full tracker %\foreach \dang [evaluate={\lang=(\dang>200?-102:-23);}] in {270,180}{ % %% LLP SIGNATURE: DISPLACED DILEPTON + PROMPT LEPTON %% E.g. a heavy neutral lepton (HNL) %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=0] % \def\angN{-164} % angle of HNL % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:\dang}}; % \coordinate (PV) at (0,0); % primary vertex % \draw[neutral exo] (PV) -- (\angN:0.90) coordinate (V) % node[pos=0.7,above=0pt] {N}; % \coordinate (L1) at (\lang:2.50); % prompt lepton % \coordinate (L2) at (\angN+20:2.42); % displaced lepton 1 % \coordinate (L3) at (\angN-9:2.42); % displaced lepton 2 % \coordinate (N) at (\angN+4:2.42); % displaced neutrino % \draw[->,lepton] (PV) to[bend right=11] (L1) % prompt lepton % node[anchor=172+\lang,inner sep=1pt] {$\ell_1$}; % \draw[->,lepton] (V) to[bend right=16] (L2) % displaced lepton 1 % node[anchor=40,inner sep=1pt] {$\ell_2$}; % \draw[->,lepton] (V) to[bend left=16] (L3) % displaced lepton 2 % node[anchor=20,inner sep=1pt] {$\ell_3$}; % \draw[->,lepton,dashed] (V) -- (N) % displaced neutrino % node[anchor=40,inner sep=1pt] {$\nu$}; %\end{tikzpicture} % %% LLP SIGNATURE: DISPLACED JET + PROMPT LEPTON %% E.g. a heavy neutral lepton (HNL) %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=0] % \def\angN{-162} % angle of HNL % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:\dang}}; % \coordinate (PV) at (0,0); % primary vertex % \draw[neutral exo] (PV) -- (\angN:0.90) coordinate (V) % node[pos=0.7,above=0pt] {N}; % \coordinate (J) at (\angN-2:2.34); % displaced jet vector % \coordinate (L1) at (\lang:2.50); % prompt lepton % \coordinate (L2) at (\angN+19:2.42); % displaced lepton % \draw[->,lepton] (PV) to[bend right=11] (L1) % prompt lepton % node[anchor=172+\lang,inner sep=1pt] {$\ell_1$}; % \draw[->,lepton] (V) to[bend left=16] (L2) % displaced lepton % node[anchor=40,inner sep=1pt] {$\ell_2$}; % \jetcone[quarkcol]{V}{J}{23}{0.12}{ % displaced jet % \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend left=12] (\angN-9:2.62); % \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend right=11] (\angN+4:2.60); % \draw[->,track,dashed] (V-v) -- (\angN-3:2.63); % } %\end{tikzpicture} % %% LLP SIGNATURE: DISPLACED JET + PROMPT LEPTON (boosted) %% E.g. a heavy neutral lepton (HNL), boosted N -> lqq' %\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scale,rotate=0] % \def\angN{-162} % angle of HNL % \draw pic[black!15,scale=\scale] {detector={180:\dang}}; % \coordinate (PV) at (0,0); % primary vertex % \draw[neutral exo] (PV) -- (\angN:0.90) coordinate (V) % node[pos=0.7,above=0pt] {N}; % \coordinate (J) at (\angN-2:2.34); % displaced jet vector % \coordinate (L1) at (\lang:2.50); % prompt lepton % \coordinate (L2) at (\angN+5:2.69); % displaced lepton % \draw[->,lepton] (PV) to[bend right=13] (L1) % prompt lepton % node[anchor=172+\lang,inner sep=1pt] {$\ell_1$}; % \jetcone[quarkcol]{V}{J}{23}{0.12}{ % displaced jet % \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend left=12] (\angN-9:2.62); % \draw[->,track] (V-v) to[bend right=11] (\angN+1:2.60); % \draw[->,track,dashed] (V-v) -- (\angN-3:2.63); % \draw[->,lepton] (V-v) to[bend right=14] (L2) % displaced lepton % node[anchor=40,inner sep=0pt] {$\ell_2$}; % } %\end{tikzpicture} % %} % end \foreach \end{document}
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