Unofficial logo of CMS to be used for creative and fun variations only! Please do NOT use for official publications! You can find official CMS logos here.
Note that to run this code, you need to install the classico font (which is the LaTeX-equivalent for Optima). Alternatively, you can include *.ttc font files and compile with XeLaTeX. A zip file with a full example that works on Overleaf is provided at the bottom of this post.

Edit and compile if you like:
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex % Author: Izaak Neutelings (May 2023) % Description: % Unofficial logo of CMS for vector-quality, % to be used for creative and fun variations only % Do NOT use for official publications! % Instructions: % You may need to install some fonts to compile this document. % - Optima font for the "CMS" label (LaTeX equivalent is "Classico" % - Helvetica for the "extra" text % - Palatino for CMS TDR style % Below are instructions to get this working with either pdfLaTeX or XeLaTeX % Sources: % % % \documentclass[border=0.5pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{xcolor} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} % CMS FONTS \usepackage{iftex} % for \ifpdftex \ifpdftex % if compiled with pdfLaTeX % % % % Instructions for installation on macOS (Tex Live): % 1) Install Classico (equivalent of Optima): % curl --remote-name % sudo texlua install-getnonfreefonts % sudo getnonfreefonts --sys classico % 2) Install Helvetica if needed (should already be included in TeX Live) \message{^^JCompiling with pdfLaTeX} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{classico} % URW Classico ~ Optima for "CMS" label \usepackage{helvet} % Helvetica for CMS "extra" (sans-serif) text \usepackage{palatino} % Palatino for CMS TDR style for text %\usepackage{mathpazo} % Palatino for CMS TDR style for math \newcommand*{\optima}{\classico} \newcommand*{\helvet}{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont} \newcommand*{\palat}{\fontfamily{ppl}\selectfont} \else % if compiled with XeLaTeX % Instructions: % 1) Ensure the paths below to the Helvetica.ttc, Optima.ttc files are correct % 2) Compile with XeLaTeX \message{^^JCompiling with XeLaTeX} \usepackage{fontspec} % needed for newfontfamily \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % needed for palatino (call after fontspec) \newfontfamily{\optima}{Optima}[ % Optima for "CMS" label Path = ./fonts/, % folder with Helvetica.ttc file (relative to CMS_logo.tex) %Path = /System/Library/Fonts/, % macOS system standard UprightFeatures = {FontIndex=0}, BoldFeatures = {FontIndex=1}, ItalicFeatures = {FontIndex=2}, BoldItalicFeatures = {FontIndex=3}, BoldFont = *, ItalicFont = * ] \newfontfamily{\helvet}{Helvetica}[ % Optima for CMS "extra" (sans-serif) text Path = ./fonts/, % folder with Helvetica.ttc file (relative to CMS_logo.tex) %Path = /System/Library/Fonts/, % macOS system standard UprightFeatures = {FontIndex=0}, BoldFeatures = {FontIndex=1}, ItalicFeatures = {FontIndex=2}, BoldItalicFeatures = {FontIndex=3}, BoldFont = *, ItalicFont = * ] \usepackage{palatino} % Palatino for CMS TDR style for text %\usepackage{mathpazo} % Palatino for CMS TDR style for math \newcommand*{\palat}{\fontfamily{ppl}\selectfont} \fi % CONTOUR \ifpdftex % if compiled with pdfLaTeX \usepackage[outline]{contour} % glow around text \contourlength{0.1pt} \else % if compiled with XeLaTeX % NOTE: use bidicontour because standard contour package does not work with XeLaTeX \usepackage{bidicontour} \usepackage{bidi} \bidicontourlength{0.1pt} \bidicontournumber{100} \newcommand{\contour}[2]{\bidicontour{#1}{#2}} % alias \fi % CMS COLORS \definecolor{colTIB}{RGB}{173,235,143} % light green \definecolor{colTOB}{RGB}{146,229,105} % green \definecolor{colECAL}{RGB}{146,229,105} % green \definecolor{colgrey}{RGB}{190,174,212} % dark grey \definecolor{colHCAL}{RGB}{229,233,238} % light grey \definecolor{colMAGN}{RGB}{255,223,127} % yellow \definecolor{colMUON}{RGB}{133,209,251} % blue \definecolor{colmuon}{RGB}{240,36,11} % red \definecolor{colbkg}{RGB}{253,250,244} % CMS background color (offwhite) \definecolor{colfont}{RGB}{16,17,119} % CMS font color (dark blue) \definecolor{colsafety}{RGB}{37,53,118} % CMS safety background color % CMS COLORS: Rainbow \definecolor{rbcolTIB}{RGB}{133,17,241} % purple \definecolor{rbcolTOB}{RGB}{12,158,236} % blue \definecolor{rbcolECAL}{RGB}{22,243,12} % green \definecolor{rbcolHCAL}{RGB}{254,230,11} % yellow \definecolor{rbcolMAGN}{RGB}{254,123,5} % orange \definecolor{rbcolMUON}{RGB}{255,27,27} % red \definecolor{rbcolmuon}{RGB}{243,104,198} % pink % CMS COLORS: Combine % \colorlet{col1sd}{colTIB} % 1 s.d. band (CMS TIB green) \colorlet{col2sd}{colMAGN} % 2 s.d. band (CMS magnet yellow) %\definecolor{col1sd}{RGB}{0,204,0} % 1 s.d. band ROOT kGreen+1 %\definecolor{col2sd}{RGB}{255,204,0} % 2 s.d. band ROOT kOrange % CMS STYLES \tikzset{ >=latex, layer/.style={fill=#1,line width=0.05mm}, layer2/.style={draw=#1,line width=0.2mm}, band/.style={layer=#1,even odd rule}, % for CMS Combine frame/.style={draw=#1,line width=0.308mm,rounded corners=0.002mm}, muon/.style={ white,double=#1,line width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/muon/outwidth}, double distance=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/muon/inwidth},line cap=round }, muon2/.style={ #1,line width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/muon/inwidth},line cap=round }, muon/.default=colmuon, muon2/.default=colmuon, muon/outcol/.initial=0.15mm, % color outer line muon/outwidth/.initial=0.15mm, % width outer line muon/inwidth/.initial=0.6mm, % width inner line } % CMS SETTINGS: Transverse radii of subdetectors \def\rTIB{0.0590} % outer radius inner silicon strip tracker \def\rTOB{0.1145} % outer radius outer silicon strip tracker \def\rECAL{0.220} % outer radius ECAL \def\rgrey{0.231} % outer radius grey band (ECAL readout?) \def\rHCAL{0.385} % outer radius HCAL \def\rMAGN{0.578} % outer radius solenoid magnet \def\rMUON{0.996} % outer radius muon system % PREDEFINED SHAPES \def\muonpathA{ % bottom muon to[out=55.8,in=167.5,looseness=0.95] (14.94:0.45) to[out=-12.5,in=170,looseness=1.04] (11.65:0.51) to[out=-10,in=-134,looseness=0.85] (10.4:0.766) to[out=46,in=-132,looseness=1.2] (13.16:0.815) coordinate(M1) } \def\muonpathB{ % second muon from the bottom to[out=56.8,in=178,looseness=0.933] (28.79:0.45) to[out=-2,in=-179,looseness=0.953] (24.98:0.51) to[out=1,in=-116,looseness=0.845] (25.33:0.954) coordinate(M2) } \def\muonpathC{ % third muon from the bottom to[out=61.5,in=-158.5,looseness=0.875] (41.45:0.47) to[out=21.5,in=-167,looseness=0.9] (37.0:0.57) to[out=13.0,in=-131,looseness=0.77] (32.85:1.075) coordinate(M3) } \def\muonpathD{ % top muon to[out=73.0,in=-147,looseness=0.85] (49.33:0.50) to[out=33.0,in=-149,looseness=1.0] (46.74:0.58) to[out=31.0,in=-131,looseness=0.80] (42.849:1.2114) coordinate(M4) } \tikzset{ pics/muons/.style={ % all four muons code={ \def\xD{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/muon/x4}} \draw[muon=#1] % draw with one command to merge inner line (0.003,0) coordinate(MOa) coordinate(MO) \muonpathA (0.003,0) coordinate(MOb) \muonpathB (0.002,0) coordinate(MOc) \muonpathC (\xD,0) coordinate(MOd) \muonpathD; } }, pics/cmstitle/.style={ code={ \node[below