Stereographic Projection in Spherical Coordinates

This is an old image I made for a class on Modern Geometry that I audited. It could be improved by using the \pgflowlevelsynccm command to draw the arrows in the plane they are in, but I think it is beautiful as-is.

The image is of the stereographic projection of two “antipodal points”.

\documentclass[tikz, border=3.15mm]{standalone}

    % #1  - azimuth
    % #2  - elevation
    % #1  - azimuth
    % #2  - elevation
    % #1  - azimuth
    % #2  - elevation

    % #1  - x or y coord
    % #2  - z coord



    %% axes
    % z axis
    \draw[-latex,very thin] (0,0,-1.5) -- (0,0,1.5);
    % blank out part on top
    \fill[tdplot_screen_coords,white] (0,0) circle(1);
    \draw[densely dashed,very thin] (0,0,-1.5) -- (0,0,1.5);
    % initial xy lines
    \draw[very thin,-latex] 
      (-2.5,0,0) -- (2.5,0,0) 
      {$\scriptstyle x,\xi,\mbox{\scriptsize Re}(z)$};
    \draw[-latex,very thin] 
      (0,-1.5,0) -- (0,1.5,0) 
      {$\scriptstyle y,\eta,\mbox{\scriptsize Im}(z)$};
    % blank out part on top
      arc [
        start angle=\azimuth
        ,end angle={\azimuth+180}
      ] -- cycle;
      arc [
        start angle=0
        ,end angle=180
      ] -- cycle;
    % final lines
    \draw[very thin,densely dashed] (-2.5,0,0) -- (2.5,0,0);
    \draw[very thin,densely dashed] (0,-1.5,0) -- (0,1.5,0);
    \draw[densely dashed,very thin] (0,0,-1.5) -- (0,0,1.5);
    \draw[very thin] (0,0,1) -- (0,0,1.5);

    %% Riemann sphere
    % screen circle
    \draw[tdplot_screen_coords,very thin] (0,0) circle(1);
    % xy-plane circle
    \draw[tdplot_rotated_coords,densely dashed,very thin] 
      arc [
        start angle=\azimuth
        ,end angle={\azimuth+180}
    \draw[tdplot_rotated_coords,very thin] 
      arc [
        start angle=\azimuth
        ,end angle={\azimuth-180}

    % coordinates
    \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
    \coordinate (P) at (
    \coordinate (Pn) at (
    \coordinate (N) at (0,0,1);
    \coordinate (S) at (0,0,-1);
    \coordinate (Q) at (
    \coordinate (z) at (
    \coordinate (W) at (

    % geometric constructions
    \draw[very thin] (O) -- (P) -- (Pn);
    \draw[very thin] (N) -- (z) -- (O);
    \draw[very thin] (O) -- (Q);
    \draw[dashed,very thin] (N) -- (Q);
    \draw[very thin] (O) -- (W);
    \draw[-latex,very thin] 
      arc [
        start angle=0
        ,end angle=\pointTheta
      ] node[pos=0.5,below] {$\scriptstyle \theta$};
    \draw[-latex,very thin] 
      arc [
        start angle=0
        ,end angle=\pointTheta+180
      ] node[pos=0.95,above]{$\scriptstyle \theta_w$};
      ,very thin,-latex
    ] plot 
      node[pos=0,above right=5pt,scale=1/3]{$\scriptstyle \phi$};
    \draw pic[draw,-,angle eccentricity=1.4, angle radius=0.2cm]
      {right angle=O--Pn--P};

    %%% POINTS %%%
    \path[tdplot_screen_coords,spath/save=point] (0,0,0) circle(0.025);
    \fill[][spath/use={point, transform={shift={(W)}}}] 
      node[above left]{$\scriptstyle W$};
    \fill[][spath/use={point, transform={shift={(N)}}}] 
      node[above left]{$\scriptstyle N$};
    \fill[][spath/use={point, transform={shift={(P)}}}] 
      node[above right]{$\scriptstyle P$};
    \fill[][spath/use={point, transform={shift={(z)}}}] 
      node[right]{$\scriptstyle z$};
    \fill[][spath/use={point, transform={shift={(Q)}}}] 
      node[above left]{$\scriptstyle Q$};
    \fill[][spath/use={point, transform={shift={(O)}}}] 
      node[below left=5pt]{$\scriptstyle O$};
    \fill[][spath/use={point, transform={shift={(S)}}}] 
      node[right]{$\scriptstyle S$};

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