Horizontal Paraboloic Cylinder


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% File name: horizontal-paraboloic-cylinder.tex
% Description: 
% The graph of the surface
% z = 4 - x^{2} 
% for -2 <= x <= 2, and 0 <= y <= 4 is generated. 
% Also, the region -2 <= x <= 2, and 0 <= y <= 4 
% is shown.
% Date of creation: April, 23rd, 2022.
% Date of last modification: April, 23rd, 2022.
% Author: Efraín Soto Apolinar.
% https://www.aprendematematicas.org.mx/author/efrain-soto-apolinar/instructing-courses/
% Terms of use:
% According to TikZ.net
% https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
		%%% Coordinate axis
		\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (2.5,0,0) node [below left] {\footnotesize$x$};
		\draw[dashed] (0,0,0) -- (-2.5,0,0);
		\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (0,4.5,0) node [right] {\footnotesize$y$};
		\draw[dashed] (0,0,0) -- (0,-0.5,0);
		\draw[thick] (0,0,0.0) -- (0,0,4.0);
		% Region of integration
		\draw[gray,thick,fill=yellow,opacity=0.35] (2,0,0) -- (2,4,0) -- (-2,4,0) -- (-2,0,0) -- cycle;
		\draw[blue,thick,opacity=0.5] (2,0,0) -- (2,4,0) -- (-2,4,0) -- (-2,0,0) -- cycle;
		% The curves slicing the surface
		\draw[blue,thick,opacity=0.5] plot[domain=-2:2,smooth,variable=\t] ({\t},{0},{4.0 - \t*\t}); 
		% The surface
		\foreach \y in {0,\step,...,4.0}{
			\draw[cyan,thick,opacity=0.25] plot[domain=-2:2,smooth,variable=\t] ({\t},{\y},{4.0 - \t*\t}); 
		% The curves slicing the surface
		\draw[blue,thick,opacity=0.5] plot[domain=-2:2,smooth,variable=\t] ({\t},{4.0},{4.0 - \t*\t}); 
		\node[blue,above right] at (0,2.5,4.125) {$z = 4 - x^2$};
		% Last part of the z axis
		\draw[thick,->] (0,0,4.0) -- (0,0,4.5) node [above] {\footnotesize$z$};	

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See more on the author page of Efraín Soto Apolinar.

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