right,#1,font=\optima,inner sep=0,scale=3.58] at (\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/cmstitle/x},\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/cmstitle/y}) {\contour{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/cmstitle/outcol}}{CMS}}; } }, pics/cmstext/.style={ code={ \node[#1,font=\helvet,scale=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/cmstext/s}, inner sep=0,above right,rotate=90] at (\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/cmstext/x},\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/cmstext/y}) {Compact Muon Solenoid}; } }, muon/x4/.initial=0.006, % x coordinate 4th muon pics/muons/.default=colmuon, pics/cmstitle/.default=colfont, pics/cmstext/.default=colfont, cmstitle/x/.initial=0.058, cmstitle/y/.initial=0.888, cmstitle/outcol/.initial=white, % contour color cmstext/x/.initial=0.9925, cmstext/y/.initial=0.37, cmstext/s/.initial=0.5255, } \begin{document} % CMS LOGO - default colors \foreach \cmstext in {1,0}{ % with/without text \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4.0025cm] \message{^^JCMS logo, cmstext=\cmstext} %%%% OFFICIAL LOGO for comparison %%%% %%%\node[inner sep=0,outer sep=0,above right] at (-0.154mm,-0.154mm) { %%% \includegraphics[width=40.308mm] %,clip,trim={0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm}] %%% {CMSlogo_outline_color_label_May2014.pdf} %%%}; \begin{scope}[opacity=1] % for clipping outside frame \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (-0.15mm,-0.15mm) rectangle (40mm,40mm); % DETECORS LAYERS \fill[colbkg] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % background \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[layer=colMUON] (O) circle(\rMUON); % muon system \draw[layer=colMAGN] (O) circle(\rMAGN); % magnet \draw[layer=colHCAL] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % HCAL \draw[black!48,layer=colgrey] (O) circle(\rgrey); % grey band \draw[layer=colECAL] (O) circle(\rECAL); % ECAL \draw[layer=colTOB] (O) circle(\rTOB); % outer strip detector \draw[black!48,layer=colTIB] (O) circle(\rTIB); % inner strip detector % MUONS \pic {muons}; % TEXT \pic {cmstitle}; \ifnum\cmstext=1 \pic {cmstext}; \else \fi \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \fill (O) circle (0.1mm); \end{tikzpicture}} % CMS LOGO - black / white \foreach \muoncol in {black,colmuon}{ % with/without red highlight \foreach \cmstext in {1,0}{ % with/without text \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4cm] \message{^^JCMS logo (black/white), cmstext=\cmstext} %%%% OFFICIAL LOGO for comparison %%%% %%%\node[inner sep=0,outer sep=0,above right] at (-0.22mm,-0.10mm) { %%% \includegraphics[width=40.4mm] %,clip,trim={0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm}] %%% {CMSlogo_outline_black_label_May2014.pdf} %%%}; % CMS SETTINGS \def\rTIB{0.0620} % outer radius inner silicon strip tracker \def\rTOB{0.1140} % outer radius outer silicon strip tracker \def\rECAL{0.244} % outer radius ECAL \def\rgrey{0.257} % outer radius grey band (ECAL readout?) \def\rHCAL{0.393} % outer radius HCAL \def\rMAGN{0.587} % outer radius solenoid magnet \begin{scope}[opacity=1] % for clipping outside frame \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (-0.15mm,-0.15mm) rectangle (40mm,40mm); % DETECORS LAYERS \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rMUON); % muon system \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rMAGN); % magnet \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % HCAL \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rgrey); % grey band \draw[layer2=black!56] (O) circle(\rECAL); % ECAL \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rTOB); % outer strip detector \draw[layer2=black!64] (O) circle(\rTIB); % inner strip detector % MUONS \pic[muon/.cd,outwidth=0.19mm,inwidth=0.5mm] {muons=\muoncol}; % TEXT \pic[cmstitle/.cd,x=0.060,y=0.896] {cmstitle=black}; \ifnum\cmstext=1 \pic[cmstext/.cd,x=0.9855,y=0.40,s=0.515] {cmstext=black}; \fi \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame=black,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \end{tikzpicture}}} % CMS LOGO - black / white (inverted) \foreach \muoncol in {white,colmuon}{ % with/without red highlight \foreach \cmstext in {1,0}{ % with/without text \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4cm] \message{^^JCMS logo (black/white, inverted), cmstext=\cmstext} % CMS SETTINGS \def\rTIB{0.0620} % outer radius inner silicon strip tracker \def\rTOB{0.1140} % outer radius outer silicon strip tracker \def\rECAL{0.244} % outer radius ECAL \def\rgrey{0.257} % outer radius grey band (ECAL readout?) \def\rHCAL{0.393} % outer radius HCAL \def\rMAGN{0.587} % outer radius solenoid magnet \begin{scope}[opacity=1] % for clipping outside frame \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (-0.15mm,-0.15mm) rectangle (40mm,40mm); \fill[black] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % DETECORS LAYERS \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[layer2=black!5] (O) circle(\rMUON); % muon system \draw[layer2=black!5] (O) circle(\rMAGN); % magnet \draw[layer2=black!5] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % HCAL \draw[layer2=black!5] (O) circle(\rgrey); % grey band \draw[layer2=black!30] (O) circle(\rECAL); % ECAL \draw[layer2=black!5] (O) circle(\rTOB); % outer strip detector \draw[layer2=black!30] (O) circle(\rTIB); % inner strip detector % MUONS \pic[muon/.cd,outwidth=0.19mm,inwidth=0.5mm] {muons={\muoncol,black}}; % TEXT \pic[cmstitle/.cd,x=0.060,y=0.896,outcol=black] {cmstitle=white}; \ifnum\cmstext=1 \pic[cmstext/.cd,x=0.9855,y=0.40,s=0.515] {cmstext=white}; \fi \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame=white,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \end{tikzpicture}}} % CMS LOGO - rainbow color muons (white background) \foreach \cmstext in {1,0}{ % with/without text \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4cm] \message{^^JCMS logo (rainbow colors, white background), cmstext=\cmstext} % CMS SETTINGS \def\rTIB{0.0620} % outer radius inner silicon strip tracker \def\rTOB{0.1140} % outer radius outer silicon strip tracker \def\rECAL{0.244} % outer radius ECAL \def\rgrey{0.257} % outer radius grey band (ECAL readout?) \def\rHCAL{0.393} % outer radius HCAL \def\rMAGN{0.587} % outer radius solenoid magnet \begin{scope}[opacity=1] % for clipping outside frame \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (-0.15mm,-0.15mm) rectangle (40mm,40mm); % DETECORS LAYERS \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rMUON); % muon system \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rMAGN); % magnet \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % HCAL \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rgrey); % grey band \draw[layer2=black!56] (O) circle(\rECAL); % ECAL \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rTOB); % outer strip detector \draw[layer2=black!64] (O) circle(\rTIB); % inner strip detector % MUONS \begin{scope}[muon/.cd,outwidth=0.19mm,inwidth=0.5mm] \draw[muon,rotate=2] % draw in back for white line (MOa) \muonpathA (MOb) \muonpathB (MOc) \muonpathC (MOd) \muonpathD; \draw[muon=magenta!90,rotate=-2] % draw in back for white line (MOa) \muonpathA (MOb) \muonpathB (MOc) \muonpathC (MOd) \muonpathD; \draw[muon2=violet,rotate=2] (MOa) \muonpathA; \draw[muon2=blue,rotate=-2] (MOb) \muonpathB; \draw[muon2=cyan,rotate=2] (MOb) \muonpathB; \draw[muon2=green!90!cyan,rotate=-2] (MOc) \muonpathC; \draw[muon2=yellow!90!orange,rotate=2] (MOc) \muonpathC; \draw[muon2=orange,rotate=-2] (MOd) \muonpathD; \draw[muon2=colmuon,rotate=2] (MOd) \muonpathD; \end{scope} % TEXT \pic[cmstitle/.cd,x=0.060,y=0.896] {cmstitle=black}; \ifnum\cmstext=1 \node[font=\helvet,scale=0.515,inner sep=0,above right,rotate=90] at (0.9855,0.40) {\textcolor[wave]{400}{C}% \textcolor[wave]{416}{o}% \textcolor[wave]{432}{m}% \textcolor[wave]{448}{p}% \textcolor[wave]{464}{a}% \textcolor[wave]{480}{c}% \textcolor[wave]{496}{t} \textcolor[wave]{512}{M}% \textcolor[wave]{528}{u}% \textcolor[wave]{544}{o}% \textcolor[wave]{560}{n} \textcolor[wave]{583}{S}% \textcolor[wave]{592}{o}% \textcolor[wave]{608}{l}% \textcolor[wave]{624}{e}% \textcolor[wave]{640}{n}% \textcolor[wave]{656}{o}% \textcolor[wave]{680}{i}% \textcolor[wave]{720}{d}}; \fi \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame=black,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \end{tikzpicture}} % CMS LOGO - rainbow color layers (white background) \foreach \cmstext in {1,0}{ % with/without text \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4cm] \message{^^JCMS logo (rainbow colors, white background), cmstext=\cmstext} % CMS SETTINGS \def\rTIB{0.0620} % outer radius inner silicon strip tracker \def\rTOB{0.1140} % outer radius outer silicon strip tracker \def\rECAL{0.244} % outer radius ECAL \def\rgrey{0.257} % outer radius grey band (ECAL readout?) \def\rHCAL{0.393} % outer radius HCAL \def\rMAGN{0.587} % outer radius solenoid magnet \begin{scope}[opacity=1] % for clipping outside frame \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (-0.15mm,-0.15mm) rectangle (40mm,40mm); % DETECORS LAYERS \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[layer2=colmuon] (O) circle(\rMUON); % muon system \draw[layer2=orange] (O) circle(\rMAGN); % magnet \draw[layer2=yellow!80!orange] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % HCAL \draw[layer2=green!80!black] (O) circle(\rgrey); % grey band \draw[layer2=cyan!70] (O) circle(\rECAL); % ECAL \draw[layer2=blue!80] (O) circle(\rTOB); % outer strip detector \draw[layer2=violet!90] (O) circle(\rTIB); % inner strip detector % MUONS \pic[muon/.cd,outwidth=0.19mm,inwidth=0.5mm] {muons=rbcolmuon}; % TEXT \pic[cmstitle/.cd,x=0.060,y=0.896] {cmstitle=black}; \ifnum\cmstext=1 \pic[cmstext/.cd,x=0.9855,y=0.40,s=0.515] {cmstext=black}; \fi \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame=black,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \end{tikzpicture}} % CMS LOGO - RAINBOW LGBTQ+ COLORS \foreach \cmstext in {1,0}{ % with/without text \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4.0025cm] \message{^^JCMS logo (rainbow colors), cmstext=\cmstext} %%%% OFFICIAL LOGO for comparison %%%% %%%\node[inner sep=0,outer sep=0,above right] at (-0.154mm,-0.154mm) { %%% \includegraphics[width=40.308mm] %,clip,trim={0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm}] %%% {CMSlogo_rainbow_nolabel_June2018.png} %%%}; \begin{scope}[opacity=1] % for clipping outside frame \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (-0.15mm,-0.15mm) rectangle (40mm,40mm); % DETECORS LAYERS %\fill[colbkg] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % background \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[black!48,layer=rbcolMUON] (O) circle(\rMUON); % muon system \draw[black!70,layer=rbcolMAGN] (O) circle(\rMAGN); % magnet \draw[black!70,layer=rbcolHCAL] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % HCAL \draw[black!48,layer=colgrey] (O) circle(\rgrey); % grey band \draw[black!70,layer=rbcolECAL] (O) circle(\rECAL); % ECAL \draw[black!70,layer=rbcolTOB] (O) circle(\rTOB); % outer strip detector \draw[black!70,layer=colTIB] (O) circle(\rTIB); % inner strip detector % MUONS \pic {muons=colmuon}; \pic[muon/.cd,outwidth=0.0mm,inwidth=0.53mm] {muons=rbcolmuon}; % TEXT \pic {cmstitle}; \ifnum\cmstext=1 \pic {cmstext}; \fi \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \fill (O) circle (0.1mm); \end{tikzpicture}} % CMS LOGO - alternative colors \foreach \cmstext in {0}{ % with/without text \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4.0025cm] \message{^^JCMS logo (alternative colors), cmstext=\cmstext} %%%% OFFICIAL LOGO for comparison %%%% %%%\node[inner sep=0,outer sep=0,above right] at (-0.154mm,-0.154mm) { %%% \includegraphics[width=40.308mm] %,clip,trim={0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm}] %%% {CMSlogo_outline_color_label_May2014.pdf} %%%}; \begin{scope}[opacity=1] % for clipping outside frame \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (-0.15mm,-0.15mm) rectangle (40mm,40mm); % DETECORS LAYERS \fill[colbkg] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % background \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[layer=red!95!black!88] (O) circle(\rMUON); % muon system \draw[layer=blue!20!black!18] (O) circle(\rMAGN); % magnet \draw[layer=yellow!85!orange!95!black] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % HCAL \draw[black!48,layer=colgrey] (O) circle(\rgrey); % grey band \draw[layer=green!75!black!60] (O) circle(\rECAL); % ECAL \draw[layer=blue!90!red!70!black!75] (O) circle(\rTOB); % outer strip detector \draw[black!48,layer=blue!50!black!75] (O) circle(\rTIB); % inner strip detector % MUONS \pic {muons}; % TEXT \pic {cmstitle}; \ifnum\cmstext=1 \pic {cmstext}; \else \fi \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \fill (O) circle (0.1mm); \end{tikzpicture}} % CMS LOGO - no magnet \foreach \cmstext in {0}{ % with/without text \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4.0025cm] \message{^^JCMS logo (no magnet), cmstext=\cmstext} %%%% OFFICIAL LOGO for comparison %%%% %%%\node[inner sep=0,outer sep=0,above right] at (-0.154mm,-0.154mm) { %%% \includegraphics[width=40.308mm] %,clip,trim={0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm}] %%% {CMSlogo_outline_color_label_May2014.pdf} %%%}; \begin{scope}[opacity=1] % for clipping outside frame \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (-0.15mm,-0.15mm) rectangle (40mm,40mm); % DETECORS LAYERS \fill[colbkg] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % background \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[layer=colMUON] (O) circle(\rMUON); % muon system \draw[layer=colMAGN] (O) circle(\rMAGN); % muon system \draw[layer=colHCAL] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % HCAL \draw[black!48,layer=colgrey] (O) circle(\rgrey); % grey band \draw[layer=colECAL] (O) circle(\rECAL); % ECAL \draw[layer=colTOB] (O) circle(\rTOB); % outer strip detector \draw[black!48,layer=colTIB] (O) circle(\rTIB); % inner strip detector % MUONS (no magnet) \draw[muon] (MO) -- (M1) (MO) -- (M2) (MO) -- (M3) (MO) -- (M4); % TEXT \pic {cmstitle}; \ifnum\cmstext=1 \pic {cmstext}; \else \fi \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \fill (O) circle (0.1mm); \end{tikzpicture}} % CMS LOGO - round \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4.0025cm] \message{^^JCMS round logo (butterfly)} % DETECORS LAYERS \fill[colbkg] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % background \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[layer=colMUON] (O) circle(\rMUON); % muon system \draw[layer=colMAGN] (O) circle(\rMAGN); % magnet \draw[layer=colHCAL] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % HCAL \draw[black!48,layer=colgrey] (O) circle(\rgrey); % grey band \draw[layer=colECAL] (O) circle(\rECAL); % ECAL \draw[layer=colTOB] (O) circle(\rTOB); % outer strip detector \draw[black!48,layer=colTIB] (O) circle(\rTIB); % inner strip detector % MUONS \draw[muon=colmuon] (O) \muonpathA (O) \muonpathB (O) \muonpathC (O) \muonpathD {[xscale=-1] (O) \muonpathA (O) \muonpathB (O) \muonpathC (O) \muonpathD} {[xscale=-1,yscale=1] (O) \muonpathA (O) \muonpathB (O) \muonpathC (O) \muonpathD} {[xscale= 1,yscale=-1] (O) \muonpathA (O) \muonpathB (O) \muonpathC (O) \muonpathD} {[xscale=-1,yscale=-1] (O) \muonpathA (O) \muonpathB (O) \muonpathC (O) \muonpathD}; % TEXT \pic[cmstitle/.cd,x=0] {cmstitle={colfont,below}}; \end{tikzpicture} % CMS LOGO - round \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4.0025cm] \message{^^JCMS round logo} % DETECORS LAYERS \fill[colbkg] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % background \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[layer=colMUON] (O) circle(\rMUON); % muon system \draw[layer=colMAGN] (O) circle(\rMAGN); % magnet \draw[layer=colHCAL] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % HCAL \draw[black!48,layer=colgrey] (O) circle(\rgrey); % grey band \draw[layer=colECAL] (O) circle(\rECAL); % ECAL \draw[layer=colTOB] (O) circle(\rTOB); % outer strip detector \draw[black!48,layer=colTIB] (O) circle(\rTIB); % inner strip detector % MUONS \draw[muon=colmuon] {[rotate=-20,yscale=-1] (O) \muonpathA} {[rotate=180] (O) \muonpathB} {[rotate=180,yscale=-1] (O) \muonpathC} (O) \muonpathD; % TEXT \pic[cmstitle/.cd,x=0] {cmstitle={colfont,below}}; \end{tikzpicture} % CMS safety LOGO \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4cm] \message{^^JCMS safety logo} %%%% OFFICIAL LOGO for comparison %%%% %%%\node[inner sep=0,outer sep=0,above right] at (-0.154mm,-0.154mm) { %%% \includegraphics[width=40.308mm] %,clip,trim={0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm}] %%% {Logo_CMS_Safety_0.png} %%%}; \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \begin{scope}[opacity=1] % for clipping outside frame % BACKGROUND \fill[colsafety] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % HARD HAT \def\yhat{0.246} % y coordinate bottom of hard hat \def\rhat{0.351} % radius of hard hat \fill[cyan!90!blue!85,rounded corners=3pt] (0.1,\yhat) -- (0.902,\yhat) --++ (0,0.04) arc(0:171:{\rhat} and {1.055*\rhat}) {[rounded corners=0pt] --++ (-152:0.15) arc(118:270:0.0145)}; % MUONS \begin{scope}[shift={(0.39,0.27)},xscale=0.575,yscale=0.71,rotate=2] \draw[colsafety,line width=3.5mm,line cap=round] {[xscale=1.09,yscale=1.24] (0,0) \muonpathA} {[xscale=1.06,yscale=1.08] (0,0) \muonpathB} {[xscale=1.04,yscale=1.04] (0,0) \muonpathC} (0,0) \muonpathD; \fill[colsafety] (0,0) to[out=50,in=-130] (M1) -- (M4) -- cycle; \draw[muon/outwidth=0.35mm,muon/inwidth=1.3mm,muon] {[xscale=1.09,yscale=1.24] (0,0) \muonpathA} {[xscale=1.06,yscale=1.08] (0,0) \muonpathB} {[xscale=1.04,yscale=1.04] (0,0) \muonpathC} (0,0) \muonpathD; \end{scope} % TEXT \node[white,font=\optima,inner sep=0,scale=3.5,xscale=0.98,below right] at (0.048,0.94) {CMS}; \node[white,font=\helvet,inner sep=0,xscale=2.55,yscale=1.8,below] at (0.5,0.18) {\textbf{SAFETY}}; \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \fill (O) circle (0.1mm); \end{tikzpicture} % CMS LOGO - Offline Software and Computing \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4cm] \message{^^JCMS O&C logo} %%%% OFFICIAL LOGO for comparison %%%\node[inner sep=0,outer sep=0,above right] at (-0.22mm,-0.10mm) { %%% \includegraphics[width=40.4mm] %,clip,trim={0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm}] %%% {CMSLogo_O&C.jpeg} %%%}; \begin{scope}[opacity=1] % for clipping outside frame \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (0,0) rectangle (40mm,40mm); % MUONS \pic[scale=0.88,muon/.cd,outwidth=0.19mm,inwidth=0.5mm,x4=0.002] at (57:0.14) {muons=colmuon}; % TEXT \node[colfont,font=\optima,inner sep=0,scale=2.8,xscale=1.01,below right] at (0.07,0.8) {\contour{white}{CMS}}; \node[colfont,font=\optima,inner sep=0,scale=2.8,xscale=1,below right] at (0.21,0.5) {\contour{white}{O\&C}}; \node[colfont,font=\helvet,scale=0.624,inner sep=0,above,rotate=90] at (0.958,0.449) {Offline Software and Computing}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} % CMS LOGO - Combine \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4cm] \message{^^JCMS Combine logo} \begin{scope} % for clip \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (-0.1mm,-0.1mm) rectangle (40mm,40mm); % DETECORS LAYERS \fill[colbkg] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % background \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[band=col2sd] (O) circle(\rTOB) circle(\rMUON); \draw[band=col1sd] (O) circle(\rECAL) circle(\rMAGN); \draw[black,line width=1pt] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % MUONS (likelihoods) %%%\draw[muon,domain=0:0.97,samples=100] % 3th degree polynomial %%% plot (\x,{0.012+8.7*(\x-0.011)*(\x-0.75)^2}); %%%%\draw[muon,dashed,domain=0:0.89,samples=100] % parabola %%%\draw[muon,dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt,domain=0:0.89,samples=100] % parabola %%% plot (\x,{0.011+(\x-0.05)^2}); \draw[muon,domain=0:0.92,samples=100,smooth] % 3th degree polynomial plot (\x,{0.012+8.9*(\x-0.011)*(\x-0.64)^2}); %\draw[muon,dashed,domain=0:0.89,samples=100] % parabola \draw[muon,dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt,domain=0:0.89,samples=100,smooth] % parabola plot (\x,{0.011+1.5*(\x-0.15)^2}); % TEXT \pic {cmstitle}; \node[colfont,font=\palat,scale=1.1,below right] at (0.11,0.67) {\textsc{Combine}}; %\node[colfont,scale=1.0,xscale=1.2,below right] % at (0.09,0.67) {\tt{\textbf{Combine}}}; \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \fill (O) circle (0.1mm); \end{tikzpicture} % CMS LOGO - Combine (black/white/red) \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4cm] \message{^^JCMS Combine logo (black/white)} \begin{scope} % for clip \clip[rounded corners=1pt] (-0.1mm,-0.1mm) rectangle (40mm,40mm); % DETECORS LAYERS \fill[colbkg] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % background \coordinate (O) at (20:0.002); \draw[layer2=black!90] (O) circle(\rTOB) circle(\rECAL) circle(\rMAGN) circle(\rMUON); \draw[black,line width=1pt] (O) circle(\rHCAL); % MUONS (likelihoods) \draw[muon,domain=0:0.92,samples=100,smooth] % 3th degree polynomial plot (\x,{0.012+8.9*(\x-0.011)*(\x-0.64)^2}); \draw[muon,dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt,domain=0:0.89,samples=100,smooth] % parabola plot (\x,{0.011+1.5*(\x-0.15)^2}); % TEXT \pic {cmstitle=black}; \node[black,font=\palat,scale=1.1,below right] at (0.11,0.67) {\textsc{Combine}}; %\node[colfont,scale=1.0,xscale=1.2,below right] % at (0.09,0.67) {\texttt{Combine}}; \end{scope} % FRAME \draw[frame,opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \fill (O) circle (0.1mm); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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