Solenoid Illustration


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% Drawing

% Tikz Library
\usetikzlibrary{angles, quotes}

% Style

% Define Color
\definecolor{amber}{rgb}{1.0, 0.5, 0}
\definecolor{darkmagenta}{rgb}{0.55, 0.0, 0.55}
\definecolor{bleudefrance}{rgb}{0.19, 0.55, 0.91}

% Notation

% Newcommand 
   \node (midlabel) at ($ (#1)!.5!(#2) $) {\huge #3};
   \draw[<-, very thick] (#1) --  (midlabel);
   \draw[->|, very thick] (midlabel) -- (#2);
   \node (midlabel) at ($ (#1)!.5!(#2) $) {\huge #3};
   \draw[|<-, very thick] (#1) --  (midlabel);
   \draw[->|, very thick] (midlabel) -- (#2);

   \node (midlabel) at ($ (#1)!.5!(#2) $) {\huge #3};
   \draw[very thick] (#1) --  (midlabel);
   \draw[very thick] (midlabel) -- (#2);

%%Arrow in the Middle
\tikzset{midarrow/.style = {postaction=decorate, decoration={markings,mark=at position .52 with \arrow{stealth}}}}

% Define Length


	% Grid
%	\draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (13,13);
	% Symbols of Field Direction
	%% Left
	\foreach \i in {0,1,2,...,10}
		\draw[very thick] (4,9-\i*\dy) circle [radius=0.2];
		\filldraw[very thick] (4,9-\i*\dy) circle [radius=0.08];
	%% Right
	\foreach \i in {0,1,2,...,10}
		\draw[very thick] (8,9-\i*\dy) circle [radius=2mm];
		\node at (8,9-\i*\dy) {\huge$\cross$};

	% Semi Circle Dashed
	\draw[dashed, bleudefrance, line width = 2] (8,9) arc (0:180: 2 and 0.4);
	% Axis
	\draw (2.5,6.5) -- (9.5,6.5);
	\draw (6,2.5) -- (6,12) node [above, pos = 1.03] {\huge$z$};
	% Label Distances
	% Semi Circles
	\foreach \i in {0,1,2,...,10}
		\draw[bleudefrance, line width = 2] (4,9-\i*\dy) arc (180:360: 2 and 0.4);
	\foreach \i in {0,1,2,...,5}
		\draw[bleudefrance, line width = 4, ->] (6.05,8.6-2*\i*\dy) -- (6.230,8.6-2*\i*\dy);
	%% Dashed
	\draw[dashed, bleudefrance, line width = 2] (8,9) arc (0:180: 2 and 0.4);

	% Point
	\filldraw (6,11) circle [radius=0.04];	
	\node at (5.7,11) {\huge$P$};
	% Rectangle with Label
	\draw[line width = 2] (3.75,7.425) -- ++(4.5,0) -- ++(0,0.45) node [midway, right] {\Large$\mathrm{d}z'$} -- ++(-4.5,0) -- ++(0,-0.468);
	% Node
	\node at (5.5,3.8) {\huge$I$};

Click to download: solenoid2.tex
Open in Overleaf: solenoid2.tex
This file is available on GitHub.
See more on the author page of Alexandros Tsagkaropolulos.

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