Edit and compile if you like:
\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ very thick,font=\huge, col/.style={circle,draw=gray!90,fill=gray!30,minimum size=15}, incom/.style={<-,shorten <=2}, outgo/.style={->,shorten <=2} ] \node[scale=2] (eq) at (0,0) {=}; \coordinate[col] (col1) at eq++(-4,0); \coordinate[col] (col2) at eq++(4,0); \draw[outgo] (col1) -- ++(2,1) node[right] {$p^\prime$}; \draw[outgo] (col1) -- ++(2,-1) node[right] {$k^\prime$}; \draw[incom] (col1) -- ++(-2,1) node[left] {$p$}; \draw[incom] (col1) -- ++(-2,-1) node[left] {$k$}; \draw[outgo] (col2) -- ++(2,1) node[right] {$p$}; \draw[outgo] (col2) -- ++(2,-1) node[right] {$k$}; \draw[incom] (col2) -- ++(-2,1) node[left] {$p^\prime$}; \draw[incom] (col2) -- ++(-2,-1) node[left] {$k^\prime$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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See more on the author page of Janosh Riebesell..