Edit and compile if you like:
\documentclass[border=2pt]{standalone} % Drawing \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.18} % Tikz Library \usetikzlibrary{calc} % Middle Line Label \newcommand{\midlabelline}[3]{ \node (midlabel) at ($ (#1)!.5!(#2) $) {\scriptsize#3}; \draw[latex-] (#1) -- (midlabel); \draw[-latex] (midlabel) -- (#2); } % Define Color \definecolor{chromeyellow}{rgb}{1.0, 0.65, 0.0} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % Grid % \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (8,8); % Axis \draw (0,0.4) -- ++(7,0) node [right] {\small$\omega$}; \draw (0.4,0) -- ++(0,6) node [above] {\small$\langle P \rangle$}; % Plot \begin{axis}[ xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty, axis line style={draw=none}, ] % \addplot[chromeyellow, samples=300, very thick] {50/(2+ (1.5*x - 1/(1000*x))^2)}; \end{axis} % Text Labels %% y-Axis \draw (0.35,5.25) -- ++(0.1,0) node [left] {\small${\langle P \rangle}_{max}$}; \draw (0.35,2.475) -- ++(0.1,0) node [left] {\small$\frac{\langle P \rangle_{max}}{2}$}; %% delta omega \midlabelline{2.85,2.475}{4.01,2.475}{$\Delta\omega$} %% x-Axis \draw [dashed] (3.424,0.4) -- ++(0,1.9) node [pos=-0.1] {\small$\omega_o$}; \draw [dashed] (3.424,2.7) -- ++(0,2.338); \draw [dashed] (2.85,0.4) -- ++(0,2.1) node [pos=-0.1] {\small$\omega_-$}; \draw [dashed] (4.01,0.4) -- ++(0,2.1) node [pos=-0.1] {\small$\omega_+$}; % Nodes \node at (5.3,4) {\scriptsize$X_L>X_C$}; \node at (1.55,4) {\scriptsize$X_C>X_L$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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See more on the author page of Alexandros Tsagkaropolulos.